College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
In today's highly technological society, the study of Mathematics takes on an increasingly important role. The Sacramento State Mathematics Department designs its courses with the goal of providing students with the mathematical concepts appropriate to the student's field.
The program consists of sequences of courses that lead to a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Mathematics, with emphasis in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, or a Teacher Preparation Program. A minor in Mathematics or Statistics and a Master of Arts in Mathematics is also offered.
Special Features
- The study of mathematics at Sacramento State has several strong advantages. The flexibility of the major gives students enough freedom to mold their degree along their particular interest.
- An excellent computer facility gives mathematics students easy access to the campus computer resources.
- Currently there is a demand for majors in mathematics with training in applied mathematics and statistics. Program graduates have had much success in finding employment in public and private sectors.
- Since there is presently a need for high school mathematics teachers, some majors pursue a secondary teaching career. Graduate students in mathematics are finding opportunities for public and private employment in jobs requiring more advanced training in mathematics and statistics. Sacramento State Master's Degree graduates now teach at community colleges throughout the state. Upper division majors may check with the mathematics administrative support coordinator on the possibility of applying for paid positions as student assistants.
- Student assistants work from 10-20 hours per week in math-related duties on campus.
Note: Students interested in a major or minor in mathematics should contact the Department secretary for an advising appointment with a mathematics advisor.
Prerequisites must be completed with grade ''C-'' or better. Grade ''C-'' or better required in all courses applied to Mathematics major or to the Mathematics or Statistics minors. PHYS 11A and PHYS 11C is recommended for all Mathematics majors.
Requirements - Placement - Mathematics Courses
Students who have not completed four years of high school mathematics consisting of
- a. Beginning Algebra (one year)
- b. Geometry (one year)
- c. Intermediate Algebra-Trigonometry (one year)
- d. Analytic Geometry-Mathematical Analysis (one year)
may need to complete part of this preparation at the University. The following diagram, which is based upon course prerequisites and major objectives, may be of assistance in selecting the necessary coursework.
Satisfactory completion of the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) requirement is a prerequisite to enrollment in any mathematics or statistics course in Area B-4 (Quantitative Reasoning) of General Education. The mathematics and statistics courses listed in Area B-4 are: MATH 1, MATH 17, MATH 24, MATH 26A, MATH 26B, MATH 29, MATH 30, MATH 31, MATH 35, STAT 1, and STAT 50.
Students Planning to take any of the following courses: MATH 9, MATH 11, MATH 17, MATH 24, MATH 26A, MATH 29, MATH 30, MATH 107A, or STAT 1 must pass a diagnostic test. A brochure describing the diagnostic tests and containing sample questions is available in the campus bookstore. The following table gives the course and appropriate diagnostic test.
Those students who want to prepare for the ELM may purchase the Entry Level Mathematics workbook at the Hornet Bookstore (see Placement Tests section of this catalog).
All students planning to take MATH 30, Calculus I, must take the Calculus Readiness test prior to the semester of enrollment in MATH 30.
Requirements - Bachelor of Arts Degree
Units required for Major: 48-51
Minimum total units required for the BA: 120
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
Prerequisites must be completed with grade ''C-'' or better.
