For more information regarding services and program options, please visit the CBA Web site at:
The College of Business Administration (CBA) offers a broad professional education in Business. The Bachelor of Science program offers students a choice of 12 concentrations by which they may focus their goals. Additionally, the CBA's Business Honors program provides an alternative path to its most capable students to prepare them for management opportunities. All students must choose a concentration to complete their requirements for the baccalaureate degree. Students who are uncertain about which concentration to choose are encouraged to select the General Management concentration, as it is the most comprehensive. The structure of the General Management concentration also provides an overlap with the other concentrations, thus making changes in focus possible. Students who wish a more customized program may elect to complete the requirements for additional concentrations as well. For example, students may elect dual concentrations such as General Management and Management of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior, or Accountancy Information Systems and Management Information Systems. For more information about program options, please visit our website at mybiz.csus.biz.
The College also offers Minors in Business Administration, Knowledge Management Technology, Management of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Real Estate and Land Use Affairs, and Risk Management and Insurance. A Minor in Business Administration is valuable to the student majoring in another area who wishes to supplement his/her knowledge with a business background.
Note: The use of the words “business administration” throughout this section refers to courses designated as Accountancy (ACCY), Decision Sciences (DS), Entrepreneurship (ENTR), Finance (FIN), General Management (GM), Human Resources/Organizational Behavior (HROB), International Business (IBUS), Management (MGMT), Management Information Science (MIS), Marketing (MKTG).
- BS: Accountancy / Entrepreneurship / Finance / General Management / Management of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior / International Business / Management Information Systems / Marketing
The College offers several general and specialized business graduate degree programs. They include: Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Business Administration for Executives (EMBA), International Master of Business Administration (IMBA), Master of Science in Accountancy (MS/ACCY), Master of Science in Business Administration with option in Management Information Systems (MSBA/MIS - currently suspended), and Master of Science in Business Administration with option in Taxation (MSBA/TAX - currently suspended). The College also offers a Master of Science in Urban Land Development (MS/ULD) with the Department of Public Policy and Administration, and a Concurrent Master’s and Juris Doctoral with the McGeorge Law School, University of the Pacific.
Special Features
- The College of Business Administration is fully accredited by the AACSB International — The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
- Operating a class schedule from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., the College is designed to facilitate the full and part-time student. Presently, the student populations of undergraduate and graduate business majors are 4,500 and 400 respectively.
- To help guide undergraduate students throughout their business programs, academic counselors are available in the Undergraduate Business Advising Center, located in Tahoe Hall 1030, (916) 278-BIZZ (2499). Graduate academic counselors are available in the Graduate Business Advising Center (GBAC), Tahoe Hall 1037 (916) 278-6772. The three offices serve in all aspects of program advising, and graduation evaluation approval for business students. In addition, the three offices conduct clearinghouse activities relating to most types of petitions.
- The College of Business Administration has an active Business Student Services program that provides an internship program in the community, scholarships and outstanding student awards, BizList (electronic communication), tutoring center, and student ambassador program. The Office of Student Affairs is located in Tahoe Hall 1037, (916) 278-5875.
Academic Policies and Procedures
The following is a summary of the Policies and Procedures that are unique to the CBA. Students who wish to request deviation from these articulated policies and procedures must petition the CBA Academic Standards Committee. Undergraduate students should submit their petitions to the Undergraduate Business Advising Center (UBAC), Tahoe Hall 1030. For graduate students enrolled in the EMBA program please contact the Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate and External Programs, Tahoe Hall 2065. All other CBA graduate students should contact the GBAC, Tahoe Hall 1037. The Committee will not hear requests from students that disregard catalog policy. To see the full statement go to web address: www.cba.csus.edu/.
Add/Drop Policies
Students are subject to being administratively dropped from business courses if they fail to meet academic standards for which they have not met the prerequisite requirements as prescribed by the CBA or by Sacramento State.
Rules for adding and/or dropping a course during the first few weeks of a semester differ substantially from the policies in effect after that period of time. Different procedures may apply for undergraduate and graduate students.
Adding Courses: Students normally enroll in courses during the registration period. After the registration period, students may be permitted to add courses only with the approval of the instructor and the Associate Dean for the Undergraduate Program or the Associate Dean for Graduate and External Programs.
Dropping Courses: The requirement for dropping selected courses becomes more difficult as the semester progresses. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain progress in each course in which the student is enrolled. Students who fail to continue in the course without an approved drop will receive a grade of “WU” or “F” for the course. See the Undergraduate Business Advising Center, the Graduate Business Advising Center, or for students enrolled in the EMBA program, please contact the Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate and External Programs for additional information.
Course Repeat Policy
Undergraduate courses used for the CBA’s major requirements may be repeated twice (for a total of three attempts). If the subject course is required and the student has not earned a grade of “A”, “A-”, “B+”, “B”, “B-”, “C+”, “C”, or “C-” in three attempts, the student will be disqualified from the CBA. If the course represents a computer literacy requirement, and the student has not earned a grade of “A”, “A-”, “B+”, “B”, “B-”, “C+”, “C”, “C-”, or “CR” in three attempts, the student will not be allowed to enroll in the course a fourth time. However, the student may be given the opportunity to demonstrate computer literacy by passing the appropriate examination.
Graduate students may repeat only two graduate courses — one at the Foundation level and one at the MBA/MS level.
Reinstatement Policy
Undergraduate Business Administration majors who have been disqualified from the University will not be allowed to enroll in 100-level business courses until they have been reinstated into the business major. In order for students to qualify to petition for reinstatement into the business administration major, they must be in good standing according to University standards. Undergraduate business students seeking reinstatement to the CBA must reapply to major. Graduate students must complete a Reinstatement Petition (obtained in the Graduate Business Advising Center for for all CBA graduate programs). See the College of Business Administration Web site for information regarding the University Reinstatement Petition or for the CBA Reinstatement Petition. Graduate students must file the petition with the Graduate Business Advising Center, attaching an explanation with relevant documentation supporting their request for reinstatement. The CBA Academic Standards Committee will review the petition.
Note: The only basis for reinstatement is the expectation (supported by evidence provided by the student) that the student is now likely to progress towards the satisfactory completion of the CBA’s degree requirements in a timely manner.
Minimum Grade Requirements
The purpose of this requirement is to assure that all business administration students attain the minimum level of competency in all their coursework required for the business administration degree.
The minimum acceptable grade for any undergraduate course required for the business administration degree is “C-” with the exception of MATH 24 which requires a minimum acceptable grade of "C" or better.
A minimum grade point average of 2.0 (“C”) is required in the Pre-Major courses, Major Core courses, and the Concentration courses presented for the degree.
The minimum acceptable grade for any graduate business course is “C.” No more than two (2) courses with a grade of “C” will be counted for satisfaction of graduate program requirements.
A grade point average of at least 3.0 (“B”) is required in all Graduate Foundation courses taken at Sacramento State and program requirement courses presented for the degree.
Incomplete Grades
Under certain conditions, students may request a grade of “Incomplete.” Students must be passing the course at the time an “Incomplete” is requested. The issuance of an “Incomplete” is appropriate only when required by University policy or in situations such as:
• the student misses a final exam for reasons that are fully justifiable in the eyes of the instructor; or• the student was granted an extension of time to complete a class assignment.
Except in those cases specifically approved by University policy, the course instructor has sole discretion over what constitutes a fully justifiable reason for an “Incomplete.”
Contract to Finish an Incomplete Grade
A petition for Incomplete Grade must be submitted with both the student's and course instructor's signature to the Office of the Associate Dean for the Undergraduate Program for undergraduate students, and to the Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate and External Programs for graduate students. These offices route the copies to the Undergraduate Business Advising Center, the External Graduate Programs Office, or to the Graduate Programs Office, showing the work to be completed, the basis by which the student's final grade will be determined, the last date for completing the incomplete work, and the grade earned by the student at the time the petition was approved. All “Incomplete” grade petitions must be agreed to by the student, as indicated by the student’s signature and date of signing. The contract must also be signed by the course instructor and approved by the Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Program, or by the Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate and External Programs.
Open University Enrollment
The CBA restricts the enrollment in 100-level business courses through Open University to only six (6) units. The purpose of Open University is to provide opportunity for individuals from the community to enroll in certain courses for purposes of professional development. Matriculating and/or matriculated students in a CBA degree program are not to use Open University. See the Undergraduate Business Advising Center (TAH-1030) for undergraduate courses.
Simultaneous Course Enrollment
Students may not enroll in two or more courses that are offered on the same day and at the same time. In very rare circumstances, and with approval of the course instructors and the Associate Dean for the Undergraduate Program, students may enroll in courses that overlap by no more than 15 minutes.
Currency of Knowledge Requirement
All students must have what is considered “currency of knowledge” in courses they apply towards an earned degree. This applies to both majors and minors within the CBA. Courses that do not satisfy the currency of knowledge requirement must be repeated.
Currency of Course Prerequisites
All current course prerequisites must have been completed within seven years of enrolling in any course having prerequisites. This currency requirement may be waived in cases where more advanced courses in the same area than the listed prerequisites have been completed in the last seven years with a grade of “C-” or better.
Undergraduate Courses
Lower division courses used to satisfy pre-major or minor requirements must have been completed within seven years of the date of admission to the business administration major or minor unless an upper division course in the same area was taken within seven years of the date of graduation. Upper division courses used to satisfy graduation requirements must have been completed within seven years of the date of graduation.
The CBA Academic Standards Committee may grant credit for courses taken beyond the seven year requirement for extensive experience in the area. The burden rests upon the applicant to demonstrate how his/her experience satisfies the requirement of currency.
Graduate Courses
All program requirements, excluding the Foundation courses, must be completed within seven years of the date of expected graduation.
During the admission cycle, courses used to fulfill Foundation course requirements must have been completed within seven years of the date of admission. The CBA Academic Standards Committee, however, may approve currency for Foundation courses taken beyond the seven year requirement if a request is so filed. Waiving of the seven year requirement shall be based on the relevancy, level of responsibility, and duration of the applicant’s work experience. The burden rests upon the applicant to demonstrate how his/her experience satisfies the requirement for currency.
Course Transfer Credit Articulated Courses
The CBA has articulation agreements with a number of community colleges. These agreements stipulate the CBA has agreed that certain identified undergraduate courses are deemed to be “equivalent” between the respective institutions, and therefore credit will be awarded for those courses taken at another (articulated) institution, towards a degree from Sacramento State. Approval of courses submitted for articulation is subject to currency of knowledge stipulations. See the following Web site for an up-to date list of articulated courses: www.assist.org.
Course Transfer Credit Non-Articulated Courses
Courses taken at an AACSB International accredited college of business will be accepted for transfer credit if the course is regarded as equivalent to the course for which credit is requested. Business core courses and concentration courses will not be accepted for transfer credit from programs that are not AACSB International accredited unless taken at institutions that have national or international reputations of high quality programs.
Petitions for equivalency for undergraduate, non-articulated courses must be submitted to the Undergraduate Business Advising Center (UBAC). Petitions for equivalency for graduate, non-articulated courses must be submitted to the Graduate Business Advising Center (GBAC). For all other CBA graduate programs contact the Graduate Programs Office. The CBA Academic Standards Committee will evaluate whether the institution satisfies the requirement of “national or international reputations of high quality programs.” Subsequently, faculty in the appropriate area will make the final determination of course equivalency, e.g., content, method of instruction, method of evaluating students, and/or course duration.
Change of Major
The Change of Major Petition is used for undergraduate students who entered the University as a Pre-Business Major and have met the requirements to declare business administration as their major, and for students who are declared in another major and wish to declare business administration as their major. Students who wish to minor in business administration must file a Minor Request Petition. Students must complete and return these petitions to the Undergraduate Business Advising Center. The deadline for the fall semester is March 1st; for the spring semester the deadline is October 1st.
Requirements - Bachelor of Science Degree
Units required for the Major: 63-72 units
Minimum total units required for the BS: 120
Note: Students graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (all concentrations) will not be subject to the University’s Foreign Language Graduation Requirement. Students who change major may be subject to the University’s Foreign Language Graduation Requirement.
