College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
Economics is a social science that examines the functioning of markets, the determination of prices and distribution of income, and the determination of the overall level of income and rates of unemployment and inflation. In addition, Economics deals with various social problems. The Economics major at Sacramento State is designed to provide students with a liberal education with special emphasis on the economic aspects of society, on familiarization with techniques for the analysis of contemporary economic problems, developing the ability to think critically, and to conceptualize and to possess the communication and computer skills to evaluate private and public policy issues.
The Economics program is appealing to students due to the quality of its faculty, the breadth of its course offerings, and the amount of choice it offers the student in planning his or her coursework. In addition to training in the traditional economics areas, the program offers such diverse courses as the California economy, state and local finance, energy, environmental and resource economics, and urban economics. Students find the Department of Economics congenial to their educational and career objectives.
A minor in Economics may be especially attractive to students majoring in Business Administration, Government, and Environmental Studies or in one of the other Social Science disciplines. The Economics minor adds both theoretical and analytical depth. In addition, it provides the historical and institutional background important to an understanding of contemporary economic issues. It offers students in other majors a broader-based undergraduate education while widening the choice of job possibilities. Employers view the minor in Economics favorably.
Special Features
- Students in the Sacramento State Economics program benefit from a wide range of opportunities to work in the private and public sectors. The Economics Department offers internships for academic credit to students who are interested in the application of economics in the private and public sectors. This kind of practical experience enhances employment opportunities after graduation.
- Former Sacramento State Economics students are working at all levels of government and in many private concerns in the fields of finance, real estate, professional services, etc. Some are in the teaching profession, K-12 and community colleges, while others have continued their studies toward the Ph.D. at such institutions as Notre Dame, Washington University at St. Louis, and University of California, Davis.
- The Sacramento State Economics faculty is diverse in areas of specialization
and draws upon both its advanced academic training and practical experience.
Faculty members have published articles, papers, and books, and enjoy
reputations as experts in their fields. Besides providing a reputable
and experienced faculty, the Economics Department offers personal advising
for students in the planning and meeting of academic and career goals.
Students planning ahead for graduate work in Economics should consult an advisor regarding additional and/or focused coursework in mathematics, statistics, and computer science.
The Department schedules courses so that the upper division requirements for the BA can be completed at night within two academic years. Evening students should contact the Department for assistance in planning a two-year program. Failure to do so may mean a delay in graduation due to scheduling problems.
Requirements - Bachelor of Arts Degree
Units required for Major: 42
Minimum total units required for BA: 120
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Lower Division Courses (9 units)
(3) |
Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis |
(3) |
Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis |
(3) |
Introduction to Statistics (MATH 9 or three years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra and one year of geometry; completion of ELM requirement and the Intermediate Algebra diagnostic test) |
B. Required Upper Division Courses (15 units)
(3) |
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (ECON 1A and ECON 1B with a minimum "C" grade) |
(3) |
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (ECON 1B) |
(3) |
(3) |
Quantitative Economic Analysis (ECON 1A, ECON 1B, and STAT 1 with a minimum "C" grade) |
(3) |
Economic Research Methods (ECON 100A, ECON 100B, ECON 140; GWAR Certification before Fall 09, or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
C. Electives (18 units)
(18) Additional upper division courses in Economics, selected in consultation with a faculty advisor.Notes:
- Minimum grade of "C" required in ECON 1A, ECON 1B, ECON 100A, ECON 100B, ECON 101 or ECON 113, ECON 140, ECON 145 and STAT 1
- ECON 145 must be completed in the student's graduating semester. ECON 100A, ECON 100B, and ECON 140 must be completed prior to enrolling in ECON 145.
- MATH 26A or MATH 30, or an upper division course in math or statistics, selected in consultation with an advisor, may be substituted for three of the 33 upper division units in Economics.
- ECON 104 does not meet major requirements.
- No more than 3 units total of ECON 195, ECON 198, ECON 199 may be included in the 33 total required upper division units.
- No more than 3 units from the following set of courses may be used to meet the requirements of the Economics major: ECON 112, ECON 120, ECON 181, ECON 184, ECON 189.