A. Lower Division Core Courses (21 units)
(4) |
Calculus I (MATH 29 or four years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one year of mathematical analysis; completion of ELM requirement and Pre-Calculus Diagnostic Test) |
(4) |
Calculus II (MATH 30 or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
(4) |
Calculus III (MATH 31) |
(3) |
Introduction to Linear Algebra (MATH 30 or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
(3) |
Differential Equations for Science and Engineering (MATH 31) |
(3) Select one of the following: |
Introduction to Programming Logic (MATH 11 or equivalent) |
Programming Concepts and Methodology I (CSC 10 or programming experience in a high-level programming language) |
Visual Programming in BASIC (Intermediate Algebra) |
Introduction to C Programming |
B. Upper Division Core Courses (15 units)
(3) |
(3) |
Modern Algebra (MATH 108) |
(3) |
Modern Algebra (MATH 110A) |
(3) |
(3) |
Functions of a Real Variable (MATH 130A) |
C. Additional Requirements for Specialized Study (12-15 units)
Select one from the following three choices below:
Pure Mathematics (12 units)
(3) |
Linear Algebra (MATH 110A) |
(3) |
Functions of a Complex Variable and Applications (MATH 32) |
(6) Select 6 units of upper division Mathematics or Statistics relating to the students academic and professional objectives; consult advisor. |
Applied Mathematics and Statistics (12 units)
(3) |
Introduction to Probability Theory ( STAT 50 or instructor consent) |
(3) |
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (STAT 115A) |
(6) Select two of the following: |
Vector Analysis (MATH 32) |
Advanced Mathematics for Science and Engineering I (MATH 32, MATH 45) |
Advanced Mathematics for Science and Engineering II (MATH 105A) |
Linear Algebra (MATH 110A) |
Functions of a Complex Variable and Applications (MATH 32) |
Introduction to Numerical Analysis (MATH 31) |
Introduction to Techniques of Operations Research (MATH 31; STAT 50, STAT 103, or STAT 115A; MATH 31 may be taken concurrently) |
Teacher Preparation Program (15 units)
(3) |
Number Theory (MATH 31) |
(3) |
(3) |
History of Mathematics (MATH 31 and upper division status in mathematics) |
(3) |
Capstone Course for the Teaching Credential Candidate (Successful completion of at least five of the following: MATH 102, MATH 110A, MATH 110B, MATH 121, MATH 130A, MATH 130B, or MATH 190; MATH 110A or MATH 130A may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
Introduction to Statistics (MATH 9 or three years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra and one year of geometry; completion of ELM requirement and the Intermediate Algebra Diagnostic Test) |
- Prerequisites must be completed with grade ''C-'' or better.
- Grade ''C-'' or better required in all courses applied to a Mathematics major, or the Mathematics or Statistics minors.
- PHYS 11A and PHYS 11C recommended for all Mathematics majors.
Requirements - Subject Matter Program (Pre-Credential Preparation)
Students interested in a Secondary Teaching Credential should select Teacher Preparation Program in Section C in the BA requirements outlined above.
Teaching credential candidates must also complete the Professional Education Program in addition to other requirements for a teaching credential. Consult the Department credential advisor for details. You may also obtain information about the Professional Education Program from the Teacher Preparation and Credentials Office, Eureka Hall 216, (916) 278-6403.
Note: Due to continuing policy changes, it is important to consult a credential advisor for current details.
Requirements - Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements - Integrated Mathematics Major/ Single Subject Credential Program
Students in the Integrated Mathematics Major/Single Subject Credential Program (also called the Blended Program in Mathematics) begin their pedagogical studies while they are completing the mathematics courses required for the Bachelor's degree in Mathematics. The mathematics requirements include all of the courses required for the subject matter program in mathematics (see above), and MATH 198. Students who are interested in being admitted to the Blended Program in Mathematics must plan ahead, and must see their advisor as soon as possible.
Admission requirements for the Blended Program include junior class standing with a minimum overall GPA of 2.67, a grade of "C-" or better in MATH 108, passing the Writing Placement for Juniors Exam (WPJ), spending and documenting at least 45 hours observing classes, tutoring, or teaching in a variety of settings in grades 7-12, taking all three sections of the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST), and submitting an application packet to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. A completed application packet includes:
- an application form;
- an essay outlining reasons for entering a career in teaching;
- two letters of recommendation;
- two sets of transcripts from each college or university attended, other than Sacramento State; and
- one complete Sacramento State transcript.
The application packet may be submitted during the semester in which the requirements for admission are being completed, so the application may be submitted during the semester in which enrollment in MATH 108 occurs.