At least 15 units of upper division business administration courses must be taken in residence at (or under the auspices of) California State University, Sacramento. Of these 15 units, a minimum of nine units must be in upper division courses in the concentration.
Note: Courses requiring a specific prerequisite may be taken only after the prerequisite has been completed with a "C-" or better.
Pre-Major to Business
A student may not enroll in any of the Major program or Concentration courses until he/she has completed the Pre-Major program with a grade of "C-" or better in each course and an overall GPA of 2.0 ("C"), with the exception of MATH 24 which requires a minimum acceptable grade of "C" or better. The student desiring to enroll in the Major Program, while concurrently completing the last of those courses designated as the Pre-Major Program may select MIS 15 (MIS 1, MIS 2 and MIS 3) for MIS majors only; DS 101 (MATH 24 and STAT 1), MGMT 102, and/or HROB 101. MIS 1, MIS 2 and MIS 3 are a prerequisite for all the above courses - may be taken concurrently with HROB 101.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Computer Literacy
All business majors and pre-majors shall demonstrate computer literacy and competency prior to taking 100-level courses. This requires completing MIS 1, MIS 2 and MIS 3 (or equivalent), or passing scores on examinations in each of the following areas:
- Concepts covered in MIS 1: Basic understanding and manipulation skills of operating system, Email system, and browser.
- Concepts covered in MIS 2: Basic facility with spreadsheets using the College's standard spreadsheet package.
- Concepts covered in MIS 3: Word processing and presentation graphics.
Students may acquire the requisite skills by successfully completing the MIS 1, MIS 2 and MIS 3 courses. Students who acquire the requisite skills by other means need only pass the examinations. Contact the Office of the Associate Dean for the Undergraduate Program for more information or refer to www.cba.csus.edu/ubac/challengeexam.html.
Students anticipating graduate study should consider the provision described in the Postbaccalaureate Credit Earned as an Undergraduate section of this Catalog that permits undergraduate students to take, in their semester of graduation, graduate courses that will count for postbaccalaureate credit.
B. Required Lower Division (Pre-Major) Courses (21 units)
(3) |
Accounting Fundamentals (Entry Level Math (ELM) test of at least 36 or a CR grade in MLSK 7A) |
(3) |
Managerial Accounting (ACCY 1) |
(3) |
Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis |
(3) |
Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis |
(3) |
Modern Business Mathematics (MATH 9 or three years of high school math that includes two years of algebra and one year of geometry; completion of ELM requirement and the Intermediate Algebra Diagnostic Test) Minimum acceptable passing grade is "C". |
(3) |
Introduction to Business Law |
(3) |
Introduction to Statistics (MATH 9 or three years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra and one year of geometry; completion of ELM requirement and the Intermediate Algebra Diagnostic Test) |
When enrolled in the last of the pre-major courses, students must file a Change of Major Petition in the Undergraduate Business Advising Center in the College of Business Administration (Tahoe Hall 1030) to officially declare Business Administration as their major. The deadline to file a Change of Major Petition is October 1st for the following spring semester, or March 1st for the following fall semester.
Students who do not complete the required prerequisites as presented in the following Business Major program are subject to being administratively dropped from courses in which they are inappropriately enrolled.
C. Required Upper Division (Major) Core Courses (24 units)
(3) |
(3) |
Business Finance |
(3) |
Strategic Management (Completion of all upper division core courses except MIS 101) |
(3) |
The Management of Contemporary Organizations |
(3) |
Business Communications (Completion of Area A in GE, ENGL 20; COMS 2 and COMS 4 recommended) |
(3) |
Computer Information Systems for Management |
(3) |
Principles of Marketing |
(3) |
Operations Management (Student must be a Business Major or Business Administration minor; Corequisite: DS 101) |
Requirements - Business Honors
Business Honors Core (33 units)
Foundation Courses (14 units)
(2) |
Business Communication (Admitted into Business Honors Program) |
(2) |
Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior (Admitted into Business Honors Program) |
(2) |
Introduction to Management Information Systems (Admitted into Business Honors Program) |
(2) |
Business Data Analysis (Admitted into Business Honors Program) |
(2) |
Business Finance (Admitted into Business Honors Program) |
(2) |
Fundamentals in Marketing (Admitted into Business Honors Program) |
(2) |
Operations Management (Admitted into Business Honors Program) |
Integration Courses (18 units)
(3) |
Business Intelligence (BHON 102, BHON 104, BHON 105, BHON 106, BHON 107, BHON 108, BHON 109) |
(3) |
Value Chain and Supply Chain Management (BHON 102, BHON 104, BHON 105, BHON 106, BHON 107, BHON 108, BHON 109) |
(3) |
Enterprise Resource Planning and Infrastructure (BHON 102, BHON 104, BHON 105, BHON 106, BHON 107, BHON 108, BHON 109) |
(3) |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BHON 102, BHON 104, BHON 105, BHON 106, BHON 107, BHON 108, BHON 109) |
(3) |
Project Management (BHON 102, BHON 104, BHON 105, BHON 106, BHON 107, BHON 108, BHON 109) |
(3) |
Strategy and Leadership (BHON 102, BHON 104, BHON 105, BHON 106, BHON 107, BHON 108, BHON 109) |
Practicum (1 unit)
(1) |
Practicum in Business (BHON 120, BHON 130, BHON 140, BHON 150, BHON 160; Corequisite: BHON 170) |
Additional Requirements for Concentrations
Select one of the twelve concentrations below (18-27 units).
Accountancy (ACCY) Concentration (24 units)The objective of the Accountancy concentration is to provide conceptual and practical knowledge to students who will practice accounting or use accounting in business or other organizations. Students in Accountancy at Sacramento State have the opportunity to take courses of study in preparation for careers in public accountancy, private industry, and government. Studies in Accountancy give students a strong preparation in the fields of business, finance, insurance, banking, government agencies, tax authorities, and many other profit and nonprofit organizations. Some of these career opportunities may lead to professional certification such as Certified Public Accountants, Certified Internal Auditors, Certified Management Accountants, and Certified Governmental Financial Managers. An Accountancy undergraduate education provides a foundation for entry-level jobs and long-term careers in these areas, giving students familiarity with a range of employment opportunities.
The program in Accountancy allows students to select courses that are consistent with their career objectives:
A. Required Courses (15 units)
(3) |
Intermediate Accounting I |
(3) |
Intermediate Accounting II (ACCY 111) |
(3) |
Cost Accounting |
(3) |
Survey of Auditing, Attest, and Assurance Topics (ACCY 111, ACCY 112) |
(3) |
Federal Tax Procedures I |
B. Electives (9 units)
(9) Select three of the following:
(3) | Intermediate Accounting III (ACCY 111) |
(3) | ACCY 117 | |
(3) | Advanced Management Accounting (ACCY 121) |
(3) | ACCY 132 | Fraud Examination (ACCY 111, ACCY 112; Corequisite: ACCY 131) |
(3) | Government and Nonprofit Accounting |
(3) | Federal Tax Procedures II (ACCY 171) |
(3) | International Accounting |
(3) | Special Problems in Accountancy (Senior status or instructor permission) |
(3) | Accounting Information Systems Development |
(3) | Enterprise and E-Commerce Accounting Models (AIS 141 or instructor permission) |
The Entrepreneurship concentration is designed to meet the CBA Mission: “offering a quality business education that is responsive to the changing regional, global, and technology-driven environment” of the Sacramento region. It is to provide a solid understanding of entrepreneurial skills, principles, and strategies that build and maintain an effective organization. The curriculum is designed for students to develop entrepreneurial skills that will enable them to be effective in organizations that create new ventures, spin-offs, mergers, and other entrepreneurial activities. The courses of area emphasis are provided to develop the students’ breadth and functional orientation to focus their entrepreneurial skills.
A. Required Courses (9 units)
(3) |
Venture Growth Strategies (Upper-division standing; ENTR 187 or ENTR 189) |
(3) |
Entrepreneurship |
(3) |
Corporate Entrepreneurship (Upper division standing) |
B. Electives (9 units)
(9) Select three from the following:
a. Accounting | ||
Intermediate Accounting I |
Cost Accounting |
b. Finance | ||
Financial Management (FIN 101) |
Financial Institutions and Markets (FIN 101) |
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance |
c. Fund Formation and Investments | ||
Investments (FIN 101) |
Modern Portfolio Management (FIN 101) |
d. Human Resources Management | ||
HROB 151 | Management of Human Resources |
HROB 155 | Conflict Management and Negotiation |
e. International Business | ||
FIN 190 | Multinational Business Finance (FIN 101 or instructor permission; prior additional course in finance or international business recommended but not required) |
IBUS 190 | International Business |
Multinational Marketing (MKTG 101 or instructor permission) |
f. Marketing | ||
MKTG 121 | Marketing Research and Information (MKTG 101) |
MKTG 126 | Salesmanship |
Marketing Management (MTKG 101 and senior status) |
g. Supply Chain Management | ||
Principles of Quality Management |
Supply Chain Logistics Management (OPM 101) |
Supply Chain Modeling and Analysis (OPM 101) |
h. Special Emphasis | ||
Other area emphasis courses approved by the Entrepreneurship Concentration Coordinator |
The Finance concentration emphasizes a conceptual and applied approach to the development of professional skills necessary for careers in such fields as banking, investments, corporate financial management, financial planning, insurance, and financial services. Consideration and emphasis is given to the role played by financial markets, financial intermediaries, nonfinancial corporations, governments, and individual investors in the global economy. The curriculum is designed to familiarize students with the financial management of business operations, the operation and management of financial institutions and markets, and the financial aspects of investing, portfolio management, and risk management.
General Finance Track (21 units)
Group A Required Courses (9 units)
(3) |
Financial Management (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Investments (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Modern Portfolio Management (FIN 101) |
Group B Courses (6 units)
(6) Select two from the following:
(3) |
Financial Institutions and Markets (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance |
(3) |
FIN 139 | Business Property and Liability Insurance (FIN 138 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
FIN 140 | Employee Benefits (FIN 138 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
FIN 142 | Real Estate Finance (FIN 19 or ACCY 121 or FIN 101 or ENGR 140; business majors only ) |
(3) |
Real Estate Investment Studies (FIN 19 or ACCY 121 or FIN 101 or ENGR 140; business majors only) |
(3) |
Multinational Business Finance (FIN 101 or instructor permission; prior additional course in finance or international business recommended but not required) |
Elective Courses (6 units)
Select two courses from the following or any course that is not taken from Group B:
(3) |
Federal Tax Procedures I |
(3) |
International Accounting |
(3) |
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (ECON 1A and ECON 1B with a minimum "C" grade) |
(3) |
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (ECON 1B) |
(3) |
(3) |
Market Potential and Demand Analysis (MKTG 101, DS 101, or MKTG 121 and instructor permission; DS 101 and/or MKTG 121 may be taken concurrently with MKTG 115 |
(3) |
Salesmanship |
Risk Management Track (21 units)
Group A Required Courses (15 units)
(3) |
Financial Management (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Investments (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance |
(3) |
Business Property and Liability Insurance (FIN 138 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Employee Benefits (FIN 138 or instructor permission) |
Group B Courses
Select two from the following (6 units):
(3) |
Federal Tax Procedures I |
(3) |
Modern Portfolio Management (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Financial Institutions and Markets (FIN 101) |
(3) |
FIN 142 | Real Estate Finance (FIN 19 or ACCY 121 or FIN 101 or ENGR 140; business majors only ) |
(3) |
Multinational Business Finance (FIN 101 or instructor permission; prior additional course in finance or international business recommended but not required) |
(3) |
Occupational Health and Safety Laws and Regulations (HLSC 100 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Cause and Control of Occupational Loss (HLSC 100 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Issues in Occupational Health and Safety (HLSC 100 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Employment Law |
(3) |
International Business |
Real Estate Track (21 units)
Group A Required Courses (15 units)
(3) |
Financial Management (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Investments (FIN 101) |
(3) |
FIN 142 | Real Estate Finance (FIN 19 or ACCY 121 or FIN 101 or ENGR 140; business majors only ) |
(3) |
Real Estate Investment Studies (FIN 19 or ACCY 121 or FIN 101 or ENGR 140; business majors only) |
(3) |
Current Topics in Real Estate Studies (Completion of 9 units of required real estate courses) |
Group B Courses
Select two from the following (6 units):
(3) |
Urban Economics (ECON 1B) |
(3) |
Real Estate Principles |
(3) |
Modern Portfolio Management (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Financial Institutions and Markets (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Business Property and Liability Insurance (FIN 138 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Managerial Real Estate Law (FIN 19) |
Financial Planning Track (21 units)
Group A Required Courses (18 units)
(3) |
Federal Tax Procedures I |
(3) |
Investments (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Modern Portfolio Management (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance |
(3) |
Employee Benefits (FIN 138 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Capstone in Professional Financial Planning (ACCY 171, FIN 135, FIN 136, FIN 138 and FIN 140) |
Group B Courses
Select one from the following (3 units):
(3) |
Financial Management (FIN 101) |
(3) |
Business Property and Liability Insurance (FIN 138 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Family Finance |
The General Management concentration permits a focus upon the skills of the manager, whether the manager is an entrepreneur or operating at the corporate or agency level, with emphasis on the skills of decision making as taught through the case method. Managerial skills in planning, organizing, and controlling are highly transferable within private industry and within the public and nonprofit sector as well, thus permitting a wide variety of career goals.
