College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
Sociology is the study of the groups people build, the makeup of human groups, and changes in their makeup over time. This study of human groups assists students to learn who we are, to get closer to the truth about the social world, and to become aware of ways to achieve desired social ends.
Sociology, like other social science disciplines, does not educate students in specialized skills. Sociology and other liberal arts majors stress the ability to observe, organize, and write clearly, as well as the development of skills in the analysis of data and in collaborating with others.
Organizations that most commonly employ sociologists are advertising agencies, banks, businesses, childcare agencies, community organizations, correctional institutions, governmental agencies, hospitals and health care organizations, personnel departments, and social services.
Special Features
- Special program features include internships in state and local agencies and in the private sector. The Department has also developed a special internship program with the Sacramento State Career Counseling and Placement Center for those students who are interested in an internship in business.
- The Department offers special topics courses that provide a way for faculty, many of whom have international backgrounds, to introduce material not covered in the regular classes.
- Majors learn statistical analysis of social data, computer processing of data and the SPSS computer program. Students are encouraged to learn several computer languages and the use of census data for social and regional planning. Student research projects may be selected for presentation in programs throughout the state.
- Thematic areas of studies include crime and deviance, diversity and inequality, socialization and interaction, globalization, and social change.
The sociology major and minor have few specific requirements, allowing the student flexibility in selecting courses in the various subject areas covered in the program. The areas covered are 1) social theory and methods of inquiry; 2) social institutions, such as the family, education, politics, work, and religion; 3) thematic areas of: crime and deviance, diversity and inequality, socialization and interaction, globalization, and social change.
In collaboration with the College of Continuing Education, a Certificate of Academic Achievement in Bullying Perspectives and Prevention Strategies is offered.
Requirements - Bachelor of Arts Degree
Units required for Major: 43, includes 22 units of required upper division courses and 15 units of upper division electives
(see below)
Minimum total units required for the BA: 120
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Lower Division Courses (6 units)
(3) |
Principles of Sociology |
(3) Select one of the following:
Social Problems |
Sense and Nonsense in Social Issues and Research |
Issues in Crime and Social Control |
B. Area Division (20 units)
(4) |
Introduction to Statistics for Sociologists |
(4) |
Research Design and Analysis (SOC 101) |
(3) |
Social Inequalities (SOC 1 or equivalent) |
(3) |
Social Psychology |
(3) |
Sociological Theory (SOC 1) |
(3) Select one of the following Advanced Study:
Immigration Studies |
Political Sociology (SOC 1 or equivalent) |
Sport in a Global Perspective |
Environmental Sociology |
Sociology of Education (SOC 1 or equivalent) |
The Family |
Sociology of Religion |
C. Additional Upper Division Requirements (17 Units)
Select seventeen (17) units of any upper division Sociology courses.
Crime and Deviance
(3) |
Criminology |
(3) |
Delinquency |
(3) |
Issues in Courts and Prisons |
(3) |
Sociology of Deviance |
Diversity and Inequality
(3) |
Chicano Community |
(3) |
Ethnic and Race Relations |
(3) |
Black Studies in Sociology |
(3) |
Social Justice in Interdisciplinary Perspective (Sophomore standing or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Sociology of Gender |
(3) |
Men, Masculinity and Society |
(3) |
Asian Societies |
(3) | SOC 162 | Middle Eastern Societies and Culture |
Socialization and Interaction
(3) |
Sociology of Sexuality (SOC 1 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Sociology of Film |
(3) |
Sociology of Popular Culture |
(3) |
Sociology of Aging |
(3) |
Self and Society (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
(3) |
Sociology of Children and Adolescents |
(3) |
Sociology of Small Groups (SOC 1 or equivalent) |
Globalization and Social Change
(3) |
Births, Deaths and Borders | |
(3) |
Urban Life and Problems | |
(3) |
Social Movements (SOC 1 or instructor permission) | |
(3) |
Sociology of Health and Illness (SOC 1 or instructor permission) | |
(3) |
Conflict, Oil and Development in the Middle East |
(3) |
Sociology of Globalization | |
(3) |
Changing American Family | |
(3) |
Work and Occupations | |
(3) |
Labor and the American Social Structure (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
(3) |
Special Topics in Sociology (SOC 1 or instructor permission) |
(1-3) |
Internship and Fieldwork (Instructor permission) |
(3) |
A 196 Series Course |
Experimental Offerings in Sociology (Sociology major or instructor permission) |
(1-3) |
Individual Study Projects |
Note: SOC
195 or SOC
199 can be taken for 1-3 units of credit. A maximum of 3 units in SOC
195 or SOC
199 may be counted toward the major. Students may take up to 3 units of upper division courses outside the department in consultation with their undergraduate advisor.
Requirements - Minor
required for Minor: 21
(3) |
Principles of Sociology |
(3) Select one of the following:
Social Problems |
Sense and Nonsense in Social Issues and Research |
Issues in Crime and Social Control |
(15) |
Select 15 units of upper division elective courses. |
The Master of Arts Program in Sociology is designed to provide a broad academic foundation for a variety of professional opportunities and community needs such as survey research, evaluation research, social problems analysis, career interest in community organizations, and teaching.