There are three courses which are prerequisites or corequisites to the Blended Program and students are encouraged to take these courses prior to formal admission:
(3) |
Bilingual Education: Introduction to Educating English Learners |
(3) |
Educating Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings & Lab (EDUC 100A and EDUC 100B must be taken concurrently) |
(2) |
School Health Education (CPR training may be taken concurrently) |
In addition, students in the Blended Program take all the courses required for the Subject Matter Program in Mathematics (see above), as well as MATH 198 and the following education classes:
(3) |
Anthropology of Education (Acceptance into the Single Subject Teaching Credential Program; Enrollment in semester one) |
(1) |
Assessment Center Laboratory I (Corequisite: Enrollment in semester one of the Single Subject Credential Program) |
(2) |
Assessment Center Laboratory II (Admission to the Single Subject Credential Program; Enrollment in semester two) |
(3) |
Instruction and Assessment of Academic Literacy (Admission to Single Subject Credential Program) |
(3) |
Secondary School Mathematics |
(6) |
Student Teaching I: Secondary Schools (Acceptance into the Single Subject Teaching Credential Program; Corequisite: EDTE 371A or EDTE 371D) |
(12) |
Student Teaching II: Secondary Schools (EDTE 470A, Corequisite: EDTE 371B or EDTE 371E) |
(2) |
Psychology of Mathematics Instruction (Admission to the Mathematics Blended Program) |
(2) |
Schools and Community A (Corequisite: EDTE 470A) | |
(2) |
Schools and Community B (Corequisite: EDTE 470B) |
Requirements - Minor - Mathematics
Units required for the Minor: 20-21, all of which must be taken in Mathematics or Statistics. A minimum of 8 upper division units is required. At least 6 upper division units must be taken at Sacramento State.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
Prerequisites must be completed with grade ''C-'' or better.
Select one of the two following options.
Option I (20-21 units)
(4) |
Calculus I (MATH 29 or four years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one year of mathematical analysis; completion of ELM requirement and Pre-Calculus Diagnostic Test) |
(4) |
Calculus II (MATH 30 or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
(3-4) Select one of the following:
Calculus III (MATH 31) |
Introduction to Linear Algebra (MATH 30 or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
Introduction to Probability and Statistics (MATH 26A, MATH 30, or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
(9) Select 9 units of upper division Mathematics and/or Statistics courses selected with approval of a Mathematics advisor. |
Option II (20 units)
(4) |
Calculus I (MATH 29 or four years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one year of mathematical analysis; completion of ELM requirement and Pre-Calculus Diagnostic Test) |
(4) |
Calculus II (MATH 30 or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
(4) |
Calculus III (MATH 31) |
(4) |
Advanced Mathematics for Science and Engineering I (MATH 32, MATH 45) |
(4) |
Advanced Mathematics for Science and Engineering II (MATH 105A) |
Requirements - Minor - Statistics
Units required for the Minor: 21, all of which must be taken in Mathematics or Statistics. A minimum of 6 upper division units is required. At least 6 upper division units must be taken at Sacramento State.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
Prerequisites must be completed with grade ''C-'' or better.
Specific requirements are:(4) |
Calculus I (MATH 29 or four years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one year of mathematical analysis; completion of ELM requirement and Pre-Calculus Diagnostic Test) |
(4) |
Calculus II (MATH 30 or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
(4) |
Calculus III (MATH 31) OR |
Introduction to Probability and Statistics (MATH 26A, MATH 30, or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
(3) |
Intermediate Statistics (STAT 50 or instructor consent) |
(3) |
Introduction to Probability Theory ( STAT 50 or instructor consent) |
(3) |
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (STAT 115A) |
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a Master of Arts degree in Mathematics. The MA program is designed to provide qualified students with an opportunity to increase the breadth and depth of their mathematical knowledge and understanding. Beyond assuring that successful candidates are proficient in the basic areas of mathematics, the program is sufficiently flexible to permit graduates to pursue individual professional and mathematical interests ranging from teaching at the secondary or community college level to a career in the private sector, to preparation for graduate study beyond the master's degree. Graduate courses are usually offered in the late afternoon to accommodate students who work full-time.
Admission Requirements
Admission as a classified graduate student in Mathematics requires:
- an undergraduate major in Mathematics which includes one year each of Modern Algebra and Advanced Calculus or an undergraduate major in a related field together with one year each of Modern Algebra and Advanced Calculus;
- a minimum 2.5 GPA; and
- a minimum 2.5 GPA in the last 60 units attempted and a 3.0 GPA in Mathematics coursework.
