RUSSIAN - Minor suspended through 2014
College of Arts and Letters
A knowledge of Russian has grown in importance in the years following the breakup of the Soviet Union, and the Russian language program prepares students to be first-hand observers as the new Russia moves into the 21st century.
You cannot understand Russia with your mind-
You can only believe in it.
--Fyodor Tyutchev
The Russian language program has two phases. Phase I, RUSS 1A through RUSS 2B, is designed to provide an intermediate, practical command of spoken and written Russian and to introduce the most obvious differences between the Russian and U.S. culture. Upon completion of RUSS 2B, students are able to converse at an elementary to intermediate level and to read Russian language newspapers, magazines, and simple short stories with the aid of a dictionary.
Phase II of the Russian language program, at least six upper division units, is designed to provide advanced speaking, writing, reading, translating, and grammar practice for Russian minors.
Special Feature
- The Sacramento State Office of International Programs administers a one-to-one student exchange with Moscow Linguistics University (MLU). Sacramento State students may apply for a semester or year program at MLU. Credits earned at MLU may be applied either to the Sacramento State Russian minor or, in certain instances, to special majors. Students must successfully complete at least one year of college level Russian language study before applying for the exchange.
Requirements - Minor
Units required for the Minor: 12, of which at least 6 must be upper division units in Russian. Courses must be approved by a Foreign Language advisor. Transfer students must complete at least one three-unit upper division Russian course at Sacramento State.
Note: Students who intend to take the National Security Agency Russian Language Test as part of their application for employment upon completion of their baccalaureate degree are advised to successfully complete a minimum of 24 semester units of Russian language study. Literature-in-translation courses do not count as part of the minimum, nor do they count as upper division coursework credited toward the minor.
Contact the Department Office for further information
Contact Information
Curtis Smith, Department Chair
Erika Mendoza, Department Coordinator
Mariposa Hall 2051
(916) 278-6333