College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
The Military Studies Minor is an appropriate and timely course of study for any student interested in defense policy, the military's role in society, and military history. The successful completion of the minor will provide additional recognition for students wishing to understand these important subjects.
The Military Studies Minor is an interdisciplinary minor of 21 units which provides a broad range perspective on a vital contemporary issue. The program focuses on the nature of human conflict, conflict resolution, international power relations, historical battles and campaigns, the military in domestic society, and myriad sub-topics. It enhances student exposure to, and understanding of, relevant military subjects. The Military Studies Minor is compatible with, and complements, several majors, i.e., Economics, Geography, Government, and History.
Requirements - Minor
Total units required for Minor: 21
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
(6) Select the following military history courses:
Warfare: Alexander to Napoleon |
European Warfare from the French Revolution to the Present |
(3) Select one from the following historical background courses:
National Security Affairs |
World War I: Causes, Conduct, Consequences |
World War II: Causes, Conduct, Consequences |
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1840-1890 |
History of U.S. Foreign Relations |
The United States in Vietnam, 1940-1975 |
(3) Select one from the following military-political affairs courses:
Leadership and Management II |
International Politics |
International Organization (GOVT 1 or equivalent) |
American Defense and National Security |
American Foreign Policy (GOVT 1 or equivalent) |
Intelligence and Espionage |
(3) Select one from the following regional context courses:
Preparation for Active Duty |
United States and Canada |
Geography of Africa |
Geography of Europe |
Government and Politics in Europe (GOVT 1 or equivalent) |
Latin American Government and Politics |
Governments and Politics in the Middle East |
Asian Societies |
Middle Eastern Societies and Culture |
Conflict, Oil and Development in the Middle East |
(3) Select one from the following conflict resolution courses:
Leadership and Management I |
Anthropology of War (ANTH 146 or instructor permission) |
Conflict Resolution Through Communication |
International Environmental Problems (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
War, Peace and the Mass Media |
(3) |
Select from additional courses listed in the historical background, military-political affairs, and regional contexts groups. |