College of Education
The programs in Educational Leadership are designed to meet a variety of needs in the field. The programs are oriented toward an interdisciplinary approach to the study of school leadership, offering students significant opportunities to apply theory to the practice of educational leadership.
The mission of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies is to develop educational leaders from diverse backgrounds who will positively impact the improvement of educational institutions and environments - from pre-K through university and professional levels. These leaders will:
- be visionary change agents;
- create collaborative learning communities;
- engage in reflective practice;
- ensure diversity and equity;
- implement research-based practices and site-based best practices; and
- build capacity through leadership development.
- Services Credential: Preliminary Administrative Services / Preliminary Administrative Services Internship / Professional Administrative Services
- MA in Education: Educational Leadership
- MA in Education: Higher Education Leadership
Special Features
- Through the general program and through specific cohorted programs such as the Administrative Internship, the Bilingual Instructional Leadership Training Cohort, the Urban Education Cohort, the Elk Grove Cohort, the Sacramento City Schools Cohort, the San Joaquin County Leadership Cohort, the San Juan Unified School District Leadership Cohort, the Placer County Leadership Cohort, the Higher Education Student Affairs Cohort, and the Higher Education Community College Leadership Cohort, the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department attempts to bring together all aspects of leadership and management for educational enterprises. Student interests encompass public and private schools, educational agencies, and institutions of higher education.
- A significant dimension of all of the programs in Educational Leadership is an interest in and commitment to the full development of student potential and capability. Coursework, advising, and field experiences are carefully orchestrated to insure a full range of faculty support for student achievement. The student, as a responsible autonomous agent, is expected to assume the role of equal partner in this effort.
Services Credential - Preliminary Administrative Services
Admission Requirements
Refer to Admission Requirements and Procedures for the Master of Arts degree in Education - Educational Leadership. In addition, all credential applicants must:
- have a valid California teaching credential (K-12) requiring a baccalaureate degree and a program of professional preparation including student teaching; or a valid California Designated Subjects Teaching credential provided the applicant also possesses a baccalaureate degree; or a California Pupil Personnel Services credential requiring a baccalaureate degree program of professional preparation including field practice with school-aged students; or a Librarianship credential; or a Health Services School Nurse credential; or a Clinical or Rehabilitative Services credential;
- provide documentation of registration for the CBEST exam;
- upon entering the credential program have completed a minimum of one year and, by the time of completion of credential requirements, have had three years of successful, full-time teaching or pupil personnel experience in public or private schools; and
- earn a minimum 3.0 GPA for all work presented for the credential.
Requirements - Credential - Preliminary Administrative Services
Units required: 31
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Courses (24 units)
(3) |
Diversity and Equity in Educational Leadership |
(3) |
Foundations of Educational Leadership |
(3) |
EDLP 202*** |
Legal Basis of Education (Admission to the Educational Leadership Program and instructor permission) |
(3) |
EDLP 203*** |
Financial Resources Planning and Allocation (Admission to the Educational Leadership Program and instructor permission) |
(3) |
EDLP 204B*** |
Special Education and Categorical Programs |
(3) |
Curriculum and Instructional Leadership in K-12 Schools |
(3) |
Human Resources and Supervision |
(3) |
Education Research (Admission into the EDLP Program) |
B. Required Direct Field Experience (9 units)
(3) |
EDLP 255** |
Field Experience Seminar (Completion of 12 units including EDLP 200, EDLP 201, and either EDLP 205 or EDLP 206 for Preliminary Administrative Services Internship Credential students only; Corequisite: EDLP 401 and/or EDLP 402 for Administrative Services Credential students only) |
(6) |
EDLP 495*** |
Field Study in Educational Leadership (Admission to Educational Leadership Program; completion of fifteen (15) units of coursework including EDLP 255; approval of faculty advisor) |
*Courses taken first semester
**Courses taken second semester
***Courses taken third semester
Services Credential - Preliminary Administrative Services Internship
Admission Requirements
All applicants must:
- have a valid California teaching credential (K-12) requiring a baccalaureate degree and a program of professional preparation including student teaching; or a valid California Designated Subjects Teaching credential provided the applicant also possesses a baccalaureate degree; or a California Pupil Personnel Services credential requiring a baccalaureate degree program of professional preparation including field practice with school-aged students; or a Librarianship credential; or a Health Services School Nurse credential; or a Clinical or Rehabilitative Services credential;
- have had three years of successful, full-time teaching or pupil personnel experience in public or private schools;
- satisfactorily complete CBEST exam;
- earn a minimum 3.0 GPA for all work presented for the credential; and
- have been appointed to an administrative position by student's employing school district.