A. Required Courses (9 units)
(3) |
Entrepreneurship |
(3) |
GM 170 | Fundamentals of Business Strategy (HROB 101, MKTG 101, FIN 101, and OPM 101) |
(3) |
IBUS 190 | International Business |
B. Electives (12 units)
(12) Select four courses from the following areas; no more than one course may be taken in a single area:
a. Accountancy and MIS | ||
Cost Accounting |
b. Decision Sciences | ||
Principles of Quality Management |
Supply Chain Logistics Management (OPM 101) |
Advanced Operations Planning and Control (OPM 101) |
Supply Chain Modeling and Analysis (OPM 101) |
c. Finance | ||
Financial Management (FIN 101) |
Investments (FIN 101) |
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance |
d. Human Resources/Organizational Behavior and Environment | ||
Management of Human Resources |
Labor Relations |
MGMT 117 | Business, Ethics and Society (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
e. Marketing |
Market Potential and Demand Analysis (MKTG 101, DS 101, or MKTG 121 and instructor permission DS 101 and/or MKTG 121 may be taken concurrently with MKTG 115) |
Marketing Research and Information (MKTG 101) |
Public Relations and Ethics in Business |
Retail Management (MKTG 101) |
Advertising (MKTG 101) |
Salesmanship |
Sales Management (MKTG 101) |
Marketing Management (MKTG 101 and senior status) |
This concentration is a multi-disciplinary, integrated program designed to increase awareness and understanding of the relationship between human behavior and organizational effectiveness. Additionally, the program focuses on the development of a student’s capacity to effectively manage people in diverse, contemporary organizations. Courses are designed to instill generalist principles and theories and to improve analytical and interpersonal skills. Such skills are developed within the context of utilizing human talent to meet the needs and objectives of the organization in a manner compatible with legitimate individual goals.
A. Required Courses (12 units)
(3) |
Management of Human Resources |
(3) |
(3) |
Employment Law |
(3) |
Strategic Human Resources Management (HROB 151, HROB 152, and HROB 153) |
B. Electives (6 units)
(6) Select two of the following:
Conflict Management and Negotiation |
Current Trends and Emerging Issues |
Labor Relations |
Special Topics in Human Resource Management |
Special Topics in Organizational Behavior |
Business, Ethics and Society (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
Note: With faculty advisor approval, students may also elect to take one of the following: ECON 150, FIN 140, MKTG 160, or PSYC 169.
International Business (IBUS) Concentration (21 units)The International Business concentration is designed to prepare students for a career in business by providing a broad exposure to the areas of international business, competency in a functional area of business, and an awareness of foreign cultural differences.
A. Required Courses (12 units)
(3) |
Multinational Business Finance (FIN 101) or instructor permission; prior additional course in finance or international business recommended but not required) |
(3) |
International Business |
(3) |
Multinational Marketing (MKTG 101 or instructor permission) |
(3) Select one of the following:
International Accounting |
Entrepreneurship |
B. Electives (9 units)
(9) Select nine units from one of the following areas:
a. Accounting | ||
Intermediate Accounting I |
Cost Accounting |
Federal Tax Procedures I |
b. Economics | ||
Geography of Economic Activity |
c. Finance | ||
Financial Management (FIN 101) |
Investments (FIN 101) |
Modern Portfolio Management (FIN 101) |
Financial Institutions and Markets (FIN 101) |
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance |
d. Foreign Language | ||
Upper division foreign language approved by IB coordinator. Must be approved on an “Action Sheet.” See the Undergraduate Business Advising Center. |
e. Human Resources Management | ||
Management of Human Resources |
Conflict Management and Negotiation |
Current Trends and Emerging Issues |
Labor Relations |
f. Marketing | ||
Marketing Research and Information (MKTG 101) |
Buyer Behavior (MKTG 101) |
Public Relations and Ethics in Business |
Advertising (MKTG 101) |
Salesmanship |
Marketing Management (MKTG 101, senior status) |
g. Supply Chain Management | ||
Principles of Quality Management |
Supply Chain Logistics Management (OPM 101) |
Advanced Operations Planning and Control (OPM 101) |
Supply Chain Modeling and Analysis (OPM 101) |
h. Overseas University Study | ||
Overseas university study approved by IB coordinator. Must be approved on an “Action Sheet.” See the Undergraduate Business Advising Center. |
i. Special Emphasis | ||
Other area emphasis approved by IB coordinator. Must be approved on an “Action Sheet.” See the Undergraduate Business Advising Center. |
The Management Information Systems concentration provides the analytical framework and the methodology to analyze, design, implement, and manage complex computer-based information/decision systems.
Information is recognized as a resource of the organization and is the common link binding the elements of the organization together. As organizations grow in size and complexity, the need for better and more timely information and for improved decision making techniques becomes critical for effective management.
A. Required Courses (18 units)
(3) |
Introduction to Business Programming |
(3) |
Advanced Object-Oriented Business Programming (MIS 15) |
(3) |
Business Telecommunications (MIS 15) |
(3) |
(3) |
Systems Development Life Cycle I (MIS 120, MIS 101, MGMT 102) |
(3) |
Systems Development Life Cycle II (MIS 140, MIS 150, MIS 160) |
B. Electives (6 units)
(6) Select two of the following: (At least one must be from Group A)
Group A: | ||
IT Auditing, Security, and Architecture (MIS 140 and MIS 150) |
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (MIS 101) |
Group B: | ||
Geographic Information Systems |
Object-Oriented Programming for Business in Java (MIS 15 or CSC 15) |
Web Programming for Business Applications in Visual Basic (MIS 120) |
Management Science Techniques (DS 101) |
Business Process Engineering and ERP Configuration |
Machine Learning Applications in Business (DS 101 and MIS 150 or MIS 151) |
Cooperative Education Experience in Management Information Systems (MIS 160, minimum Sacramento State overall GPA of 2.75). |
*Only 3 units of a 12-unit Co-op MIS 194 may count as a Group B elective. A 12-unit Co-op is an approved full-time position in an approved work site. Please see the CBA Student Affairs Office (TAH 2065) for full details.
Marketing (MKTG) Concentration
Students may choose either the Marketing Track or the Supply Chain Management Track
The Marketing Track emphasizes the conceptual understanding and development of professional skills essential to marketing-oriented careers in such fields as e-commerce, advertising, public relations, product and service management, retail management, international marketing, marketing research, and sales management. Consideration is given to the roles of marketing in a global economy, in our society, and within both profit and not-for-profit organizations. The study of marketing includes human behavior, communication, entrepreneurship, problem solving, technological innovation, ethics, and environmentalism. For nonbusiness majors, the study of marketing provides a perspective of how organizations can satisfy the needs of their constituencies.
The Supply Chain Management (SCM) Track is concerned with organizations, methods, and processes employed in managing and improving supply chain and operations systems which provide goods or services to fulfill customer needs and wants in both local and global markets in a flexible, adaptable, reliable, cost effective and sustainable manner. Students who select the SCM Track are provided with a well-balanced program of qualitative and quantitative subject matter and should be able to assume first-line staff or management positions in supply chain and operations systems for manufacturing, service, or government organizations.
Marketing Track (21 units)
Group A Required Courses (9 units)
(3) |
Marketing Research and Information (MKTG 101) |
(3) |
Buyer Behavior (MKTG 101) |
(3) |
Marketing Management (MKTG 101, senior status) |
Group B Electives (9 units)
(9) At least nine units
(3) |
Public Relations and Ethics in Business |
(3) |
Retail Management (MKTG 101) |
(3) |
Advertising (MKTG 101) |
(3) |
Supply Chain Logistics Management (OPM 101) |
(3) |
Multinational Marketing (MKTG 101 or instructor permission) |
Group C Electives (3 units)
Select one from the following or any course that is not taken from Group B
(3) |
Entrepreneurship |
(3) |
Financial Management (FIN 101) |
(3) |
International Business |
(3) |
Market Potential and Demand Analysis (MKTG 101, DS 101, or MKTG 121 and instructor permission; DS 101 and/or MKTG 121 may be taken concurrently with MKTG 115) |
(3) |
Principles of Quality Management |
(3) |
Special Problems in Marketing (Approval from the instructor and Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs) |
Supply Chain Management Track (21 units)
Group A Required Courses (9 units)
(3) |
Marketing Research and Information (MKTG 101) |
(3) |
Principles of Quality Management |
(3) |
Supply Chain Logistics Management (OPM 101) |
Group B Courses (9 units)
(9) At least nine units
(3) |
Marketing Managemen (MKTG 101 and senior status) |
(3) |
Advanced Operations Planning and Control (OPM 101) |
(3) |
Supply Chain Modeling and Analysis (OPM 101) |
(3) |
Multinational Marketing (MKTG 101 or instructor permission) |
Group C Electives (3 units)
Select one from the following or any course that is not taken from Group B
(3) |
Cost Accounting |
(3) |
Advanced Management Accounting (ACCY 121) |
(3) |
International Accounting |
(3) |
GM 170 | Fundamentals of Business Strategy (HROB 101, MKTG 101, FIN 101, and OPM 101) |
(3) |
Conflict Management and Negotiation |
(3) |
International Business |
(3) |
Management Science Techniques (DS 101) |
(3) |
Business Process Engineering and ERP Configuration |
(3) |
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (MIS 101) |
(3) |
Market Potential and Demand Analysis (MKTG 101, DS 101, or MKTG 121 and instructor permission; DS 101 and/or MKTG 121 may be taken concurrently with MKTG 115) |
(3) |
Retail Management (MKTG 101) |
(3) |
Special Problems in Operations Management |
General Information - Minors
The non-Business undergraduate student considering pursuing graduate study in business administration (MBA, MSBA/Management Information Systems or MSBA/Taxation) is encouraged to seek a minor in business administration, and seek advice in selecting courses from the CBA Graduate Programs Office prior to enrollment.
For the student majoring in business administration, pursuit of a minor outside of business administration is encouraged, but not required. If courses are selected carefully, the entire program can be completed within the 120 units required for the Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. The choice of the discipline should reflect the student's personal interests, e.g., anthropology, art, chemistry, economics, ethnic studies, government, mathematics, Spanish, etc. To minor in business, submit a Change of Minor petition with relevant transcripts by March 1st for the Fall semester and/or October 1st for the Spring semester. ACCY 1 and ACCY 2, STAT 1, and MIS 1, MIS 2, MIS 3 must be completed before being admitted.