- Students planning graduate work in Economics should consult an advisor regarding additional coursework in mathematics, statistics, and computer science. ECON 141, MATH 26A, and MATH 26B are strongly recommended.
Requirements - Minor
Units required: 21, twelve of which must be upper division Economics units. Specific course requirements are:
(3) |
Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis |
(3) |
Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis |
- STAT 1 may be counted toward the minor.
- No more than 3 units of ECON 199 and no more than 6 units from the following courses may be used to meet the Economic Minor requirements: ECON 112, ECON 120, ECON 181, ECON 184, ECON 189.
104, ECON
195 and ECON
198 cannot be used to meet the requirements of the Economics minor.
Requirements - Certificate - Economics Education
The Economics Education Certificate Program is designed to give participants a solid foundation in economics that will enable them to teach the subject in primary and secondary schools. The Certificate Program is intended for (1) future or practicing teachers who desire credential authorization to teach the one-semester economics course required of all California public high school students; and (2) future or practicing teachers who wish to infuse economics into other K-12 curricula. Students majoring in Liberal Studies or Social Science or completing a teacher credential program are especially encouraged to participate.
The program consists of 15 units. A grade of “B” or higher must be obtained in each of these courses. Participants who are not enrolled in Sacramento State may take these courses through the College of Continuing Education. For more information about the program, contact the Director of the Center for Economic Education, Professor David M. Lang, (916) 278-7077.
A. Required Core Courses (9 units)
(3) |
Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis |
(3) |
Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis |
(3) |
Economic Internship |
B. Elective Course (6 units)
(6) Select any two upper division economics courses, not including ECON 104 |
Note: The ECON 195 requirement will enable the student to serve as a Teaching Assistant to a professor teaching either ECON 1A or ECON 1B. Students must receive the permission of the Director of the Center for Economic Education prior to enrolling in ECON 195 for the Certificate program and will be assigned to a professor by the Director.
The Master of Arts program in Economics is designed to assist students in developing the analytical skills and reflective capacities required to think clearly and coherently about economic matters and to apply their skill and knowledge effectively to problem areas. The program seeks to prepare students for careers in business, government, and education where applied skills are appropriate. To this end, the Department offers coursework and supervised study in economic theory, quantitative analysis, and a number of other fields of interest.
In line with the applied emphasis of the graduate program, the Department maintains a relationship with both the California state government and many private organizations in the Sacramento area. Recent graduates have gone on to jobs in government at all levels as well as to careers in labor unions, banks, manufacturing corporations, and other private organizations.
Admission Requirements
Admission as a classified graduate student in Economics requires:
- a minimum 3.0 GPA in the last 60 units attempted;
- a minimum 3.0 GPA in undergraduate Economics work;
- ECON 100A (Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory) or equivalent; and ECON 100B (Intermediate Microeconomic Theory) or equivalent;
- ECON 141 (Introduction to Econometrics) or equivalent;
- MATH 26A (Calculus I) or equivalent; recommend MATH 26B (Calculus II) or equivalent;
- Graduate Record Examination;
- two letters of recommendation from undergraduate instructors;
- a minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL (this requirement applies only to students earning degrees abroad whose primary language is not English); and
- a baccalaureate degree.
Students not meeting the above requirements may be granted conditionally classified graduate status with permission of the Economics Department Graduate Committee, providing the applicant submits in writing the reasons why he/she desires graduate training and why the Committee should waive one or more of the above requirements. Students accepted on this basis may be required to complete a set of courses prior to beginning the Economics Graduate core, or to fulfill other conditions prior to approval for fully classified status. Failure to conform to this stipulation will result in the revocation of the conditionally classified status.
Admission Procedures
Applicants must complete a university application and also meet departmental requirements by the posted application deadline date for term applying. For more admission information and application deadlines, please visit http://www.csus.edu/gradstudies/. Admission based on the deadlines allows students to meet registration deadlines. Applications submitted after the above-mentioned deadlines will only be reviewed in the event that room for new students exists. All prospective graduate students, including Sacramento State graduates, must file the following documents with the Office of Graduate Studies, River Front Center 206, (916) 278-6470:
- an online application for admission;
- two sets of official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, other than Sacramento State;
- Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores (verbal, quantitative, and analytical portion); and
- TOEFL scores, if applicable.
