College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
The Science Subject Matter Program, with concentrations in either Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geosciences, or Physics, leads to a BA degree in the area of concentration and meets the latest subject matter requirements of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) for subject-matter preparation of teachers of Natural Science at the general science level and in the student's area of concentration at the advanced high school level. In order to obtain a California Teaching Credential, a program of professional Education preparation is required in addition to the Subject Matter Program. A typical credential might read, for example, SCIENCE: Concentration Chemistry.
A grade of at least a "C-" and an overall GPA of 2.7 in all courses in the Science Subject Matter Program are required for admission to the Teacher Education Program. It is recommended that all coursework for the Subject Matter Program be completed before starting the Teacher Education Program. At least 15 units of the coursework or equivalent work experience must be current, i.e., completed within the past six years.
It is also possible to obtain admission to the Professional Education Program by passing a series of subject-matter examinations specified by the CTC in lieu of this Science Subject Matter Program. For information about this option contact the Teacher Preparation Program Office (Eureka Hall 216, (916) 278-6403).
Note: Due to policy changes from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the federal No Child Left Behind mandate, the Science Subject Matter program was under review at the time of this catalog printing and is subject to revision. As a result it is important to consult a credential advisor for current details.
- BA: Biological Sciences / Chemistry / Geosciences / Physics
Special Features
- At Sacramento State all four science departments have strong BA and BS programs supported by an active faculty and with modern laboratory facilities. The departments are committed to the education and development of new science teachers and have a solid record of providing professional activities and support for local experienced teachers through the work of the Center for Mathematics and Science Education.
- This subject matter program is based on the concept that, if well
educated science majors pursue teaching careers in K-12 education, science
instruction will improve. To this end, the Sacramento State Science Subject Matter
Program embodies the following features. The program:
- emphasizes breadth in all four of the sciences. All credential candidates will complete a full year or more of laboratory-based science in each of the natural sciences.
- requires depth of study in one of the natural sciences. All credential candidates must complete the BA requirements in one of the natural sciences. Through deeper study of science, credential candidates become learners in the discipline and develop the ability to be creative teachers and models for their students.
- emphasizes laboratory and field work so that credential candidates learn to use the many tools of science including computers. This will enable them to develop laboratory programs and structure field experiences for students in their schools.
- emphasizes science for all students. The departments recognize the need to have programs which address the needs of underrepresented groups in science; women, African-Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanics. The SEE (Science Education Equity) Office and the Center for Mathematics and Science Education encourage and enable these student groups to be successful in science and to consider careers in education.
- Credential candidates who complete this subject matter program in the sciences will have gained the confidence and ability to do science. They will understand that science is not just a collection of facts to be memorized but a creative and dynamic process which when applied can lead to understanding and appreciation of the natural world. This attitude will be reflected in their classrooms and will make them good models for pre-college students.
- Science majors who intend to pursue a teaching credential should see
a faculty advisor or the department chair in the department of their
academic major. It is recommended that they do so early as it is critical
that their science coursework be carefully planned and coordinated
with the professional teacher preparation program. In addition, students
are encouraged to become involved with education related activities
like grading, assisting in labs, tutoring K-12 students, visiting schools,
and actually teaching; all experiences that can be arranged through
your advisor and the Center for Mathematics and Science Education.
Requirements - Subject Matter Program - Biological Sciences (Pre-Credential Preparation)
Units required for Subject Matter Program: 65-66
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
This subject matter program provides the minimum preparation for biology students interested in the single subject teaching credential in the sciences with a concentration in biology. This program meets the standards for academic preparation set by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and qualifies students to teach general science covering all four natural sciences and biology at the high school level.