Requirements - Minor - Business Administration
Units required for the Minor: 24, all of which must be taken in Business Administration,* with the exception of the STAT 1 requirement.
Minimum required GPA: 2.0 (“C”) in Business Administration courses with the minimum acceptable grade for any course being a "C-."
At least nine upper division units must be taken in residence. Business Administration* 195 and 199 courses may not be applied to the minor.
A student shall demonstrate computer literacy and competency (MIS 1, MIS 2, MIS 3) prior to taking 100-level courses except HROB 101. See http://www.cba.csus.edu/ubac/ChallengeExam.html for information about the Computer Literacy Challenge exams.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
(3) |
Accounting Fundamentals (Entry Level Math (ELM) test of at least 36 or a CR grade in MLSK 7A) |
(3) |
Managerial Accounting (ACCY 1) |
(3) |
Management of Contemporary Organizations |
(3) |
Introduction to Business Law |
(3) |
Introduction to Statistics (MATH 9 or three years of high school math which includes two years of algebra and one year of geometry; completion of ELM requirement and the Intermediate Algebra Diagnostic Test) |
(3) Select one of the following:
Business Finance |
Principles of Marketing |
Operations Management (Student must be a Business Major or Business Administration minor: Corequisite: DS 101) |
(6) |
Electives |
Two 100-level Business Administration* courses |
*The use of the words “business administration” throughout this section refers to courses designated as Accountancy (ACCY), Accountancy Information Systems (AIS), Decision Sciences (DS), Entrepreneurship (ENTR), Finance (FIN), General Management (GM), Human Resources/Organizational Behavior (HROB), International Business (IBUS), Management (MGMT), Management Information Science (MIS), Marketing (MKTG) and Supply Chain Management (SCM).
The student pursuing a minor in business administration is cautioned that other students enrolling in the class, majors in business administration, normally will have satisfactorily completed all prerequisites. To insure that no significant handicap is incurred where prerequisites are not met, the student should obtain explicit instructor permission in each course prior to enrolling. Currency policies outlined in the Business Major also apply to Business Minors.
Requirements - Minor - Management of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior
Units required for the Minor: 18, of which at least 9 upper division units must be taken in residence.
The minor in Human Resources Management is designed to provide students majoring in other fields with the opportunity to broaden their capabilities to enter their chosen fields and/or enhance their career paths at some later time.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
(3) |
The Management of Contemporary Organizations |
(3) |
Management of Human Resources |
(3) |
(3) |
Employment Law |
(3) |
Strategic Human Resources Management (HROB 151, HROB 152, HROB 153) |
(3) Select one of the following:
Conflict Management and Negotiation |
Current Trends and Emerging Issues |
Labor Relations |
Special Topics in Human Resource Management |
Special Topics in Organizational Behavior |
Business, Ethics and Society (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
Requirements - Minor - Knowledge Management Technology
Units required for the Minor: 19
The minor in Knowledge Management Technology prepares students to become knowledge workers in their chosen concentration areas of study. It places emphases on the discovery of knowledge through traditional and contemporary techniques, and the application of knowledge through analysis and critical thinking using IT as the primary means for these activities.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Courses (16 units)
(3) |
Multivariate Business Statistics (DS 101) |
(3) |
Management Science Techniques (DS 101) |
(3) |
End-User Database Application Development (MIS 1, MIS 2, MIS 3 or approved equivalent) |
(3) |
Machine Learning Applications in Business (DS 101, MIS 150, or MIS 151) |
(3) |
(1) |
Culminating Experience (Completion of all coursework in minor) |
B. Elective Courses (3 units)
Applied Business Research Courses
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance |
Market Potential and Demand Analysis (MKTG 101, DS 101, or MKTG 121 and instructor permission; DS 101 and/or MKTG 121 may be taken concurrently with MKTG 115) |
Marketing Research and Information (MKTG 101) |
Buyer Behavior (MKTG 101) |
Real Estate Investment (FIN 19 or ACCY 121 or FIN 101 or ENGR 140; business majors only) |
Applied Non-Business Research Courses
ECON 180 | Urban Economics (ECON 1B) |
ENVS 120 | Quantitative Methods For Environmentalists (STAT 1 or instructor permission; must be Environmental Studies major) |
Geographic Information Systems |
Health Data Analysis (STAT 1 and/or instructor permission) |
Research Methods in Sociology (SOC 101 or equivalent) |
Statistics and Research for Social Workers |
Requirements - Minor- Marketing
Units required for the Minor: 15, of which at least nine upper division units must be taken in residence.
The minor in Marketing is designed for students that are interested in learning how marketing concepts are applied in profit and nonprofit organizations and government agencies. Majors in Communication Studies, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Liberal Arts, Graphic Design and Fashion Merchandising may find the minor in Marketing is helpful in achieving their career objectives.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
(3) |
Principles of Marketing |
(12) Select four from the following:
Market Potential and Demand Analysis (MKTG 101, DS 101, or MKTG 121, and instructor permission; DS 101 and/or MKTG 121 may be taken concurrently with MKTG 115) |
Marketing Research and Information (MKTG 101) |
Buyer Behavior (MKTG 101) |
Public Relations and Ethics in Business |
Retail Management (MKTG 101) |
Advertising (MKTG 101) |
Salesmanship |
Sales Management (MKTG 101) |
MKTG 129 | Marketing Management (MKTG 101 and senior status) |
Multinational Marketing (MKTG 101 or instructor permission) |
Requirements - Minor - Real Estate and Land Use Affairs
Units required for the Minor: 15, of which at least nine upper division units must be taken in residence.
The minor in Real Estate and Land Use Affairs is designed to provide students in other fields with the opportunity to broaden their undergraduate education and to acquire specialized skills useful in a wide range of job opportunities.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
(3) |
Real Estate Principles |
(9) Select three from the following:
Managerial Real Estate Law (FIN 19; business majors only) |
Real Estate Finance (FIN 19 or ACCY 121 or FIN 101 or ENGR 140; business majors only) |
Real Estate Investment (FIN 19 or ACCY 121 or FIN 101 or ENGR 140; business majors only) |
(3) Select one from the following:
Legal Aspects of Real Estate (offered at Community College) |
Real Estate Appraisal (offered at Community College) |
Real Estate Economics (offered at Community College) |
Real Property Management (offered at Community College) |
The Construction Industry (1 unit) |
Entrepreneurship |
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance |
Management of Human Resources |
Conflict Management and Negotiation |
Experimental Offerings in Business Problems (Senior status or instructor permission) |
MGMT 117 | Business, Ethics and Society (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
Microcomputers for Managers |
Managerial Real Estate Law (FIN 19 business majors only) |
Real Estate Finance (FIN 19 or ACCY 121, FIN 101 or ENGR 140; business majors only) |
Real Estate Investment (FIN 19 or ACCY 121 or FIN 101 or ENGR 140; business majors only) |
*If not taken previously can be taken as an elective.
Requirements - Minor - Risk Management and Insurance
Units required for the Minor: 12, of which at least nine upper division units must be taken in residence.
The minor in Risk Management and Insurance is designed for students interested in supplementing their non-business majors with a broad overview of business concepts and specifically with risk management principles and concepts as applied in their various disciplines. Majors in Communication Studies, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Nursing, Criminal Justice, and Engineering may find the minor especially beneficial.
Note: Must demonstrate computer literacy and competency (MIS 1, MIS 2, MIS 3) prior to taking 100-level business courses. See http://www.cba.csus.edu/ubac/challengeexam.html for information about the Computer Literacy Challenge Exam.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
(3) |
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance |
(3) |
Business Property and Liability Insurance (FIN 138 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Employee Benefits (FIN 138 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Introduction to Business |
*Business majors may substitute any approved upper-division business course. Substitution requires the approval of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs.
The College of Business Administration offers the following graduate level degree programs:
- MBA: Master of Business Administration
- MBA/Finance
- IMBA: International Master of Business Administration
- EMBA: Master of Business Administration for Executives
- MS/Accountancy
- MSBA/MIS: Master of Science in Business Administration with option in Management Information Systems (currently suspended)
- MSBA/TAX: Master of Science in Business Administration with option in Taxation (currently suspended)
For instructional purposes, the "case method" is used extensively in most graduate courses in the College of Business Administration or, more precisely, analysis of problems in the setting of an actual business or other type of organization. Experience has demonstrated the value of this technique in developing powers of critical thought and acuity in visualizing alternative courses of action. Improved judgment and skill in communicating ideas are concomitant benefits.
Discussion within class is encouraged, and students are urged to pursue their investigation of issues and solutions to problems in small informal group meetings outside of class. Lectures, collateral reading, special research, and other instructional tools supplement case studies.
The MBA program has been developed to provide an education that is extensive and broadening rather than intensive or specialized within a limited functional area. The MBA is intended to improve the participant's capacity for effective decision making, to facilitate his/her professional growth and development for increasing managerial responsibility, and to broaden his/her knowledge and understanding of management in the areas of:
- Accountancy
- Finance
- International Management
- Management Information Systems
- Supply Chain Management
The MBA is also appropriate preparation for teaching business education subjects at the community college level. Students are encouraged to obtain further guidance from the school districts in which they will teach.
The greater Sacramento region is about to witness a revolution in its business leadership as it transforms itself into a major metropolitan growth center. Our EMBA program is designed to help just that as well as help the region redefine the business community. The new millennium is about making choices to make our lives easier and more enriched. New technological advances are happening everyday that provide us with a better quality of life and the opportunity to have more flexibility than ever before. That is where the Master of Business Administration for Executives (EBMA) Program at Sacramento State comes in. The College of Business Administration recognizes the need among working professionals to advance their careers in a flexible and supportive environment that has not been met in the Sacramento region ever before. We believe that business executives deserve to have an EMBA program tailored to their unique needs.
A key consideration for the EMBA Program is that it is tailored to the needs of full-time working professionals. The program is designed to meet the needs of highly engaged working executives and managers. The entire program can be completed within 15 months. The EMBA courses are only available through the College of Continuing Education.
The MS/ACCY program was developed in response to new developments in the accounting and business worlds. Increasingly, accountants who hold undergraduate degrees in accounting seek advanced degrees as the complexity of the accounting field increases. Accounting professionals are involved with an ever-widening range of careers including public accounting, corporate accounting, income tax accounting, not-for-profit accounting, and government accounting. Significant changes in the regulatory climate, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, have increased the need for graduate level education. One result is a heightened interest in forensic accounting, fraud detection, and information system security. The 150 credit-hour education requirement established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) also has significantly increased the demand for graduate education in accounting. The MS/ACCY program helps to qualify students to sit for professional accounting examinations that lead to credentials such as the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and the CMA (Certified Management Accountant) designations. The MS/ACCY program uses an online platform to deliver a completely web-based degree. The MS/ACCY courses are only available through the College of Continuing Education.
The Master of Science in Business Administration with an option in Management Information Systems (MSBA/MIS) program presents to its students a balanced blend of technical and managerial topics that develops and broadens their technical and intellectual skill sets as well as enhances their problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. The curriculum of the MSBA/MIS has been designed to graduate students who can successfully function as information technology managers or professionals with the potential for executive positions. The program focuses on development students in four areas:
- Technology Management: Our MSBA/MIS graduates will perform evaluation, adoption, and maintenance of information technology applications to meet short-term and long-term organizational goals.
- Technical Knowledge and Skills: Our MSBA/MIS graduates will integrate information technology theories, conceptual models, techniques, and tools in different technical areas to meet existing and emerging task requirements in an adaptive and innovative manner.
- Business Functional Analyses: Our MSBA/MIS graduates will perform research and analyses to identify business functional requirements, constraints, models, and processes as input to facilitate information technology application development.
- Leadership Knowledge and Skills: Our MSBA/MIS graduates will possess leadership knowledge and skills to perform proactive planning for effective information technology utilization in changing environments.
