College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
Peace and Conflict Resolution is an interdisciplinary minor with most of its courses drawn from the Social Sciences. The courses introduce students to the processes of understanding and changing social conditions in order to lead to a more peaceful, just, and conflict-free society and world.
We find that war and oppression are subject to study and to change, and the university is an appropriate setting for the study and pursuit of alternate means of resolving conflicts.
The minor complements a number of majors, including many in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Professional Schools.
Special Features
- A philosophy basic to the study of Peace and Conflict Resolution is praxis, the creative combination of analysis and action. Students in the program are encouraged to develop the knowledge base, skills, and political courage necessary for effective leadership in a democratic society.
- The program's faculty is widely published and active in a number of fields related to peace and conflict resolution.
- The goal of the program is to educate adults to be responsible and courageous citizens, and, if the students choose, to become professional peace workers. To achieve this end we practice an interdisciplinary approach, drawing upon courses and faculty in several academic areas including anthropology, communication studies, economics, education, government, environmental studies, ethnic studies, and women's studies.
Requirements - Minor
Total units required for Minor: 21
(3) |
Causes of War, Causes of Peace (GOVT 1 or equivalent) |
(9) Select three of the following:
Anthropology of War (ANTH 146 or instructor permission) |
Conflict Resolution Through Communication |
Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution |
International Environmental Problems (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age |
War, Peace and the Mass Media |
(9) |
Three elective courses selected from Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies courses with advisor approval. Courses taken as part of the specified core may not be counted toward the electives. No more than 6 units may be applied from a single academic discipline. |
Data D. Barata, Raghuraman Trichur, Anthropology; Molly A. Dugan, Edith LeFebvre, Communication Studies; Ernest E Uwazie, Criminal Justice; Michelle L. Stevens, Environmental Studies; David R. Andersen-Rogers, James Rae, Government
Contact Information
David R. Andersen-Rodgers, Program Coordinator
Tahoe Hall 3119
(916) 278-7095