Note: Detailed requirements and procedures for admission to the Administrative Internship program may be obtained at the Department.
Requirements - Credential - Preliminary Administrative Services Internship
Units required: 77
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Courses (45 units)
(3) |
Diversity and Equity in Educational Leadership |
(3) |
Foundations of Educational Leadership |
(3) |
Field Experience Seminar (Completion of 12 units including EDLP 200, EDLP 201, and either EDLP 205 or EDLP 206 for Preliminary Administrative Services Internship Credential students only; Corequisite: EDLP 401 and/or EDLP 402 for Administrative Services Credential students only) |
(8) |
Internship on-the-Job Experience |
(3) |
Foundations of Educational Leadership |
(3) |
EDLP 255** |
Field Experience Seminar (Completion of 12 units including EDLP 200, EDLP 201, and either EDLP 205 or EDLP 206 for Preliminary Administrative Services Internship Credential students only; Corequisite: EDLP 401 and/or EDLP 402 for Administrative Services Credential students only) |
(8) |
EDLP 402** |
Internship on-the-Job Experience |
(8) |
EDLP 403*** |
Internship on-the-Job Experience (Corequisite: EDLP 413) |
(6) |
EDLP 413*** |
Supplemental Internship Experience (Corequisite: EDLP 403) |
(8) |
EDLP 404**** |
Internship on-the-Job Experience (Corequisite: EDLP 414) |
(6) |
EDLP 414**** |
Supplemental Internship Experience (Corequisite: EDLP 404) |
B. Other Required coursework (18 units)
(3) |
EDLP 202*** |
Legal Basis of Education (Admission to the Educational Leadership Program and instructor permission) |
(3) |
EDLP 203*** |
Financial Resources Planning and Allocation (Admission to the Educational Leadership Program and instructor permission) |
(3) |
EDLP 204B*** |
Special Education and Categorical Programs |
(3) |
Curriculum and Instructional Leadership in K-12 Schools |
(3) |
Human Resources and Supervision |
(3) |
Education Research (Admission into the EDLP Program) |
*Courses taken first semester
**Courses taken second semester
***Courses taken third semester
****Courses taken fourth semester
****This is a three semester program but students will have the option of taking an additional (fourth) semester if needed.
Services Credential - Professional Administrative Services
Admission Requirements
- Students will not be interviewed for admission to the Department if they have not made formal application to the University prior to the Departmental application deadline. University application forms may be submitted online at www.csumentor.edu.
- Candidates must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, have attained a GPA of at least 3.0 (on a four-point scale) in the last 30 semester (45 quarter) units attempted, and have been in good standing at the last college attended.
- Candidates must possess a valid Preliminary Administrative Services credential and be employed by a local educational agency in an administrative capacity.
- Candidates must have passed the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST).
- Applicants who have successfully completed the program leading to the Preliminary Administrative Services credential at Sacramento State should file the application with the Department office. The application will be referred to a faculty advisor or the program coordinator for review; candidates who meet all requirements for admission (including satisfactory GPA), will be referred to the full faculty for clear admission status. Candidates who do not meet one or more admission requirement(s) however, will be scheduled for an interview.
- All applicants new to the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department at Sacramento State are required to appear for an interview with a student/practicing administrator/faculty team. Interviews will be scheduled at the close of the application period. The interview will focus on the applicant's academic capabilities, leadership potential, and humanistic sensitivity.
- Up to 6 units may be transferred from another university if they satisfy the program requirements.
Credential Candidates
In order to be recommended for the Professional Administrative Services credential, candidates must possess a valid Preliminary Administrative Services credential and must have completed a minimum of two years of successful full-time school experience in public schools/agencies in a position requiring a Preliminary Administrative Services credential, as attested by the employing school, district or agency. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required for all work presented for the credential.
Requirements - Credential - Professionals Administrative Services
Candidates will develop an individualized program of professional development activities during the Induction Seminar. The plan shall be developed in consultation among the candidate, employer and University representative and it will consist of the following competency areas:
- Organizational and Cultural Environments;
- Dynamics of Strategic Planning;
- Ethical and Reflective Leadership;
- Analysis and Development of Public Policy;
- Management of Information Systems and Human and Fiscal Resources Planning.