The MSBA/TAX program is a highly specialized and intensive program designed for those seeking a career in taxation. This program gives a practical exposure to the critical aspects of taxation with an orientation toward planning and strategy, and is supplemented by compliance knowledge where relevant. The benefits of an MSBA/TAX degree are practical and economical. Many companies pay out more than 50% of their profits in taxes, making proper tax planning critical to maximizing the bottom line. Law firms and accounting consultants need this type of training to increase their clients’ bottom lines, and in government offices, this type of training ensures that tax laws are being complied with and properly enforced. The program gives a practical exposure to the critical aspects of taxation with an orientation toward planning and strategy, and is supplemented by compliance knowledge where relevant. The MSBA/TAX program uses an online platform to deliver a completely web-based degree. The MSBA/TAX courses are only available through the College of Continuing Education.
Admission Requirements
All applicants for post-baccalaureate degree programs in Business must have earned a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited four-year institution of higher learning or the equivalent from a foreign institution. Admission requirements are different for each of the CBA Graduate Programs. The specific admission requirements for each degree program are listed within the program descriptions under “Admission Information” on the following pages. The College of Business Administration reserves the rights to revise its admissions standards and to limit enrollment in its graduate degree programs.
Applicants who are approved for admission will receive a letter from the Office of Graduate Studies informing them that they have been admitted as a Pre-Master or classified graduate student. Included with that correspondence will be an Acceptance Form which the new graduate student must then return to the CBA Graduate Business Advising Center (GBAC), Tahoe Hall 1037.
Application Submission
For Graduate Programs: MBA, MS/ACCY, and CABS:College of Business Administration
Graduate Business Advising Center (GBAC)
Tahoe Hall, Room 1037
Sacramento State
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6088
Web site: www.cba.csus.edu/graduate
Phone: (916) 278-6772
Fax: (916) 278-4943
Email: cba-gbac@saclink.csus.edu
For the EMBA Program:
College of Business Administration
MBA for Executives Program
Tahoe Hall, Room 1010
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6088
Web site: www.cba.csus.edu/mba
Phone: (916) 278-2895
Fax: (916) 278-4233
Email: emba@csus.edu
And to:
Office of Graduate Studies
Sacramento State
River Front Center, Room 206
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6112
Web site: www.csus.edu/gradstudies
Phone: (916) 278-6470
Email: gradctr@csus.edu
The MBA program requires 33 to 54 semester units of graduate study beyond a four-year baccalaureate degree, depending upon the extent of the student's prior academic preparation in Business Administration. Each student must satisfy the prerequisites, foundation courses, and program curriculum for the degree program.
Prior to enrolling in the Foundation courses, students must be proficient in mathematics, statistics, and computer usage:
- Mathematics: at least one semester of calculus is strongly preferred;
- Statistics: an introductory course in probability and statistics; and
- Computer usage: ability to use common personal computer hardware and software, particularly word processing programs, spreadsheet programs, and internet browsers.
The faculty will assume that all MBA students have these proficiencies. A student may gain the necessary proficiencies in many ways: through coursework, review classes, self-study; or experience. No proficiency courses can count as credit towards program requirements.
Writing Placement for Graduate Students Exam
All graduate students are expected to have demonstrated writing proficiency at the undergraduate level as prescribed by the California State University System. Applicants for admission to graduate programs who have not fulfilled this requirement will be required to take the Writing Placement for Graduate Students (WPG) or take a Graduate Writing Intensive (GWI) course in their discipline within the first two semesters of coursework at California State University, Sacramento or secured approval for a WPG waiver. A student may be eligible for a WPG Waiver based on selected criteria (obtain a list of criteria and a WPG waiver from the Graduate Business Advising Center). Graduate students are required to meet this requirement before advancing to candidacy. No exceptions will be made to this policy.
Foundation Courses
The Foundation courses provide an academic background in the various disciplines of business. The MBA degree program is built upon this common background. Foundation courses should be taken after the student has attained the required entry proficiencies (prerequisites) and should be completed prior to taking program requirement courses. The Foundation courses are available through the Sacramento State College of Continuing Education.
A student who has a baccalaureate degree or a minor in Business Administration from an AACSB-INTERNATIONAL accredited university may have completed all or most of the Foundation requirements. However, the student will be required to take certain Foundation courses if she/he:
1) has not previously completed the comparable undergraduate course(s) for academic credit from an AACSB-INTERNATIONAL accredited institution or from a high quality program that has a "national or international reputation";
2) has earned less than an overall 3.0 ("B") grade point average (GPA) in the comparable undergraduate courses presented for waiver of required courses;
3) has received a "C" or lower grade in the comparable undergraduate course;
4) cannot demonstrate currency in these courses (7 year limit); or
5) has completed the bachelor's degree at a foreign institution.
Courses taken at AACSB-INTERNATIONAL accredited colleges of business will be accepted for transfer credit if the course is regarded as equivalent to the course for which credit is requested. Business Foundation courses and Core courses will not be accepted for transfer credit from programs that are not AACSB-INTERNATIONAL accredited unless taken at institutions that have national or international reputations of high quality programs.
Please contact the Graduate Business Advising Center (GBAC) Tahoe Hall 1037 to request petitions for equivalency for graduate, non-articulated courses. The CBA Academic Standards Committee will evaluate whether the institutions satisfy the requirement of "national or international reputations of high quality programs." Subsequently, faculty in the appropriate department will make the final determination for course equivalency, e.g., content, method of instruction, method of evaluating students, and/or course duration. To find out if your university is AACSB accredited go to www.AACSB.edu.
Pre-Master students who are registered in the last two Foundation courses must file an Application for Classification with the Graduate Business Advising Center (GBAC) Tahoe Hall 1037, to be able to enroll in the courses designated as Program Requirements. The student's academic status will be reviewed to assure that he/she meets the necessary criteria to be accepted as a classified graduate student.
A GPA of at least 3.0 ("B") is required in all Foundation courses taken at Sacramento State, and program requirement courses presented for the degree.
Foundation Courses (0-11 units)The foundation courses are available through the College of Continuing Education after acceptance into one of the CBA Graduate Programs.
Note: To be completed after the student has demonstrated the required entry proficiencies and must be completed prior to taking Program Requirements in any of the Master's programs.
All of the Foundation Courses below are required for the MBA and the MSBA/MIS programs. MSBA/Taxation and MS/Accountancy programs only require ECON 204, MBA 201, and MBA 203. The EMBA program does not require Foundation coursework.
A graduate student may request a challenge for waiver of a College of Business Administration foundation or core course if it at least one of the following conditions is met:
- The student has taken an equivalent class elsewhere, subject to the GPA requirement in CBA academic policy. For core classes, the equivalent class must be at the graduate level; for the foundation classes, the equivalent class can be taken at the undergraduate level.
- The student has achieved appropriate professional or academic qualification.
- The student has appropriate professional work experience.
It is the responsibility of a student to provide sufficient documentation to support a waiver challenge application.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
(3) |
Business Economics |
(2) |
Accounting |
(2) |
Business Communication Fundamentals |
(2) |
Legal Environment of Management |
(2) |
Managerial Statistics Analysis |
*This requirement will be waived for students who achieve a score of 4.5 or higher on the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section of the GMAT exam.
Advancement to Candidacy
A student's program requirements are governed by the catalog in effect at the time one is accepted into and begins graduate school or by the catalog in effect at the time advancement to candidacy is approved.
Prior to enrolling in Culminating Requirements, a student must advance to candidacy. Initiation of advancement procedures is the responsibility of the student. The application to advance must be filed no later than the semester prior to enrollment in culminating experience requirement.
Eligibility to advance to candidacy requires satisfactory scholastic achievement, presentation of a plan of graduate study, and demonstration of writing proficiency. A classified graduate student in Business Administration may apply to the Graduate Business Advising Center (GBAC) for advancement to candidacy for the Master's degree after s/he has completed at least 12 units of the program requirements beyond the Foundation requirements. Students with a GPA deficiency or who have not fulfilled the Writing Placement for Graduate Students Requirement (WPG) cannot advance to candidacy.
Admission Information - Master of Business Administration for Executives Degree (EMBA)
Since class size is limited, early applications are highly encouraged.Please contact the EMBA Admission Help Desk (916-278-2895) or visit the EMBA Web site (http://www.cba.csus.edu/emba/admissions.html) for application deadlines.
EMBA Admission Criteria and Candidate Selection
Selecting candidates for admissions is a very critical decision for the EMBA program. That is why we have adopted a system that takes into account three primary areas of evaluation when making admission decisions:
- Professional Experience (length, breadth, and depth of professional and managerial experience, and potential for career development);
- Academic Qualifications (a baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association, previous graduate level coursework if available, and performance on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT); and
- Additional Relevant Criteria (Potential contribution to learning experience of the program, maturity and motivation, ability and willingness to commit the required time and energy to the program, community service and professional activities, and support of an applicant's employing organization).
A candidate with good academic qualifications and a solid, but short, work record will have the same opportunity as someone with a strong, long, work record, but who has been out of school for awhile. We believe candidates who have successful professional careers, solid education, and additional relevant qualifications will excel in our EMBA Program.
We do require that our candidates have a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. We also recommend applicants have at least 3 to 5 years of professional work experience. Professional work experience will provide the applicants and their peers with a more stimulating learning environment.
(All forms can be downloaded from our Web site http://www.emba.csus.edu/emba/Forms.html.)
1. To Sacramento State, Office of Graduate Studies:
- Online Sacramento State Graduate Application (www.csus.edu/gradstudies) and
- $55 Application Fee (you can pay this when you are filling out your online application).
2. To the College of Business Administration, External Graduate Programs Office (EGP). The following are required for a complete application:
The following are required for a complete application:
- The Supplementary Application Form. You may print out a copy and manually fill out the form or fill out the form electronically by downloading the application form from www.emba.csus.edu and save a copy on your computer. Please type or print clearly on the application. Give your full legal name and avoid abbreviations. You may use additional paper if you need more space to respond, but please put your name on each page, and attach the pages to your application.
- Two copies of official transcripts. Please request 2 copies of official transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attended. A Transcript Request form is included for your convenience. It is recommended that you have the transcripts directly sent to you in sealed envelopes.
- Two letters of recommendation. At least one of these letters should come from supervisors and business associates who can discuss knowledgeably your managerial and academic abilities, accomplishments, and potential. Please use the Recommendation Letter Form for the application.
- Results on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). The Computer Adaptive GMAT is administered at test centers throughout the world. To register, visit their Web site at www.mba.com. Please be sure to use the correct Sacramento State institutional code on your GMAT registration form.
- Statement of career objectives. This statement should include a description of your long- and short-term career goals, and the ways in which you believe the EMBA degree will help you to achieve them.
- A reverse chronological resume of your work experience. The resume should include job title, organization (nature of business, gross sales/revenues, number of employees), location, dates of employment, a summary of duties and responsibilities, and a description of your organizational unit (size, scope, budget, personnel, and reporting relationships) for each position held.
- Corporate/Individual Sponsorship Form. Required to insure that your organizational sponsor will agree to allow you to attend classes on the mandatory Friday afternoons and Saturdays, and to determine if your organization plans to cover all or part of your educational fees. If you will be self-supporting, please ask your employer to confirm their agreement to your attendance and indicate your personal payment option preference on the bottom of the form.
- Application interview. An application interview may be required, depending on individual circumstances. The Graduate Programs Office will contact you if needed.
Your completed Supplementary Application Form, and all supporting documents should be mailed to the address below, unless otherwise indicated:
College of Business Administration
MBA for Executive Program
Tahoe Hall, Room 1010
Sacramento State
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6088
International Applicants
International applications are not accepted for the program.
Note: Applications are not considered complete and will not be reviewed unless GMAT scores and transcripts are included. To facilitate processing your application so that you receive an admission decision more quickly, you must submit official transcripts from ALL colleges and universities previously attended (other than courses taken at Sacramento State University) even if you attended Sacramento State as an undergraduate. You should arrange to have all official transcripts sent at the same time you submit your application.
Requirements - Master of Business Administration for Executives Degree (EMBA)
Program Requirements
EMBA program is offered through collaboration between the College of Business Administration and the College of Continuing Education. The degree is offered by the College of Business Administration and administered through the College of Continuing Education and the External Graduate Programs Office (EGP) in the College of Business Administration.
