College of Engineering and Computer Science
The Sacramento State University Construction Management degree prepares students for managerial positions with contractors and other organizations involved in the construction process. For a graduate, this preparation can combine with experience and lead to recognition as a construction professional, a Constructor. The construction professional is responsible for the execution of construction work, for the creation of completed projects from plans prepared by design professionals such as architects and engineers. What is to be built is defined by design professionals; how the work is to be accomplished is the concern of the Constructor. A Constructor determines the methods to be used and directs the economical application of resources in the construction of timely and safe projects at satisfactory prices, and to the required standards of quality.
The immediate objective of the program is to provide university-level preparation for managerial positions in construction and a foundation for continued learning. The curriculum emphasizes subject areas that are significant to the Constructor: engineering fundamentals, construction management, business administration, humanities and social sciences, and the development of analytical and communication skills.
Special Features
To meet the objectives of this specialized professional program, the Construction Management curriculum consists of four distinct components:
Engineering: Based in sciences and mathematics, this component stresses engineering principles and their application to the construction process. This component provides sound engineering fundamentals.
Construction Management: This component utilizes the functional approach as a framework for studying the management of the construction process. In the individual courses, construction activities are analyzed from a managerial viewpoint and the functions of management are stressed.
Business Administration Courses: Business courses form the third component and reinforce the program's management emphasis. A minor in Business Administration is obtained by combining the required lower and upper division business courses. Furthermore, completing the minor requirements can satisfy many of the core requirements of the graduate program in Business Administration at Sacramento State.
General Education Courses: The fourth component is critical to the success of construction students who must be sensitive to the issues driving contemporary society.
Academic Policies and Procedures
The following is a summary of policies and procedures specific to the Construction Management program. Other university policies and procedures in this catalog also apply to Construction Management majors. The Department will not hear petitions for deviation from articulated policies made by students who disregard catalog policy.
- Most Construction Management courses require a grade of "C-" or better.
- Course Repeat Policy: Undergraduate Construction Management courses that are used to meet the degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Management may be repeated only twice (for a total of three attempts). Grades of the second and third attempt will be averaged in grade point calculations.
Requirements - Bachelor of Science Degree - Minor in Business Administration
Units required for Lower Division Premajor: 33
Units required for Upper Division Major: 42
Units required for Business Minor: 24
Minimum total units for the BS: 132
Note: Additional units may be required to meet the Sacramento State foreign
language requirement.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Lower Division Courses (Pre-major)
First Semester Freshman Year - Fall (16 units) | ||
(3) |
Plane and Topographic Surveying (MATH 26A or MATH 30; may be taken concurrently) |
(1) |
The Construction Industry |
(3) |
Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis OR |
Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis |
(3) |
College Composition (EPT score of 148 or above, or completion of ENGL 1) |
(3) |
Calculus I for the Social and Life Sciences (MATH 11 or three years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra and one year of geometry; completion of ELM requirement and the Intermediate Algebra Diagnostic Test) OR |
Calculus I (MATH 29 or four years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one year of mathematical analysis; completion of ELM requirement and Pre-Calculus Diagnostic Test) |
(3) |
General Education Course |
Second Semester Freshman Year - Spring (16 units) | ||
(3) |
Accounting Fundamentals (Entry Level Math (ELM) test of at least 36 or a CR grade in LS 7A) |
(3) |
Construction Materials and Processes (CM 10 and ENGL 1A; CM 10 may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
College Composition II (Completion of ENGL 1A or ENGL 2 or equivalent with a grade of C- or better; sophomore standing [must have completed 30 units prior to registration]) OR |
College Composition II--Technical Communications (ENGL 1A with a grade of C- or better, or equivalent) |
(3) |
Calculus II for the Social and Life Sciences (MATH 26A or appropriate high school based AP credit) OR |
Calculus II (MATH 30 or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
(4) |
General Physics: Mechanics, Heat, Sound (Recently completed three years of high school algebra and geometry; and a college course in algebra and trigonometry [MATH 9 recommended] for those having an inadequate mathematics background) |
First Semester Sophomore Year - Fall (16 units) | ||
(3) |
Managerial Accounting (ACCY 1) |
(3) |
Construction Graphics (ENGL 1A and CM 10; CM 10 may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
Properties of Construction Materials (PHYS 5A) |
(4) |
General Physics: Light, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics (PHYS 5A or instructor permission) |
(3) |
General Education Course |
Second Semester Sophomore Year - Spring (18 units) | ||
(3) |
Construction Documents (ENGL 1A, CM 20, CM 21; CM 20 may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
Engineering Mechanics--Statics (MATH 26B, PHYS 5A; MATH 26B may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
Introduction to Public Speaking OR |
The Communication Experience |
(3) |
Environmental Science |
(3) |
Introduction to Statistics (MATH 9 or three years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra and one year of geometry; completion of ELM requirement and the Intermediate Algebra Diagnostic Test) |
(3) |
General Education Course |
*Indicates courses that can also be used to satisfy General Education requirements. For the degree, students must satisfy all the University's General Education requirements for Construction Management. Students should contact the program office for a complete list of these requirements. A second year foreign language course (2A or equivalent) may also satisfy 3 units of GE when the course is being taken to comply with the Sacramento State foreign language requirement. Students should consult with an advisor for exact GE eligibility of these courses.
