College of Arts and Letters
The Italian program offers its students a strong foundation in Italian language, literature, and civilization. Students who concentrate on Italian studies may teach in secondary schools, be admitted to graduate school, work in translating and interpreting firms, or work at the national or international level for Italian firms or American firms dealing with Italy. Statistics show that Sacramento State graduates are in graduate programs, are teaching Italian, or are working in international programs, using their preparation from the Sacramento State Italian program.
Special Features
- Students may enroll for a junior year abroad with the CSU International Program in Florence, for which they may receive units toward graduation.
- By enrolling in fieldwork courses, students can tutor or teach in local parochial schools.
- Students interested in further advanced study in Italian language
and culture may design a Special Major in Italian by consulting program
faculty and spending one year undergoing intensive language study in
Italy. Policies relating to the special major are discussed in this
Requirements - Minor
Total units required for Minor: 12
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
Course requirements are:
(3) |
Introduction to Italian Cinema I |
(3) |
Italian Civilization: The Dialogue Form It's Origins and European Context |
(3) |
Introduction to Italian Literature I (Upper division status and instructor permission) |
(3) |
Introduction to Italian Literature II (Upper division status and instructor permission) |
The above requirements may be substituted as follows:
104A (or ITAL 102)
130 (or ITAL 103 or ITAL 131)
110 (or ITAL 130 or ITAL 104A)
111 (or ITAL 130 or ITAL 104A)
Additional Information
- Placement in Italian Courses: Students should consult an advisor in Italian regarding the level at which to begin college Italian, as well as the choice and sequence of courses to take. Students who studied Italian in high school must take a placement test. Arrangement for the placement test should be made with an advisor in Italian.
- Transfers: Students from other colleges must have their pattern of courses assessed by a Department advisor and complete at least one upper division Italian course in residence before the Department can approve a program.
- Credit by Exam: A maximum of 16 units in foreign language studies may be challenged, only 12 of which may be in Italian.
- Junior Year in Italy: Students planning to apply for admission to the overseas program should consult the Italian advisor and the Sacramento State Office of Global Education, Lassen Hall 2304, (916) 278-6686, for information.
Barbara Carle
Contact Information
Curtis Smith, Department Chair
Erika Mendoza, Administrative Support Coordinator
Mariposa Hall 2051
(916) 278-6333