In addition to the above documents, arrange for two letters of
recommendation to be sent to the Economics Department. Any applicant not
meeting the first three admission requirements as specified above should
submit to the Department in writing his/her reasons for requesting a waiver
of the admission requirements.
Approximately six weeks after receipt of all items listed above, a decision
regarding admission will be mailed to the applicant.
Advancement to Candidacy
Each student must file an application for Advancement to Candidacy as soon as the graduate student has:
- successfully completed ECON 141, ECON 200A, and ECON 200B, and with a minimum grade of "B";
- be enrolled, or have successfully completed ECON 200C;
- been recommended for advancement by the Graduate Committee; and
- taken the Writing Placement for Graduate Students (WPG) or taken a Graduate Writing Intensive (GWI) course in their discipline within the first two semesters of coursework at California State University, Sacramento or secured approval for a WPG waiver.
Advancement to Candidacy forms are available in the Office of Graduate Studies. The student fills out the form after planning a degree program in consultation with the Economics Department Graduate Coordinator. The completed form is then returned to the Office of Graduate Studies for approval.
Requirements - Master of Arts Degree
Units required for MA: 30 units
Minimum 3.0 GPA
112, ECON
120, ECON
181, ECON
184, ECON
189, ECON
195, ECON
198, ECON
199, and ECON
204 cannot be used as part of the 30 units toward the master's degree.
All students are required to complete the core course sequence outlined
below with a minimum grade of "B" in each course. After completing the
core courses, the student selects a thesis plan to finish the degree requirements. The core courses, as
well as the thesis, are outlined below.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Core Courses (15 units)
(3) |
(3) |
Advanced Microeconomic Theory (ECON 200M) |
(3) |
Advanced Applied Economics (ECON 200A, ECON 200B and ECON 241) |
(3) |
(3) |
Applied Econometric Analysis (ECON 141; Corequisite: ECON 200M) |
B. Other Requirements (12 units)
twelve units of electives
Of these 12 units, six units (i.e., 2 courses) must come from 200-level courses. Note the following:
- There can be no 100-level/200-level duplication of similar courses (e.g., you cannot receive credit for ECON 130 and ECON 230, ECON 138 and ECON 238, etc.).
- Selected courses (e.g., Math, Statistics, or Computer Science) from other departments may be allowed as substitutes with the approval of the Graduate Coordinator.
- ECON 295 and ECON 298 do not count as electives toward satisfying the 12 unit requirement without the approval of the Graduate Coordinator.
C. Culminating Requirement (3 units)
(3) |
Master's Thesis (Advanced to candidacy and chair permission of his/her thesis committee) |
Career Possibilities
Actuary · Advertising Executive · Auditor· Bank Officer · Bond Trader · Budget Analyst · Business Forecaster · Business Manager· College Professor · Commodity Price Forecaster · Cost Analyst · Credit Analyst/Loan Officer · Demographer· Economic Forecaster · Energy Economist · Entrepreneur · Estate Planner · Financial Analyst/Planner · Financial Officer · Government Administrator · Healthcare Administrator · Human Resources Administrator · Industrial/Institutional Buyer · Industry Analyst · Information Scientist · Insurance Salesperson · Intelligence Agent · International Trade Specialist · Journalist · Labor Relations Specialist · Lawyer · Litigation Analyst · Management Consultant/Analyst · Market Research · Analyst · Natural Resource Economist · Policy Analyst · Politician · Public Utilities Manager · Real Estate Agent/Broker · Sales Manager · Securities Salesperson/Broker · Statistician · Teacher · Technical Writer Transportation Specialist · Underwriter · Urban/Regional Planner
Kace Chalmers, Smile Dube, Timothy Ford, Craig Gallet, Jonathan Kaplan, Kristen Kiesel, David Lang, Suzanne O'Keefe, Stephen Perez, Terri Sexton, Mark Siegler, Kristin Van Gaasbeck, Ta-Chen Wang, Yan Zhou
Contact Information
David Lang, Department Chair
Sharon Jordan, Administrative Support Coordinator
Tahoe Hall 3028
(916) 278-6223