Notes:- High school chemistry (one year), mechanical drawing (one year), and trigonometry (one-half year) also required. Students without this high school preparation must take the necessary courses in addition to those listed above.
- The recommended course sequence may change. Students should consult the Construction Management program for current information.
Computer Literacy and Competency
All majors and pre-majors shall demonstrate computer literacy and competency prior to taking 100-level construction management or business courses. This requirement is met by passing scores on examinations as administered by the College of Business Administration in each of the following areas:
- Basic understanding and manipulation skills for operating system, Email system, and browser (covered in MIS 1).
- Basic facility with spreadsheets using the College of Business Administration's standard spreadsheet package (covered in MIS 2).
- Word processing and presentation graphics (covered in MIS 3).
B. Required Upper Division Courses (Major)
Upper division Construction Management courses are open only to students who have satisfactorily completed all required lower division preparation and have been admitted to the major. Lower division prerequisites are noted below only to show the relationship of the subjects.
First Semester Junior Year - Fall (18 units) | ||
(3) |
Construction Operations and Methods Analysis (CM 22; Corequisite: CM 121) |
(3) |
Fundamentals of Construction Estimating (CM 22; Corequisite: CM 120) |
(3) |
Structures I - Design Principles and Structural Steel Design (CM 30, and CM 40; CM 40 may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
Principles of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (PHYS 5B, CM 30) |
(3) |
Legal Environment of Business |
(3) |
Business, Ethics, and Society (GWAR Certification before Fall 09, or WPJ score of 80+, or C or higher grade in ENGL 109M/W, or C- grade in ENGL 109M/W or WPJ score 70/71 and ENGL 109X co-requisite) |
Second Semester Junior Year - Spring (15 units) | ||
(3) |
Construction Labor Relations |
(3) |
(3) |
Planning, Scheduling and Control (CM 121) |
(3) |
Soils and Foundations (CM 130) |
(3) |
Structures II - Timber and Formwork Design (CM 130) |
First Semester Senior Year - Fall (18 units) | ||
(3) |
Legal Aspects of Construction (Senior class standing, MGMT 101, CM 22; Corequisite: CM 126) |
(3) |
(3) |
Construction Project Management (CM 125, CM 127; Corequisite: CM 110) |
(3) |
Structures III - Reinforced Concrete and Reinforced Masonry (CM 130) |
(3) |
The Management of Contemporary Organizations |
(3) | General Education Course | |
Second Semester Senior Year - Spring (15 units) | ||
(3) |
BA Elective |
A 100-level Business Administration course |
(3) |
(3) Select one of the following: |
Business Finance |
Principles of Marketing |
Operations Management (DS 101 and instructor permission) |
(3) |
General Education Course |
(3) |
General Education Course |
*Indicates courses that also can be used to satisfy General Education requirements. For the degree, students must satisfy all the University's General Education requirements for Construction Management. Students should contact the program office for a complete list of these requirements.
Note: Business Administration lower and upper division courses apply both to the major and to a Business Administration minor. Students interested in pursuing a pre-MBA sequence should contact the Degree Program Center in the College of Business Administration.
Career Possibilities
Construction Manager · General Contractor · Sub-Contractor · Project Manager · Construction Estimator · Technical Salesperson · Construction Scheduler or Planner · Forensic Construction Specialist · Environmental Remediation Contractor · Construction Consultant
Mikael Anderson, Keith Bisharat, Karen Hansen, Justin Reginato
Contact Information
Mikael Anderson, Program Coordinator
Margaret Wade, Administrative Support Assistant
Riverside Hall 4024
(916) 278-6616