The program offers small seminars and allows for close student-faculty contact. The program encourages students to seek internships, fieldwork, and participate in observation experience among the many government, voluntary, and private agencies in the Sacramento area. Students concentrate on theory and research methods as well as areas of specialization. Following coursework, students write a thesis based on original research.
Some graduates of the program enter Ph.D. programs at a variety of universities throughout the United States and others are employed in many state, local, and city government agencies and private businesses doing evaluation research, systems analysis, social problems analysis, and social impact assessment.
Admission Requirements
Admission as a classified graduate student in Sociology requires:
- a baccalaureate degree;
- a minimum 3.0 GPA in the last 60 units attempted;
- satisfactory completion of a minimum of 18 units of undergraduate work in Sociology, including one course each in theory, statistics, and methodology, with a minimum 3.0 GPA;
- two letters of recommendation from faculty members in Sociology who know the applicant well enough to assess his/her potential for graduate study.
Students who have deficiencies in admission requirements that can be removed by specified additional preparation may be admitted with conditionally classified graduate status. Any such deficiencies will be noted on a written response to the admission application.
Admission Procedures
Applications are accepted as long as room for new students exists. All prospective graduate students, including Sacramento State graduates, must file the following with the Office of Graduate Studies, River Front Center 206, (916) 278-6470:
- an online application for admission;
- two sets of official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, other than Sacramento State; and
- two letters of recommendation from Sociology faculty members to the Graduate Coordinator in the Sociology Department.
For more admissions information and application deadlines please visit http://www.csus.edu/gradstudies/.
Advancement to Candidacy
Each student must file an application for Advancement to Candidacy, indicating a proposed program of graduate study. This procedure should begin as soon as the classified graduate student has:
- removed any deficiencies in admission requirements;
- completed at least 15 units in the graduate program with a minimum 3.0 GPA;
- completed a draft of the thesis prospectus; and
- taken the Writing Placement for Graduate Students (WPG) or taken a Graduate Writing Intensive (GWI) course in their discipline within the first two semesters of coursework at California State University, Sacramento or secured approval for a WPG waiver.
Advancement to candidacy forms are available in the Department Office. The student fills out the form after planning a degree program in consultation with a Sociology Graduate Advisor. The completed form should be returned to the Office of Graduate Studies for approval.
Requirements - Master of Arts Degree
required for the MA: 30
Minimum required GPA: 3.0
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Core Courses (15 units)
(1) |
Orientation to Graduate Studies in Sociology (Classified graduate status) |
(2) |
Thesis Prospectus/Project Preparation Seminar (Six hours of graduate study; SOC 214, or concurrent enrollment, recommended) |
(3) |
Research Methods |
(3) |
Data Analysis (SOC 101 or equivalent, or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Social Psychology (Open to classified graduate students in Sociology) |
(3) |
Seminar: Sociological Theory (Classified graduate status) |
B. Electives (9 units)
(9) Select 9 units from the following:
Urban Sociology (Classified graduate status) |
Seminar: Social Change (Classified graduate status) |
Social Stratification (Classified graduate status) |
Sociology of Gender |
Seminar: Social Organization (Classified graduate status or instructor permission) |
Environmental Sociology |
Social Research in Crime and Deviance |
Contemporary Issues of the Middle East and North Africa |
Race and Ethnic Relations |
Sociology of the Family (Classified graduate status or instructor permission) |
Internship and Fieldwork (Instructor permission) |
Special Problems |
*No more than 3 units of SOC 295 and SOC 299 may be counted toward the degree.
C. Culminating Experience (6 units)
(6) SOC 500 Thesis or Project (Advancement to candidacy, successful thesis prospectus hearing, and a minimum 3.0 GPA)
Note: A foreign language is not required for the degree. However, students who plan further graduate study are encouraged to study French, German, or Spanish since proficiency in one of these is sometimes required in doctoral programs.
Note: Students are required to have completed 12 units before advancing to candidacy.
Career Possibilities
Public Health Statistician · Industrial Sociologist · Demographer · Recreational Specialist · Social Worker · Urban Planner · Correctional Counselor · Youth Counselor · Criminologist · Social Ecologist · Public Relations Consultant · Interviewer/Researcher · Statistician · Population Analyst · Public Opinion Analyst · Migration Specialist · Parole/Probation Officer · Employment Counselor · Teacher · Writer/Journalist · Management Analyst · Budget Analyst · Government Research Analyst
Ayad Al-Qazzaz, Manuel Barajas, Ellen Berg, Jackie Carrigan, , Aya K. Ida, Amy Liu, Randall MacIntosh, Todd Migliaccio, Patricia Morris, Charles Varano, Kevin Wehr, Bohsiu Wu
Contact Information
Bohsiu Wu, Department Chair
Vacant, Administrative Support Coordinator
Amador Hall 450
(916) 278-6522; FAX (916) 278-6281