Students who have deficiencies in admission requirements that can be removed by specified additional preparation may be admitted with conditionally classified graduate status. Any such deficiencies will be noted on a written response to the admission application. No credit will be given towards the MA for MATH 110A, MATH 110B, MATH 130A, or MATH 130B.
Admission Procedures
Applications are accepted as long as room for new students exists. However, students are strongly urged to apply by the posted university application deadline for the fall or spring terms, in order to allow time for admission before registration. All prospective graduate students, including Sacramento State graduates, must file the following with the Office of Graduate Studies, River Front Center 206, (916) 278-6470:
- an online application for admission; and
- two sets of official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, other than Sacramento State.
For more admissions information and application deadlines please visit http://www.csus.edu/gradstudies/.
Admission decisions are made approximately six to eight weeks after the application deadline date. Applicants will be notified of an admission decision via e-mail.
Advancement to Candidacy
Each student must file an application for Advancement to Candidacy, indicating a proposed program of graduate study. This procedure should begin as soon as the classified graduate student has:
- removed any deficiencies in admission requirements;
- completed at least 18 units in the graduate program with a minimum 3.0 GPA, including at least 12 units at the 200 level; and
- taken the Writing Placement for Graduate Students (WPG) or taken a Graduate Writing Intensive (GWI) course in their discipline within the first two semesters of coursework at California State University, Sacramento or secured approval for a WPG waiver.
Advancement to Candidacy forms are available in the Office of Graduate Studies. The student fills out the form after planning a degree program in consultation with a Mathematics advisor. The completed form is then returned to the Office of Graduate Studies for approval.
Requirements - Master of Arts Degree
Units required for the MA: 30, including at least 24 units of approved 200-level
Minimum required GPA: 3.0.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Courses (30 units)
(3) |
Algebraic Structures (MATH 110B) |
(3) |
Algebraic Structures (MATH 210A) |
(3) |
Real Analysis (MATH 130B) |
(3) |
Real Analysis (MATH 230A) |
(12) Select four from the following:
Topology (MATH 130B) |
Topics in Topology (MATH 220A) |
Complex Analysis (MATH 130B; MATH 105B or MATH 134 recommended) |
Topics in Complex Analysis (MATH 234A) |
Methods of Applied Mathematics (MATH 134 recommended) |
Topics in Applied Mathematics (MATH 241A) |
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (STAT 115A, STAT 115B; MATH 134 is recommended) |
Topics in Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (STAT 215A) |
(3) Select one of the following with advisor approval:
(1-6) |
Special Problems |
Electives in mathematics and related disciplines |
*Courses must be completed with grade ''B-'' or better.
B. Culminating Requirement (3 units)
Written Comprehensive Examination
Note: A foreign language is not required for the MA degree. However, students who plan further graduate study are encouraged to take coursework in French, German, or Russian since proficiency in two of these languages is usually required in doctoral programs.
Career Possibilities
Mathematics Teacher · Mathematician Encryption Analyst · Quantitative Analyst · Engineering Analyst · Systems Analyst · Operations Analyst · Actuary · Risk Analyst · Image Scientist Technical Writer · Statisticians involved in: Surveying/Polling, Biology/Agriculture, Business/Economics, Physical Sciences/Engineering
Edward Bradley, Coskun Cetin, Rafael Diaz-Escamilla, Andras Domokos, Elizabeth Ebrahimzadeh, Kimberly Elce, Scott Farrand, Tracy Hamilton, John Ingram, Elaine Kasimatis, Bin Lu, Timothy Morris, Michelle Norris, Vincent Pigno, Janusz Prajs, Thomas Schulte, Corey Shanbrom, Gary Shannon, Ed Shea, Lisa Taylor, Craig Timmons, Michael VanValkenburgh, David Zeigler, Kathy Zhong, Kecheng Zhou
Contact Information
David Zeigler, Department Chair
Dawn Giovannoni, Administrative Support Coordinator
Brighton Hall 141
(916) 278-6534