Office of Academic Affairs
Aerospace Studies/Air ForceThe Department of Aerospace Studies offers four and three year academic and training programs towards a commission in the United States Air Force. The programs are designed to develop officers in the USAF through leadership and academic training. Cadets participate in dialogues, problem solving, and other planning activities. These goals are achieved through formal academic classes, physical fitness training, and Leadership Laboratory, (a 2-hour weekly military training session). Qualified undergraduate or specially qualified graduate students may apply for Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC). The program accepts students from most of the local two- and four-year community colleges and universities. Contact the Department (http://www.csus.edu/afrotc/index.html) for information on open enrollment procedures for non-Sacramento State students.
As one of the prerequisites for commissioning, each cadet must attend a four-week field training encampment. This training is conducted at an Air Force base during the summer, normally between a cadet's sophomore and junior years. Field training emphasizes military orientation, academics, physical fitness training, leadership exercises, teamwork, job specialty briefings, military drill, and ceremonies.
Upon completion of the AFROTC program and all requirements for a bachelor's degree, cadets are commissioned as second lieutenants and serve a minimum of four years in the Air Force. Graduate students are eligible for an Air Force commission upon successful completion of the AFROTC program even if they have not completed their graduate degree. AFROTC students may compete to be selected and enter pilot, combat systems operator (“CSO”-navigators, weapon system operators, etc), remotely piloted aircraft pilot, or battle manager training after commissioning. These career fields, particularly pilot, are highly selective career fields and the competition is intense. Other commissionees go on active duty in specialties consistent with their academic majors, their desires, and the needs of the Air Force. Commissionees may request a delay from entry on active duty to continue their education, or they may apply for Air Force sponsored graduate study to begin immediately upon entering on active duty service.
AFROTC may offer scholarships to qualified students (less than 20% of AFROTC cadets are on scholarships). If offered AFROTC scholarships are highly competitive. Scholarships usually provide for tuition, books, lab and incidental fees, and a tax-free monthly stipend ranging from $250-$400.
Except for scholarship recipients, students are under no obligation to the Air Force until they enter their junior cadet year. Upon entering their junior cadet year all cadets (scholarships/non-scholarships) usually begin receiving a monthly stipend ranging from $250-400. Typically upon graduation cadets are commissioned as officers in the USAF. If a cadet fails to complete the program after receiving monthly stipends, the cadet usually is required to serve as an enlisted member for two years in the Air Force. More detailed program information is available upon request from AFROTC, Sacramento State, Chair, Department of Aerospace Studies, Yosemite Hall Room 122, (916) 278-7315 or at http://www.csus.edu/afrotc/index.html
Military Science/ArmyThe Military Science Department operates as an extension office of the Military Science Department at the University of California at Davis and offers hands-on training in management and leadership. The program stresses the following leadership dimensions: oral and written communications, oral presentations (formal briefings), initiative, sensitivity, influence, planning and organizing, delegation, administrative control, problem analysis, judgment, decisiveness, physical stamina, mission accomplishment, and fellowship. Also stressed are current events, national and international politics, military affairs, ethics training, and human relations with emphasis on eliminating racial and gender discrimination. Management and leadership are taught using the U.S. Army as a model. Military skills (such as drill and ceremonies, map reading, and squad tactics) are taught to create an environment where students can enter leadership positions and apply theories taught in the classroom. Students learn by doing. The program assists students in all academic fields to prepare for positions of leadership in military or civilian careers.
The Department offers two program tracks: (1) a purely academic track, and (2) a precommissioning track for those desiring a commission in the U.S. Army. The academic track entails no obligation to the military and is open to all students. Students pursuing the academic track do not wear a uniform or otherwise participate in extracurricular activities designed as part of the precommissioning process. Activities for all students include the Ranger club (a club designed for adventure activities such as rappel ling, white-water rafting, orienteering, and patrolling) and intramural sports teams.