Required Courses (12 units)
(2) |
Advanced Seminar: Assessment |
(2) |
Induction Seminar |
(8) |
Special Problems - Educational Leadership OR |
EDLP 498** |
Advanced Administrative Field Experience |
* Admitted into the Professional Administrative Credential.
** Admission to Professional Services Credential Program and full-time employment as a school administrator.
- Under the Professional Administrative Services Credential, we are allowed under SB 1655 to offer "mastery of fieldwork performance-streamlined assessment option." Please check with the Department for specific details.
- In all of the approved programs, the Department accepts 6 units of equivalent coursework from another university or another Department from within Sacramento State (see advisor). Students may be able to take an Advanced Seminar as part of their Preliminary Administrative Services credential or Administrative Internship credential as long as it is not used to meet the Professional Administrative Services credential requirements. Professional Administrative Services credential students may take a course from the Preliminary Administrative Services credential program as long as it was not used to meet a requirement of the latter credential program.
- This credential is in the process of being modified; see Department for further information.
Admission Requirements
Admission as a classified graduate student requires:
- a baccalaureate degree;
- two years of teaching experience or its functional equivalent;
- a minimum 2.5 GPA in the last 60 units;
- proficiency in written English composition as demonstrated by either passing the Sacramento State Writing Placement for Juniors exam or equivalent, or enrolling in ENGL 109W [passing with a grade of C or better; and
- an interview with a student/practicing administrator/faculty team; interviews will be scheduled at the close of the application period, (the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test scores are NOT required; however, these test scores may be included with the admission application).
Applicants who have deficiencies in admission requirements that can be removed by specified additional preparation may be admitted with conditionally classified graduate status. Any deficiencies will be noted on a written response to the student's admission application.
Admission Procedures
Prospective graduate students, including Sacramento State graduates, must file the following with the Office of Graduate Studies, Riverfront Center 206, (916) 278-6470:
- an online application for admission; and
- one set of official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, other than Sacramento State.
For more admissions information and application deadlines, please visit http://www.csus.edu/gradstudies/.
At the same time, each applicant must forward the following to the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department in the College of Education:
- the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies application for admission (available in Eureka Hall 437);
- two letters of reference (forms attached to application packet); and
- one set of transcripts, including Sacramento State (these need not be official).
Approximately two weeks after the deadline for submission of application materials to the Department, each applicant will be scheduled for an interview. Approximately two weeks after all applicants have been interviewed, a decision regarding admission will be mailed to each applicant.
Advancement to Candidacy
Each student working toward a Master's degree must file an application for Advancement to Candidacy for the degree; the application is a form on which the student indicates a proposed program of graduate study. The student must be advanced to candidacy the semester prior to enrolling in EDLP 500A. The procedure should begin as soon as the classified graduate student has:
- removed any deficiencies in admission requirements;
- completed at least 12 units in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies graduate program with a minimum 3.0 GPA;
- obtained advisor's preliminary approval of thesis or project proposal; and
- taken the Writing Placement for Graduate Students (WPG) or taken a Graduate Writing Intensive (GWI) course in their discipline within the first two semesters of coursework at California State University, Sacramento or secured approval for a WPG waiver.
Advancement to candidacy forms are available in the Office of Graduate Studies or the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department Office. The student fills out the form after planning a degree program in consultation with his/her Educational Leadership faculty advisor. The completed form is returned to the Office of Graduate Studies for approval.
Requirements - Master of Arts in Education - Educational Leadership
Units required for the MA: 30, including at least 21 units in approved Educational Leadership courses. Up to six units, including extension credit, can be transferred from another university; a minimum of 21 units must be taken in residence.
Minimum required GPA: 3.0 for all work presented for the degree; only units with a grade ''C'' or better may be counted. All work must be completed within a 7-year period.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Graduate Core Requirements (9 units)
(3) |
Diversity and Equity in Educational Leadership |
(3) |
Foundations of Educational Leadership | |
(3) |
Education Research (Admission into the EDLP Program) |
B. Additional Requirements (15 units)
Select five of the following:
EDLP 202*, EDLP 203*, EDLP 204B, EDLP 205B, EDLP 209B, EDLP 255, EDLP 296 series course, or EDLP 299.