The EMBA program consists of 41 academic units broken down by the following components: orientation, eight required courses, four elective courses selected for each cohort, and an individual project for culminating experience. A listing of the courses is given below.
A. Orientation (1 unit)
(1) EMBA 210 Orientation
B. Eight Required Courses (24 units)
(3) EMBA 222* Managerial Accounting for Executives
(3) EMBA 223* Quantitative Methods for Decision
(3) EMBA 224* Managerial Finance for Executives
(3) EMBA 225* Organizational Design and Management
(3) EMBA 226* Technology Management for Executives
(3) EMBA 227* Strategic Marketing Management
(3) EMBA 228* Strategic Analysis for Executives
(3) EMBA 229* Leadership and Change Management
C. Four Elective Courses (12 units)
(3) EMBA 242* Product and Brand Management
(3) EMBA 243* Legal Issues in Business Environment
(3) EMBA 244* Corporate Performance Measurements
(3) EMBA 245* Competing in the Global Marketplace
(3) EMBA 246* Managing Creativity and Innovation
(3) EMBA 247 Executive Decision Making (Completion of EMBA Program)
(3) EMBA 248* Project Management for Executives
(3) EMBA 249* Management in the Public Sector
(3) EMBA 299 Special Problems in Executive Management (Classified graduate status or instructor approval)
D. Culminating Experience (4 units)
(4) EMBA 260 EMBA Individual Project
* Completion of EMBA 210
Admission Information - Master of Business Administration Degree (MBA)
See the CBA Web site for current admission deadlines: www.cba.csus.edu/graduate/MBA
MBA Admission Criteria and Special Admission Process
Admission Criteria for the MBA Program
- Index 1* of 1050 or Index 2** of 1100;
- GMAT Total score of 500;
- GMAT Quantitative percentile of 30;
- GMAT Verbal percentile of 30; and
- 2.50 Overall Undergraduate GPA.
* Index #1 - (GPA x 200) + GMAT total score. An index of 1050 is required using the overall undergraduate GPA.
** Index #2 - (GPA x 200) + GMAT total score. An index of 1100 is required using the last 60 semester units (last 90 quarter units) undergraduate GPA.
Example: [3.0 GPA x 200] + 500 GMAT total score = 1100
Note: We reserve the right to admit fewer applicants that those meeting the minimum criteria.
Special Admission Process
Applicants not meeting all the admission criteria may be admitted to the program based on evidence of potential success in the program provided by the applicant. Such evidence may include, but is not limited to: the applicant’s maturity, motivation, employment history, managerial potential, letters of recommendation, personal statement, community activities, and other accomplishments that support the applicant’s potential to successfully complete the program. An applicant so considered and recommended for admission may be approved by the Dean or Dean’s designee.
Application Procedures
All prospective graduate students must file all of the following documents by the application deadline with both the CBA Graduate Business Advising Center (Tahoe Hall 1037) and the Sacramento State Office of Graduate Studies (River Front Center 206) as noted below:
(1) To the College of Business Administration, Graduate Business Advising Center:
- 1 Set of Official Transcripts;
- GMAT Scores;
- Recommendation Letters (two letters are strongly preferred); and
- Resume.
2) To Sacramento State Office of Graduate Studies:
- Online CSU Graduate Application (www.csus.edu/gradstudies);
- 1 Set of Official Transcripts; and
- Application Fee as required by the CSU system (You can pay this when you are filling out your online application).
Applications are not considered complete and will not be reviewed unless GMAT scores and transcripts are included. To facilitate processing your application so that you receive an admission decision more quickly, you must submit official transcripts from ALL colleges and universities previously attended (other than courses taken at Sacramento State) even if you attended Sacramento State as an undergraduate. You should arrange to have those official transcripts sent at the same time you submit your application.
International Students
All materials, inclusive of TOEFL scores, must be turned in to the International Admissions Office (Lassen Hall 2304). To ensure consideration, international students should submit their material, including GMAT and TOEFL test scores, to the International Admissions Office one month prior to the CBA Graduate Business Advising Center's (GBAC) application filing deadline. For an application and details international students should visit The International Admissions Office Web site at http://www.csus.edu/oge/IntlWelcome.html.
Requirements - Master of Business Administration Degree (MBA) - General
Total units required for MBA: 33
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Courses (21 units)*
(3) |
Managerial Accounting |
(3) |
Financial Management |
(3) |
Behavioral Science Applications in Management |
(3) |
Marketing Management |
(3) |
Management of Technology Intensive Enterprises (Classified graduate status) |
(3) |
Global Business Management |
(3) |
Value Chain Integration (classified or conditionally classified graduate student in the College of Bus Admin) |
A graduate student may request a challenge for waiver of a College of Business Administration foundation or core course if at least one of the following conditions is met:
- The student has taken an equivalent class elsewhere, subject to the GPA requirement in CBA academic policy. For core classes, the equivalent class must be at the graduate level; for foundation classes, the equivalent class can be at the undergraduate level.
- The student has achieved appropriate professional or academic qualification.
- The student has appropriate professional work experience.
It is the responsibility of a student to provide sufficient documentation to support waiver challenge application.
Academic credit for core courses is not earned by waiver. The requirement for completing a core course is waived, providing the student enrolls in and satisfactorily, completes an elective course in that discipline or an elective approved to the appropriate faculty advisor who grants the waiver.
B. Elective Courses (9 units)
For a general MBA, elective courses may be chosen from a broad array of graduate Business Administration courses, nonbusiness graduate classes (6 units maximum), or supervisory coursework (6 units maximum: 3 units of Internship [a 295 series course], 3 units of Special Problems [a 299 series course]. Elective courses may also be selected to satisfy one or more of the concentration options shown below. For help with choosing electives, students should consult with the CBA Graduate Business Advising Center (Tahoe Hall 1037) and the concentration advisor(s).
C. Culminating Experience (3 units)
(Advancement to candidacy)
(3) Select one from the following:
Culminating Experience Project in Business and Strategy (Advanced to Candidacy) |
Thesis (MBA 244; Advanced to Candidacy) |
Project (MBA 244; Advanced to Candidacy) |
Requirements - Master of Business Administration Degree (MBA) - Finance Concentration
Total units required for MBA: 33
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Courses (15 units)
(3) |
Managerial Accounting |
(3) |
Financial Management |
(3) |
Behavioral Science Applications in Management |
(3) |
Marketing Management |
(3) |
Value Chain Integration (classified or conditionally classified graduate student in the College of Bus Admin) |
B. Elective Group A (at least 9 units)
(3) |
Financial Markets (MBA 220 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management |
(3) |
Asset Valuation (MBA 220 or instructor permission) |
(3) | Advanced Investment Strategies(MBA 222; may be taken concurrently or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Real Estate Finance and Investment |
(3) |
Any 200-level course approved by the MBA Finance advisor |
C. Elective Group B (at most 6 units)
Students may take at most 6 units of any MBA 200-level courses, which are not in Group A.
Total elective units from Group A and Group B are 15 units
D. Culminating Experience (3 units)
(Advancement to candidacy)
(3) Select one from the following:
Culminating Experience Project in Business and Strategy (Advanced to Candidacy) |
Thesis (MBA 244; Advanced to Candidacy) |
Project (MBA 244; Advanced to Candidacy) |
Requirements - Master of Business Administration Degree (MBA) - Business Analytics in Healthcare Concentration
Total units required for MBA: 33
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Core Courses (15 units)
(3) |
Integrated IT in Healthcare |
(3) |
Financial Management |
(3) |
Behavioral Science Applications in Management |
(3) |
Marketing Management |
(3) |
Value Chain Integration (classified or conditionally classified graduate student in the College of Bus Admin) |
B. Required Courses (9 units)
(3) |
Managerial Accounting |
(3) |
Financial Aspects of Health Care Administration |
(3) |
Quality and Process Improvement in Healthcare (classified or conditionally classified graduate student in the College of Bus Administration) |
C. Elective Group (at least 6 units)
Students are required to take at least 6 units from the following or any MBA 200-level courses.
(3) |
Management Of Innovation |
(3) |
Management of Technology Intensive Enterprises (Classified graduate status) |
(3) |
Integrated Business Process Management |
(3) |
Project and Outsourcing Management |
(3) |
Business Intelligence |
D. Culminating Experience (3 units)
(3) Select one from the following:
Culminating Experience Project in Business and Strategy (Advanced to Candidacy) |
Thesis (MBA 244; Advanced to Candidacy) |
Project (MBA 244; Advanced to Candidacy) |
Requirements - Master of Business Administration Degree (MBA) - Entrepreneurship and Global Business Concentration
Total units required for MBA: 33
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Core Courses (15 units)
(3) |
Integrated IT in Healthcare |
(3) |
Financial Management |
(3) |
Behavioral Science Applications in Management |
(3) |
Marketing Management |
(3) |
Value Chain Integration (classified or conditionally classified graduate student in the College of Bus Admin) |
B. Elective Group A (at least 9 units)
Students are required to take at least 9 units from the following:
(3) |
Negotiation and Relationship Management |
(3) |
Management Of Innovation |
(3) |
Global Marketing Evironment |
(3) |
Global Business Management |
(3) |
Integrated Entrepreneurship Management |
(3) |
Entrepreneurial Resources Management |
(3) |
Global Supply Chain Management (classified or conditionally classified graduate student in the College of Bus Administration) |
C. Elective Group B (at most 6 units)
Students are required to take at least 6 units of any MBA 200-level courses, which are not in Group A
Total elective units from Group A and Group B are 15 units.
D. Culminating Experience (3 units)
(3) Select one from the following:
Culminating Experience Project in Business and Strategy (Advanced to Candidacy) |
Thesis (MBA 244; Advanced to Candidacy) |
Project (MBA 244; Advanced to Candidacy) |
Requirements - Master of Business Administration Degree - (IMBA) International Master of Business Administration
Total units required for MBA: 36
The College of Business Administration (CBA) in conjunction with the College of Continuing Education (CCE), proposes to offer a self-supported International Master of Business Administration degree program (IMBA).
The academic background of each applicant will be assessed to determine if they have the educational foundation to be successful in the program. Depending on their backgrounds and skills, individuals may be required to take up to three preparatory courses. They are:
- Statistics
- Financial Accounting
- Business Economics
The program consists of twelve 3 unit courses to provide in depth knowledge and skills for students. The twelve courses include eight core courses and four courses from a specific area of emphasis: Finance, International Management, and Information Technology.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Core Courses (21 units)
(3) |
Managerial Accounting |
(3) |
Global Corporate Finance |
(3) |
Marketing Management |
(3) |
Statistical Decision Making |
(3) |
Information Technology Management |
(3) |
Human Resource Management in Intl Perspective |
(3) |
Business Law and Legal Environment |
B. Emphasis (12 units)
(3) |
Global Financial Institutions and Markets (IMBA 211) |
(3) |
International Trade (IMBA 231) |
(3) |
International Investments (IMBA 231) |
(3) |
Contemporary Issues in International Finance (IMBA 231) |
International Management
(3) |
Comparative International Management (IMBA 216) |
(3) |
Multinational Corporate Management (IMBA 216) |
(3) |
Global Marketing Environment |
(3) |
Project Management (IMBA 216) |
Informational Technology
Four of the following courses will be selected for a particular location
(3) |
Information Technology Resource Management (IMBA 215) |
(3) |
Enterprise Information Technology Planning (IMBA 215) |
(3) |
Strategic Information Technology Planning (IMBA 215) |
(3) |
Information Technology Project Management (IMBA 215) |
(3) |
Information Technology Leadership (IMBA 215) |
Culminating Experience
(3) |
Leadership and Change Management ( Take five of the following: IMBA 210, IMBA 211, IMBA 213, IMBA 214, IMBA 215, IMBA 216, IMBA 217; Corequisite: Student may be coenrolled in two of the following: IMBA 210, IMBA 211, IMBA 213, IMBA 214, IMBA 215, IMBA 216, IMBA 217 |
Admission Information - Master of Science - Accountancy Degree (MS/ACCY)
Please see the CBA Web site for current admission deadlines: http://www.cba.csus.edu/graduate/ACCY
MS/Accountancy Admission Criteria
For students who have taken the GMAT, the five Admission Criteria are as follows:
1. Index #1 of 1050* or Index #2 of 1100** AND
2. Minimum Total GMAT score of 500 AND
3. Minimum GMAT Quantitative percentile of 30 AND
4. Minimum GMAT Verbal percentile of 30 AND
5. Minimum 2.5 overall undergraduate GPA.
*Index #1 - (index = (GPA x 200) + GMAT score). An index of 1050 is required using the overall undergraduate GPA.