Students who desire a commission in the U.S. Army participate in both the academic portion of the program and in the leadership laboratories and extracurricular activities designed to enhance their leadership and technical skills. They wear uniforms to leadership laboratories and selected classes and become ROTC cadets. Students may be cadets in the lower division courses without incurring a military obligation. Students participating in the upper division precommissioning program incur a military obligation. See below for details. Extracurricular activities for cadets include an intercollegiate sports team (Ranger Challenge), the university color guard, military honor society, a rifle/pistol team, and opportunities to participate in field training exercises.
Military Science Program Options
Students are enrolled in military science under one of two programs.
Four-Year ProgramStudents are enrolled in the basic course (lower division) for the first two years on a voluntary basis. There is no military obligation associated with attendance in lower division courses. Admission to the advanced course (upper division) is by application from second-year lower division students who meet the academic, physical, and military aptitude requirements. Qualified veterans can enter the advanced course immediately because of their military service experience, upon approval by the Department Chair. Upper division students receive $350 (Juniors) or $400 (Seniors) subsistence per month after executing a contract agreeing to complete the course and accept a commission if offered. During the course, all military science textbooks, uniforms and equipment are provided without cost. Students are given leadership development experience at summer camp (advanced camp) between their third and fourth years of the course. Emphasis is on individual participation, leadership development and the capability to function effectively in positions of significant responsibility.
Two-Year ProgramThe two-year program is for students who have not attended lower division Military Science classes. In lieu of lower division courses an applicant attends the Army ROTC National Leader's Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Applicants are paid for camp attendance and transportation costs. Applications are accepted during the winter and spring terms of the year preceding enrollment in the two-year program. All other provisions explained above for the upper division course apply to the two-year program.
The U.S. Army offers four-, three-, and two-year Active Duty and two-year Reserve Forces Duty or Dedicated California National Guard scholarships to students planning to attend or attending Sacramento State. The U.S. Army ROTC scholarship package pays tuition and educational fees. Also included in all scholarships is a flat rate of $600 per year for textbooks, up to $400 per year for miscellaneous fees such as laboratory, student activity, transcript, and graduation fees, and a subsistence allowance of up to $400 a month for 10 months for each year that the scholarship is in effect.
The Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps four-year Active Duty merit scholarships are awarded to qualified high school seniors in a national competition each year. There are two cycles available for submission of the four-year scholarship application. High school juniors can compete for an Early Cycles scholarship by submitting their application complete and postmarked by July 15 between their junior and senior years. Applicants will receive notification of their final status by November 1. As high school seniors, students compete for the Regular Cycle scholarship by submitting their application complete and postmarked by December 1. Those applicants not selected in the Early Cycle are considered in the Regular Cycle competition. Applicants will receive notification of their final status by March 1 of their senior year in high school. Interested applicants should see their high school counselor for an application or contact the UC Davis Department of Military Science at (530) 752-7682.
The three-year Active Duty and two-year Reserve Forces Duty scholarships are awarded to college students who are already attending Sacramento State or transferring from a junior college to Sacramento State, and have three to two years remaining before graduating with a baccalaureate. Students interested in competing for these scholarships can submit their application beginning in November of each school year. The deadline for submission of an application is January 15 for the two-year scholarship and February 15 for the three-year scholarship. Students apply for and are awarded these Army scholarships through the Military Science Department.
Leadership Laboratory
During the course of the school year, several weekends and two hours per week are spent in the conduct of practical exercises. Classes emphasize adventure activities including offense, defense and patrolling techniques, weapons familiarization, rappel ling, rope bridging, obstacle course, leadership reaction course, and land navigation. All cadets are required to attend leadership laboratories at the UC Davis campus for practical leadership experience and to prepare for attendance at the Army ROTC Advanced Camp, held at Fort Lewis, Washington.
Contact Information
AFROTC, Sacramento State
Department of Aerospace
Lt. Col. Kenneth H. Morse, Department Chair
Catherine Davis, Administrative Support Assistant
Yosemite Hall 122
ARMY ROTC, Sacramento State (UC Davis Ext. Center)
Major Aimee C. Myrick, Program Chair
Lana Sysa, University Liaison
Yosemite Hall 157
(916) 278-2635
ARMY ROTC, UC-Davis Military Services
Department Office, 125 Hickey Gymnasium, UC Davis
(530) 752-5211