A. Required Lower Division Core Courses (37-38 units)
(3) |
Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology (One year of high school geometry or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Basic Biological Concepts |
(5) |
General Chemistry I (High school chemistry and college algebra; sufficient performance on the college algebra diagnostic test, or equivalent, or minimum grade of "C" in CHEM 4) |
(5) |
General Chemistry II (CHEM 1A with a passing grade of C or better) |
(3) |
Organic Chemistry Lecture--Brief Course (CHEM 1B) |
(3) |
Physical Geology |
(1) |
Physical Geology Lab (GEOL 10; may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
(3-4) Select one of the following:
(3) |
Calculus I for the Social and Life Sciences (MATH 11 or three years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra and one year of geometry; completion of ELM requirement and the Intermediate Algebra Diagnostic Test) |
(4) |
Calculus I (MATH 29 or four years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one year of mathematical analysis; completion of ELM requirement and Pre-Calculus Diagnostic Test) |
(4) |
General Physics: Mechanics, Heat, Sound (Recently completed three years of high school algebra and geometry; and a college course in algebra and trigonometry [MATH 9 recommended] for those having an inadequate mathematics background) |
(4) |
General Physics: Light, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics (PHYS 5A or instructor permission) |
B. Required Upper Division Core Courses (17 units)
(3) |
(4) |
General Microbiology (BIO 10 or both BIO 1 and BIO 2; CHEM 20 or CHEM 24) |
(3) |
(4) |
General Genetics (BIO 1 and BIO 2; declared Biological Sciences, Biochemistry or Chemistry major or instructor permission) |
(3) |
General Biochemistry (CHEM 20 or CHEM 124; one year of biological science is recommended) |
- CHEM 161 is not counted toward the 24 upper division unit requirement in the major.
- CHEM 160A and CHEM 160B may be taken in lieu of CHEM 161. Three units may be counted toward the 24 upper division unit requirements for the major.
- BIO 106 is not acceptable toward a BA in biological sciences.
C. Upper Division Electives (11 units)
Select eleven (11) upper division biology units in consultation with an advisor. Upper division electives in biological sciences must include one course in plant biology and one course in animal biology.
Requirements - Subject Matter Program - Chemistry (Pre-Credential Preparation)
required for the Subject Matter Program: 77
A minimum grade "C-" is required in all courses required for the Chemistry
major. Grades below "C-" in prerequisite courses do not satisfy prerequisite
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
This subject matter program provides the minimum preparation for chemistry majors interested in pursuing the single subject teaching credential in the sciences with a concentration in chemistry. This program meets the standards for academic preparation set by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and qualifies students to teach general science in all the four natural sciences and chemistry at the high school level.
A. Required Lower Division Core Courses (53 units)
(3) |
Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology (One year of high school geometry or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Basic Biological Concepts |
(5) |
General Chemistry I (High school chemistry and college algebra; sufficient performance on the college algebra diagnostic test, or equivalent, or minimum grade of "C" in CHEM 4) |
(5) |
General Chemistry II (CHEM 1A with a passing grade of C or better) |
(3) |
Organic Chemistry Lecture I (CHEM 1B) |
(3) |
Organic Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM 24, CHEM 124; CHEM 124 may be taken concurrently) |
(4) |
Quantitative Analysis (CHEM 1B) |
(3) |
Physical Geology |
(1) |
Physical Geology Lab (GEOL 10; may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
(4) |
Calculus I (MATH 29 or four years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one year of mathematical analysis; completion of ELM requirement and Pre-Calculus Diagnostic Test) |
(4) |
Calculus II (MATH 30 or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
(4) |
Calculus III (MATH 31) |
(4) |
General Physics: Mechanics, Heat, Sound (Recently completed three years of high school algebra and geometry; and a college course in algebra and trigonometry [MATH 9 recommended] for those having an inadequate mathematics background) |
(4) |
General Physics: Light, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics (PHYS 5A or instructor permission) |
B. Required Upper Division Courses (24 units)
(3) |
Organic Chemistry Lecture II (CHEM 24, or instructor permission; concurrent enrollment in CHEM 25 recommended) |
(3) |
Physical Chemistry Lecture I (CHEM 1B, CHEM 24, CHEM 31, MATH 32; PHYS 5A, PHYS 5B or PHYS 11A, PHYS 11B, PHYS 11C; PHYS 11C may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
Physical Chemistry Lecture II (CHEM 140A) |
(3) |
Physical Chemistry Laboratory (ENGL 20 or an equivalent second semester composition course; CHEM 140A, CHEM 140B or CHEM 142, instructor permission; CHEM 140B either may be taken concurrently) |
(12) |
Additional courses to a minimum of 24 upper division units in Chemistry including two lecture courses and two laboratory courses. Elective courses should be selected in consultation with an advisor. |
Requirements - Subject Matter Program - Geosciences (Pre-Credential Preparation)
Units required for the Subject Matter Program: 70
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
The subject matter program provides the minimum preparation for geology majors interested in pursuing the single subject teaching credential in the sciences with a concentration in the geosciences. This program meets the standards for academic preparation set by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and qualifies students to teach all four of the natural sciences and the geosciences at the high school level.