**Index #2 - (index = (GPA x 200) + GMAT score). An index of 1100 is required using the last 60 semester units (last 90 quarter units) undergraduate GPA.
Example: [3.0 GPA x 200] + 500 GMAT Score = 1100
For students who have not taken the GMAT, the Admission Criteria are as follows:
If the applicant has passed all four parts of the Certified Public Accountant examination but has not taken the GMAT, then a 500 GMAT score will be used to calculate admission indices #1 and #2. If the applicant has taken the LSAT but has not taken the GMAT, then the LSAT equivalent GMAT score will be used to calculate the admission indices #1 and #2. Actual GMAT scores take precedence over imputed GMAT scores as admission criteria for the CBA graduate business programs. LSAT minimum score of 150.
1. Index #1 of 1050*OR
2. Index #2 of 1100** AND
3. Minimum 2.5 overall undergraduate GPA.
The proof for passing the CPA exam must be evidenced by one of the following:
1. Unlicensed applicants must supply a copy of their CPA exam grade report sent by the State Board of Accountancy or
2. Licensed applicants must supply a copy of their CPA license.
Application Procedures
All prospective graduate students must file the following documents with both the CBA Graduate Business Advising Center (GBAC) and the Sacramento State Office of Graduate Studies (River Front Center, 206) as noted below:
A) To the College of Business Administration Graduate Business Advising Center, submit the following:
1. One (1) set of official transcripts**
2. Results from GMAT, LSAT or CPA scores
3. Recommendation Form Waiver
4. Two (2) Recommendation Forms
5. Current Resume.
Mail all of the above documents to the following address:
Graduate Business Advising Center (GBAC)
Tahoe Hall, 1037
College of Business Administration
CSU, Sacramento
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6088
Phone: (916) 278-6772
FAX: (916) 278-4233
Email: cba-gbac@saclink.csus.edu
**If you attend Sacramento State, you must request an official transcript. We cannot obtain one on your behalf. You may order transcripts from the Office of the University Registrar at their Web site: http://www.csu.edu/registrar/transcripts/index.stm. If you attended additional schools besides Sacramento State, you must obtain official transcripts from those institutions, this includes community and junior colleges.
B) To the Sacramento State Office of Graduate Studies, submit the following:
1. Online CSU Graduate Application:
2. $55 Application Fee (paid on-line when you file your application).
3. Mail one (1) Set of Official Transcripts to the following address:
Office of Graduate Studies
River Front Center, Room 206
CSU, Sacramento
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6122
Phone: (916) 278-6470
Email: gradctr@cba.csus.edu
Please Note: Applications are not considered complete and will not be reviewed unless you complete all the steps as directed. You must submit official transcripts from ALL colleges and universities previously attended. Submission of official transcripts and test scores must be received no later than the application deadline.
International Students
International students will not be issued an F-1 student visa for this program as it is a completely online program. You may apply but you will not be issued a student visa to come to the United States. All materials, inclusive of TOEFL scores, must be turned into the Office of Graduate Studies. To ensure consideration, international students should submit their material to the International Admissions Office one month prior to the above CBA application deadlines.
The University requires a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper based), 80 (internet based), or 213 (computer based).
To understand the guidelines for your country please go to http://www.csus.edu/oge/International_Documents_Required.htm. Click on your country for detailed information.
California State University, Sacramento interprets "where English was the principal language of instruction" to mean that a school is located in a country where English is the native language (the daily medium of communication of the majority of the residents is English), and that the student receive academic instruction in all subjects (except foreign language courses) at all levels of education in English.
Requirements - Master of Science - Accountancy - (MS/ACCY)
Total units required for the MSBA: 30
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
The MS/ACCY program is offered through collaboration between the College of Business Administration and the College of Continuing Education. The degree is offered by the College of Business Administration and administered through the College of Continuing Education.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Program Requirements (27 units)
(3) |
Financial Reporting I |
(3) |
Financial Reporting II ( ACCY 250) |
(3) |
Cost Analysis and Control |
(3) |
Auditing |
(3) |
Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting |
(3) |
Taxation of Business Entities |
(3) |
Advanced Accounting Information Systems Analysis and Controls |
(3) |
Business Environment and Concepts |
(3) |
Taxation of Individuals |
C. Culminating Experience (3 units)
(3) |
Culminating Experience Project in Accounting and Ethics (Advanced to Candidacy) |
Note: Total units for all students (excluding foundation classes): 30 units.
Admission Information - Master of Science - Business Administration Degree - Management Information Systems (MSBA/MIS)
MSBA/MIS Admission Criteria and Special Admission Process
Please Note: The Master of Science in Business Administration Management Information Systems is suspended and the CBA is not accepting applications at this time.
Admission Criteria for the MSBA/MIS Program:
- Index 1* of 1050 or Index 2** of 1100;
- GMAT Total score of 500;
- GMAT Quantitative percentile of 30;
- GMAT Verbal percentile of 30; and
- 2.50 Overall Undergraduate GPA.
* Index #1 - (GPA x 200) + GMAT total score. An index of 1050 is required using the overall undergraduate GPA.
** Index #2 - (GPA x 200) + GMAT total score. An index of 1100 is required using the last 60 semester units (last 90 quarter units) undergraduate GPA.
Example: [3.0 GPA x 200] + 500 GMAT total score = 1100
Special Admission
Applicants not meeting all the admission criteria may be admitted to the program based on evidence of potential success in the program provided by the applicant. Such evidence may include but is not limited to: the applicant’s maturity, motivation, employment history, managerial potential, letters of recommendation, personal statement, community activities, and other accomplishments that support the applicant’s potential to successfully complete the program. An applicant so considered and recommended for admission may be approved by the Dean or Dean’s designee.
Application Procedures
All prospective graduate students must file all of the following documents by the application deadlines listed above with both the CBA Graduate Programs Office (Tahoe Hall 1035) and the Sacramento State Office of Graduate Studies (River Front Center 206) as noted below:
1) To College of Business Administration Graduate Programs Office (CBA-GPO):
- 1 set of official transcripts;
- GMAT scores;
- Recommendation letters (two letters are strongly preferred); and
- Resume.
2) To Sacramento State Office of Graduate Studies:
- Online CSU Graduate Application(www.csus.edu/gradstudies);
- 1 set of official transcripts; and
- $55 Application Fee (You can pay this when you are filling out your online application).
Note: Applications are not considered complete and will not be reviewed unless GMAT scores and transcripts are included. To facilitate processing your application so that you receive an admission decision more quickly, you must submit official transcripts from ALL colleges and universities previously attended (other than courses taken at Sacramento State University). You should arrange to have those official transcripts sent at the same time you submit your application.
International Students
All materials, inclusive of TOEFL scores, must be turned into the International Admissions Office (Lassen Hall 2304). To ensure consideration, international students should submit their material, including GMAT and TOEFL test scores, to the International Admissions Office one month prior to the CBA Graduate Programs application filing deadline. For an application and details, international students should visit The International Admissions Office Web site at http://www.csus.edu/oge/IntlWelcome.html.
Requirements - Master of Science - Business Administration Degree - Management Information Systems (MSBA/MIS)
Total units required for the MSBA: 33-39
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Program Prerequisites (6 units)
(3) |
Information Systems I |
(3) |
Information Systems II |
B. Program Requirements (24 units)
(3) |
Communications Technologies for Business (Graduate MIS status or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Data Management (Graduate MIS status or instructor permission, and MIS 15 or equivalent) |
(3) |
Systems Design (Graduate MIS status or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Information Technology Integration for the Enterprise (MSBA/MIS students: MIS 260 or MIS 270; MBA students: MBA 260 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Business Project Management (MSBA/MIS students: MIS 260; MBA students: MBA 260 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Information Technology Operations (Graduate MIS status or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Strategic Information Technology Planning (MSBA/MIS students: MIS 270; MBA students: MBA 260 or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Information Technology Leadership (MSBA/MIS students: MIS 261 or MIS 262, MIS 272; MBA students: MBA 260 and instructor permission) |
Note: Based on work experience, another course may be substituted.
C. Electives (9-15 units)
(9-15) Select from the following:
Advanced Object-Oriented Business Programming (MIS 15) OR |
Web Programming for Business Applications in Visual Basic (MIS 120) |
Systems Development Life Cycle II (MIS 140, MIS 150, MIS 160) |
Management Science |
Strategic Applications of Information Resources (MSBA/MIS students: MIS 210 and MIS 211, or their equivalents; MBA students: MBA 260 and instructor permission) |
Decision and Knowledge-Based Systems (MIS 211 or equivalent) |
Special Problems in Management Information Systems (Classified graduate status) |
D. Culminating Experience (1-3 units)
(Advancement to candidacy)
(3) |
Thesis (MBA 244; Advanced to candidacy) |
(3) |
Project (MBA 244; Advanced to candidacy) |
(1) |
Comprehensive Examination (Advanced to candidacy; for comprehensive examination for MBA only MIS 500C, 1 unit; completion of program requirements ACCY 240, MBA 230, MBA 240, MBA 241, MBA 270, MBA 280; must be in final semester of program) |
Admission Information - Master of Science in Business Administration Degree - Taxation (MSBA/TAXATION)
MSBA/TAX Admission Criteria
Please Note: The Master of Science in Business Administration Taxation is suspended and the CBA is not accepting applications at this time.
For Students who have taken the GMAT, the Six Admission Criteria are as follows:
1. Index #1 of 1050 (see description below);
2. Index #2 of 1100 (see description below);
3. Minimum Total GMAT score of 500;
4. Minimum GMAT Quantitative percentile of 30;
5. Minimum GMAT Verbal percentile of 30; and
6. Minimum 2.5 overall undergraduate GPA.
Index #1 - (index = (GPA x 200) + GMAT score). An index of 1050 is required using the overall undergraduate GPA.
Index #2 - (index = (GPA x 200) + GMAT score). An index of 1100 is required using the last 60 semester units (last 90 quarter units) undergraduate GPA.
Example: [3.0 GPA x 200] + 500 GMAT Score = 1100
For students who have not taken the GMAT, the Admission Criteria are as follows:
If the applicant has passed all four parts of the Certified Public Accountant examination but has not taken the GMAT, then a 500 GMAT score will be used to calculate admission indices #1 and #2. If the applicant has taken the LSAT but has not taken the GMAT, then the LSAT equivalent GMAT score will be used to calculate the admission indices #1 and #2. Actual GMAT scores take precedence over imputed GMAT scores as admission criteria for the CBA graduate business programs.
1. Index #1 of 1050 (see description above);
2. Index #2 of 1100 (see description above); and
3. Minimum 2.5 overall undergraduate GPA.
The proof for passing the CPA exam must be evidenced by one of the following:
- Unlicensed applicants must supply a copy of their CPA exam grade report sent by the State Board of Accountancy; or
- Licensed applicants must supply a copy of their CPA license.
Application Procedures
All prospective graduate students must file the following documents with both the CBA External Graduate Programs Office (EGP) (Tahoe Hall 1040) and the Sacramento State Office of Graduate Studies (River Front Center 206) as noted below:
1) To the College of Business Administration, External Graduate Programs Office (CBA-EGP):
- 1 set of official transcripts(required by deadline);
- GMAT, LSAT, or CPA scores (required by deadline);
- Recommendation letters (two letters are strongly preferred); and
- Resume
2) To Sacramento State Office of Graduate Studies:
- Online CSU Graduate Application (www.csus.edu/gradstudies);
- 1 set of official transcripts; and
- $55 Application Fee (You can pay this when you are filling out your online application).