*Prerequisite: Admission to the Educational Leadership Program
C. Culminating Requirement (6 units)
Option 1 | ||
(3) |
Master's of Arts Thesis/Project Seminar (EDLP 250 and advancement to candidacy) |
(3) |
Master of Arts Thesis/Project (Advanced to candidacy and chair permission of his/her thesis or project committee) OR |
Option 2 | ||
(3) |
Master of Arts Thesis/Project (Advanced to candidacy and chair permission of his/her thesis or project committee) |
(3) |
Master of Arts Thesis/Project (Advanced to candidacy and chair permission of his/her thesis or project committee) |
First Semester | ||
(3) |
Master of Arts Thesis/Project (Advanced to candidacy and chair permission of his/her thesis or project committee) |
Second Semester | ||
(3) |
Master of Arts Thesis/Project (Advanced to candidacy and chair permission of his/her thesis or project committee) |
Thesis/Projects. Students must file a Master's Thesis/Project Petition in the Department office one semester in advance and must have advanced to candidacy the semester prior to enrolling in thesis/project. EDLP 500A and EDLP 230 can not be taken in the same semester unless approved by the student's advisor and Graduate Coordinator or Department Chair. EDLP 500A and EDLP 500B can not be taken in the same semester unless approved by the student's advisor and Graduate Coordinator or Department Chair. Students needing additional time may enroll in subsequent semesters in EDLP 299T with approval of their advisor and Department Chair.
- In order to be assured that faculty thesis/project advisors will be available, students must file the thesis/project petition with proposal in the Department office one semester in advance.
- This graduate degree program is subject to general University and Departmental requirements. These requirements are explained in the ''Graduate Studies'' and the ''Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department'' sections of this catalog.
- Students taking more than 6 units or less than 3 units for their culminating
coursework are required to meet with their advisor or Department Chair.
Requirements - Master of Arts in Education Degree - Higher Education Leadership
Units required for the MA: 30, including at least 21 units in approved Educational Leadership courses. Up to 6 units, including extension credit, can be transferred from another university; a minimum of 21 units must be taken in residence.
Minimum required GPA: 3.0 for all work presented for the degree; no units with a grade lower than a ''C'' may be counted. All work must be completed within a 7-year period.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Graduate Core Requirements (9 units)
(3) |
Foundations in Higher Education Leadership |
(3) |
Diversity in Higher Education |
(3) |
Education Research (Admission into the EDLP Program) |
B. Elective Requirements (15 units)
(15) Select five of the following:
Advanced Seminar: Student Affairs Leadership |
Advanced Seminar: Program Development and Evaluation |
Advanced Seminar: Ethical Decision Making |
Meeting the Leadership Challenge |
Leading the Way for Student Success: Student and Instructional Services |
Innovative Leadership for Troubled Times: Budget/Finance and Human Resources |
Advanced Seminar: Grants, Proposals, and Systemic Planning |
Advanced Seminar: Current Topics in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies |
Cooperative Education Experience (Open only to upper division and graduate students; consent of Department chair) |
EDLP 296 series course |
Experimental offerings in Ed Leadership |
Special Problems - Educational Leadership |
C. Culminating Requirement (6 units)
(3) |
Master of Arts Thesis/Project (Advanced to candidacy and chair permission of his/her thesis or project committee) |
(3) |
Master of Arts Thesis/Project (Advanced to candidacy and chair permission of his/her thesis or project committee) |
*Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Education: Higher Education Leadership Option.
- Thesis/Projects: Students must file a petition in the Department office one semester in advance and must have advanced to candidacy before they enroll in thesis/project. First semester students are to register for EDLP 500A and EDLP 500B during the second semester if they obtained a satisfactory grade in EDLP 500A. Students needing additional time may enroll in subsequent semesters in EDLP 299T with approval of their advisor and Department Chair.
The Master of Arts in Education, Higher Education Leadership Option consists of the following tracks: Student Affairs Leadership; Policy Studies in Higher Education; and Community College Leadership.
- Those pursuing the Policy Studies in Higher Education tracks may take 9 units from the Public Policy and Administration Department upon the approval of faculty advisor and availability of courses in such Department.
- Students pursuing the Leadership in Student Affairs track may take elective courses from the Counselor Education Department upon the approval of faculty advisor and availability of courses in such Department.
JoAnn Aguirre, Rosemary Blanchard, Jose Chavez, Geni Cowan, Virginia Dixon, Edmund Lee, Hazel Mahone
Contact Information
Francisco Reveles, Department Chair
Venesha Rosseau, Administrative Support Coordinator
Eureka Hall 437
(916) 278-5388; FAX (916) 278-4608