College of Arts and Letters
The Film Program offers interdisciplinary coursework in the areas of film production, history, theory, criticism, and writing. The Film major aims at developing a deeper understanding of the art and practice of film, its complex components, and the artists whose vision have inspired generations of filmmakers. All students are required to take a common core that provides a foundation for film criticism and production. After completing the core, students select either the film studies or film production track. Students are supervised by the Film Coordinator. The Film major is being offered as a pilot program beginning Fall 2008.
Requirements - Bachelor of Arts Degree
Total units required for Major: 39-45 units
Total units required for BA: 120
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Lower Division Core Courses (6 units)
(2) |
(1) |
Digital Film/Video Production Lab (Corequisite: FILM/COMS 27A) |
(3) |
Introduction to Film Studies |
B. Upper Division Core Courses (15 units)
(3) |
Film Theory and Criticism |
(3) |
Media Aesthetics |
(3) |
(3) |
Survey of World Cinema |
(3) |
Hollywood and America |
C. Option Requirements
Choose either the Film Studies or the Digital Film/Video Production option.
Film Studies - 18 units
A. Area Requirements
(3) Select one from the following:
Film and Video Production Management |
Staging and Lighting Digital Video (FILM/COMS 20A, FILM/COMS 20B, FILM/COMS 27A and FILM/COMS 27B each with a grade of "B-" or better) |
Theory of Film/Video Editing |
B. Capstone Course
(3) |
Senior Seminar in Film (Completion of the Film Studies core; GWAR Certification before Fall 09, or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
C. Electives
(12) |
To be selected in consultation with your major advisor |
Digital Film/Video Production - 24 units
A. Area Requirements
(2) |
(1) |
(3) |
Documentary and Non-Narrative Film/Video Writing (ENGL 5, ENGL 20) |
(3) |
Non-Studio Video Production (FILM/COMS 20A, FILM/COMS 20B, FILM/COMS 27A and FILM/COMS 27B each with a grade of "B-" or better) |
(6) Select two of the following:
Video Production Management |
Staging and Lighting Digital Video (FILM/COMS 20A, FILM/COMS 20B, FILM/COMS 27A and FILM/COMS 27B each with a grade of "B-" or better) |
Theory of Film and Video Editing |
B. Capstone Courses
(3-6) |
Senior Practicum in Video Production (FILM/COMS 128 with a grade of "C-" or better; and instructor permission)* |
*This course may be repeated once for credit. |
During the first semester of the capstone experience students will be required to serve as crew members of a production team. Students taking the class twice will be given the option of directing a video. |
C. Electives
(3-6) |
To be selected in consultation with your major advisor |
Requirements - Minor - Film Studies
The Film Studies minor emphasizes coursework and independent study in the areas of film appreciation, history, theory, and criticism and writing within the context of a liberal arts tradition. The Film Studies curriculum includes upper division classes offered by the Departments of Art, Communication Studies, English, Foreign Languages, History, Humanities and Religious Studies, and Theatre and Dance. The Film Studies minor is supervised by the Film Studies Coordinator.
Units required for Minor: 18
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Lower Division Courses (0-3 units)
(3) |
Aesthetics of Theatre and Film |
B. Upper Division Courses (15-18 units)
(3) |
Film Theory and Criticism |
(3) |
The Film |
(9-12) Select 9 to 12 units from the following elective courses:
Film as an Art Form |
Modern East Asian Cinema (GWAR certification before Fall 09, or WPJ score of 80+, or 3 unit placement in ENGL 109M/W, or 4 unit in ENGL 109M/W or WPJ score 70/71 and ENGL 109X corequisite) |
Media Aesthetics |
Video Production Management |
Film as Communication |
Writing for Television |
Masterpieces of the Cinema |
Films of Great Directors |
Fiction Into Film |
Recent American Films |
Hollywood and America |
Contemporary Issues in Film |
World Religions and Cultures in Cinema |
Women in Film and American Culture |
Latin American Film |
THEA 175 | Multicultural Perspectives in American Film |
Career Possibilities
Videographer · Cinematographer · Production Coordinator · Production Assistant · Lighting Designer · Gaffer · Grip · Film/Video Director · Production Sound Mixer · Sound Editor · Screenwriter · Script Supervisor · Video Editor · Effects Editor · Independent Filmaker · Film Critic
Steve Buss, Michele Foss-Snowden, Raymond Koegel, Jenny Stark, Communication Studies; Andrew Anker, Design; Jason Geiger, Doug Rice, English; George Craft, History; Alyson Buckman, Jackie Donath, Humanities and Religious Studies; Roberto D. Pomo, Theatre and Dance
Contact Information
Jenny Stark, Film Coordinator
Mendocino Hall 5027
(916) 278-6285