Note: Applications are not considered complete and will not be reviewed unless GMAT scores and transcripts are included. To facilitate processing your application so that you receive an admission decision more quickly, you must submit official transcripts from ALL colleges and universities previously attended (other than courses taken at Sacramento State). You should arrange to have those official transcripts sent at the same time you submit your application.
College of Business Administration
External Graduate Programs Office (CBA-EGP)
Tahoe Hall, Room 1040
Sacramento State
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6088
Web site: www.cba.csus.edu/mba
Phone: (916) 278-2895
Fax: (916) 278-4233
Email: egp@cba.csus.edu
International Students
International students will not be issued an F-1 student visa for the MSBA/Taxation program as it is a completely online program. You may apply but you will not be issued a student visa to come to the United States. All materials, inclusive of TOEFL scores, must be turned in to the Office of Graduate Studies, www.csus.edu/gradstudies/. To ensure consideration, international students should submit their material to the Office of Graduate Studies one month prior to the above CBA application deadlines. The University requires a minimum TOEFL score 213 (computer based).
Requirements - Master of Science in Business Administration Degree - Taxation (MSBA/TAX)
Total units required for the MSBA: 30
The MSBA/TAX program is offered through collaboration between the College of Business Administration and the College of Continuing Education. The degree is offered by the College of Business Administration and administered through the College of Continuing Education and the External Graduate Programs Office (EGP) in the College of Business Administration.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Program Requirements (15 units)
(3) |
Taxation of Individuals |
(3) |
(3) |
(3) |
Taxation of Business Enterprises I: Corporations (ACCY 172 or ACCY 269) |
(3) |
Taxation of Business Enterprises II: Partnerships (ACCY 172 or ACCY 269) |
B. Electives (12 units)
Financial Reporting I |
Foundations of International Accounting (ACCY 250 or equivalent) |
International Wealth and Asset Management |
Comparative International Tax Systems |
Experimental Offerings in Accountancy |
Special Problems in Accountancy (Classified graduate status) |
Or other graduate (200-level) courses as approved by the MSBA/Taxation program coordinator.
C. Culminating Experience (3 units)
U.S. Taxation of International Transactions (ACCY 272; Advanced to Candidacy) |
Certificate Programs
Advanced Business Studies (CABS) - The Certificate of Advanced Business Studies program is designed to give students a solid foundation in business that will provide them with the skills and competencies necessary to be successful administrators and managers. The program is intended for post-baccalaureate students whose degrees are in non-business fields. The courses of the certificate program will also satisfy the Foundation Requirements of the graduate degree programs in the College of Business Administration. The Certificate is offered by the College of Business Administration and is administered by the Sacramento State College of Continuing Education.
International Accounting Information Analyst (IAIA) - The International Accounting Information Certificate Program is carefully crafted to make the accounting professional more relevant in today's global environment. The curriculum is designed to equip the accounting professional with an essential foundation upon which he or she can build a new and expanded paradigm of his or her new role in a rapidly changing and ever more complex world. The IAIA Certificate Program is available only to students who are enrolled in the Master of Science in Accountancy program or in the Master of Science in Business Administration Taxation program. The Certificate is offered by the College of Business Administration and is administered by the Sacramento State College of Continuing Education.
Additional Information - Graduate Programs
Concurrent Master's and Juris Doctoral Programs
An arrangement between the College of Business Administration (CBA)
and the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law allows a student
to earn credits toward an MBA degree and a juris doctor (JD) degree
Applicants who are interested in both MBA and JD programs should consult this catalog for the requirements for admission to the MBA degree program and contact the Graduate Business Advising Center (GBAC), Tahoe Hall 1037 of the College of Business Administration for information on the current program.
Concurrent Master's Programs
A student may concurrently earn the MS/ACCY from Sacramento State and
the MBA from Sacramento State. To earn the MS degree, the catalog requirements
for that degree must be met, i.e., Foundation Courses, Program Requirements,
Electives, and Culminating Experience (30-49) units. To concurrently
and jointly earn the MBA degree, the student must satisfy the MBA Program
Requirements (21 units) and the MBA Culminating Experience (3 units).
Coursework from the MS program can be used to satisfy the nine-unit
requirement for Elective Courses. For more information, contact the
CBA Graduate
Business Advising Center (GBAC), Tahoe Hall 1037.
Career Possibilities
Accountancy Concentration
Account Executive · Accountant · Auditor · Bank Examiner · Budget
Analyst · Budget Officer · Certified Fraud Examiner · Certified Information Systems Auditor · Certified
Internal Auditor · Certified Management Accountant · Certified Public Accountant · Chief Financial Officer
· Controller · Cost Accountant · Cost Analyst · Credit Analyst · Credit
Manager · Estate Planner · FBI Agent · Franchise Tax Board Agent · Government
Accountant · Government Auditor · Internal Auditor · Internal Revenue
Service Agent · Investment Analyst · Loan Officer · Tax Accountant · Tax
Consultant · Treasurer
Entrepreneurship Concentration
Business Development Manager · Family Business Owner/Manager · Financial Services Advisor · Franchised Business Owner/Manager · Insurance Agency Owner/Manager · Management Analyst · Management Consultant · New Venture Founder/Manager · Non-Profit Organization Founder/Manager · Product Manager · R&D Manager · Realtor/Real Estate Manager · Sales Representative · Small Business Owner/Manager
Finance Concentration
Account Executive · Actuary · Adjuster · Appraiser Asset Manager · Assessor. Bank Examiner · Banking Consultant · Budget Analyst · Claims Investigator. Commercial Broker · Commodity Broker · Compensation Insurance . Contractor/Builder · Disability Insurance Officer . Economic Development Analyst · Employee Benefits Specialist · Estate Planner . Escrow Officer · Estate Planner · Executive Controller . Finance Administrator · Financial Consultant · Financial Operations Officer · Financial Planner · Financial Statistician · Insurance Examiner/Officer · Insurance Account Executive . Investment Analyst/Off icier · Life Underwriter · Land Developer · Land Use Planner · Leasing Manager · Leasing Representative · Lease Negotiator/Site Selection · Loan Officer · Mortgage Broker · Mortgage Loan Counselor · Planning Commissioner · Portfolio Manager ·Property Manager · Real Estate Broker · Real Estate Lending Officer (Residential or Commercial) · Real Estate Market Research Analyst. Real Estate Securities Analyst · Real Estate Syndicator · Realty Consultant ·Right of Way Agent ·Sales Representative . Securities Analyst · Site Feasibility Consultant. . Title Officer. Treasurer
General Management Concentration
Administrative Analyst · Business Manager · Bank Manager · Management Analyst · Management Consultant · Office Manager · Real Estate Manager · Small Business Entrepreneur · Strategic Planner
International Business Concentration
Banking Manager · Economic-Financial Consultant · Foreign Branch Officer
· Global Sales Representative · Import /Export Agent · Import/Export Operations Manager · International
Marketing Manager · Management Consultant · Multinational Operations Executive
Management of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior Concentration
Business Consultant · Business Executive · Career Development Specialist · Human Resources Manager
· Industrial Relations Manager · Labor Negotiator · Management Analyst · Management and Business Consultant · Organization Development Consultant · Personnel Analyst · Personnel Development Specialist · Recruitment Manager · Small Business Owner · Training Specialist · Work Design Analyst
Management Information Systems Concentration
Business Applications Programmer · Communications Analyst · Database Administrator · Database Specialist · Desktop Support · End-user Consultant · Information Systems Manager · Information Systems Specialist · Management Systems Consultant · Programmer/Analyst · Systems Analyst · Technical Writer · Technology Consultant · Web Developer
Marketing Concentration and Supply Chain Management
Advertising Analyst · Advertising Executive · Brand Manager · Customer Relations Manager · Consultant · Direct Marketing Manager · E-commerce Analyst · Facility Planner . Logistics Manager · Manufacturers Representative · Marketing Analyst · Market Research Analyst · Marketing Manager · Material Planner · Merchandising Manager · Operations Analyst Operations Manager Process Management Analyst · Production Control Manager ·Product Manager · Production Manager. Production Planner/Scheduler Production Planner/Scheduler · Productivity Analyst · Project Manager Public Opinion Specialist · Public Relations Specialist · Purchasing Agent · Quality Control Manager . Research/Development Director · Retail Sales Representative · Retail Store Manager · Safety Manager Sales Manager · Sales Representative · Service Manager Social Marketing Specialist · Sports Promotion Director Supply Chain Manager · Systems Analyst · Systems Manager · Warehouse Manager
Accountancy/Accounting Information Systems Concentrations: Charles Davis, Feng (Johnny) Deng, Caixing Liu, Elizabeth Lyon, Suzanne M. Ogilby, Tota Panggabean, Hugh Pforsich, Stephen Wheeler, Yan Xiong, Jin Zhang
Entrepreneurship Concentration:
Seung Bach, Anne Fuller, Yongliang (Stanley) Han, Lindle Hatton, Necmi Karagozoglu
Finance Concentration:
Jayme Alvayay, Nuriddin Ikromov, James Kuhle, Cheng-I (Eric) Lin, Hao Lin, Lan Liu, David Moore, Kim Staking, Sudhir Thakur, Sanjay Varshney, Anna Vygodina
General Management Concentration:
Seung Bach, Jessica Bagger, Kenichiro Chinen, Margaret Cleek, Jerry Estenson, Anne Fuller, Sharyn Gardner, Yongliang (Stanley) Han, Lindle Hatton, Necmi Karagozoglu, John LaRocco, Jai Joon (Jay) Lee, Richard Marens, Boniface Michael, Amy Mickel, Kuei-Hsien (Jeff) Niu, Hakan Ozcelik, Laura Riolli, Ping (Tyra) Shao
Human Resources/Organizational Behavior Concentration:
Jessica Bagger, Margaret Cleek, Jerry Estenson, Sharyn Gardner, John LaRocco, Richard Marens, Boniface Michael, Amy Mickel, Hakan Ozcelik, Laura T. Riolli, Ping (Tyra) Shao
International Business Concentration:
Kenichiro Chinen, Jai Joon (Jay) Lee
Management Information Systems Concentration:
Pierre Balthazard, Beom-Jin Choi, Siuwa (Monica) Lam, Thomas Sandman, David Scanlan, San-Yun (Nancy) Tsai, Taylor Wells
Marketing Concentration:
Brian Baldus, Beomjoon (Peter) Choi, Jesse Catlin, Yang Li, Feng (Oliver) Liu, Maureen Lojo, Andrey Mikhailitchenko, Joseph Richards, Yang Sun, Pingsheng Tong, Martha Wilson
Decision Sciences: Jayme Alvayay, Min Li, Stanley Taylor, Sudhir Thakur
Contact Information
Office of the Dean
Dr. Pierre Balthazard, Dean
Heather Holden, Assistant to the Dean
Haley Ausserer, Marketing Analyst
Leigh Barber, Budget Analyst
Melissa Sheldon, Director of Recruitment
Michael Weagraff, Development Analyst
Tahoe Hall 1010
(916) 278-6578
Office of the Associate Dean for Faculty & Research
Vacant Associate Dean
Angela Park-Girouard, Assistant to the Associate Dean
Tahoe Hall 2130
(916) 278-5577
Graduate Business Advising Center
Jeanie Williams, Coordinator
Tahoe Hall 1037
(916) 278-6772
Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs
Vacant, Associate Dean
Tatiana Azad, Assistant to the Associate Dean
Tahoe Hall 2028
(916) 278-6463
Office of Student Engagement
Bonnie Burnell, Director
Tahoe Hall 1037
(916) 278-5875
Undergraduate Business Advising Center
Maria Lindstrom, Coordinator
Tahoe Hall 1030
916) 278-BIZZ (2499)