College of Arts and Letters
The Hellenic Studies minor emphasizes coursework and independent study in the areas of Greek language, Greek History, Greek politics, and Greek arts and literature. The Hellenic Studies curriculum includes lower and upper division classes offered by the departments of Foreign Languages, History, Humanities and Religious Studies, Philosophy, Government, and Art. The minor is associated with the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection www.library.csus.edu/tsakopoulos in the Sacramento State Library.
Total units required in the minor: 23 with at least 12 in upper division.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
Specific course requirements (17 units)
(4) |
Elementary Modern Greek |
(4) |
Elementary Modern Greek (GREK 6A) |
(3) |
History of Modern Greece OR |
Mediterranean Europe: From the Renaissance to the European Union |
(3) |
Ancient Greece |
(3) |
The Culture of Classical Greece |
Electives (6 units)
Art in the Western World: From Stone Age to End of Middle Ages |
Greco-Roman Art (ART 1A or equivalent) |
Political Thought I |
The Modern Middle East |
Classical Mythology |
Reason and Revelation: The Origins of Western Culture (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
History of Philosophy |
History of Ethics (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
Space and Time (6 units in philosophy or instructor permission) |
History of the Theatre: Ancient to Renaissance |
Note: Students are required to seek advising from a Hellenic Studies advisor.
Jeffrey Brodd, Humanities and Religious Studies; Andonia Cakouros, Theatre and Dance; Andrew Hertzoff, Government; Katerina Lagos, History; Nikolaos Lazaridis, History; Brad Nystrom, Humanities and Religious Studies; George Paganelis; Tsakopoulos Collection, Catherine Turrill; Art
Contact Information
Katerina Lagos, Program Director
Tahoe Hall 3089
(916) 278-7103