A. Required Lower Division Core Courses (35 units)
(3) |
Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology (One year of high school geometry or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Basic Biological Concepts |
(5) |
General Chemistry I (High school chemistry and college algebra; sufficient performance on the college algebra diagnostic test, or equivalent, or minimum grade of "C" in CHEM 4) |
(5) |
General Chemistry II (CHEM 1A with a passing grade of C or better) |
(3) |
Physical Geology |
(1) |
Physical Geology Lab (GEOL 10; may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
(4) |
Calculus I for the Social Life and Sciences (MATH 11 or three years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra and one year of geometry; completion of ELM requirement and Pre-Calculus Diagnostic Test) AND |
Pre-Calculus Mathematics (MATH 11 or three years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra and one year of geometry; completion of ELM requirement and Intermediate Diagnostic Test) OR |
Calculus I (MATH 29 or four years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one year mathematical analysis; completion of ELM requirement and Pre-Calculus Diagnostic Test) OR |
(4) |
General Physics: Mechanics, Heat, Sound (Recently completed three years of high school algebra and geometry; and a college course in algebra and trigonometry [MATH 9 recommended] for those having an inadequate mathematics background) |
(4) |
General Physics: Light, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics (PHYS 5A or instructor permission) |
B. Upper Division Courses (35 units)
(4) |
(4) |
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (GEOL 100 with a grade of C- or better, GEOL 103 may be taken concurrently) |
(4) |
Sedimentology/Stratigraphy (GEOL 10, GEOL 10L, GEOL 12, GEOL 100; ENGL 5 or demonstrated writing ability |
(4) |
Paleontology (GEOL 5 or GEOL 10 and GEOL 10L, GEOL 12 and GEOL 12L) |
(4) |
Structural Geology and Tectonics (GEOL 5 or GEOL 10 and GEOL 10L, GEOL 12 and GEOL 12L, GEOL 111A and GEOL 111B; PHYS 5A or PHYS 11A; MATH 30 or MATH 26A) |
(2) |
Field Geology (GEOL 5 or GEOL 10 and GEOL 10L, GEOL 12 and GEOL 12L; GEOL 100 with a grade of C- or better; Corequisite: GEOL 111B) |
(2) |
Field Techniques (GEOL 10, GEOL 10L, GEOL 12, GEOL 12L, GEOL 100; Corequisite: GEOL 103, GEOL 111A) |
(3) |
Geophysics for Geologists (GEOL 5 or GEOL 10 and GEOL 10L; PHYS 5A; PHYS 5B which may be taken concurrently) |
(6) Electives. (Three credits must be an applied geology elective and three credits may be chosen from GEOL 114, GEOL 121, GEOL 130, GEOL 140.) |
Note: Attendance at 16 colloquia, verified by faculty signature, is required.
Requirements - Subject Matter Program - Physics (Pre-Credential Preparation)
Units required for the Subject Matter Program: 80
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
The subject matter program provides the minimum preparation for physics majors interested in pursuing the single subject teaching credential in the sciences with a concentration in physics. This program meets the standards for academic preparation set by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and qualifies students to teach all four of the natural sciences and physics at the high school level.
A. Required Lower Division Courses (51 units)
(3) |
Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology (One year of high school geometry or instructor permission) |
(1) |
Astronomical Observation Lab (ASTR 4A, ASTR 4B, ASTR 4C; may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
Basic Biological Concepts |
(5) |
General Chemistry I (High school chemistry and college algebra; sufficient performance on the college algebra diagnostic test, or equivalent, or minimum grade of "C" in CHEM 4) |
(5) |
General Chemistry II (CHEM 1A with a passing grade of C or better) |
(3) |
Physical Geology |
(1) |
Physical Geology Lab (GEOL 10; may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
(4) |
Calculus I (MATH 29 or four years of high school mathematics which includes two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one year of mathematical analysis; completion of ELM requirement and Pre-Calculus Diagnostic Test) |
(4) |
Calculus II (MATH 30 or appropriate high school based AP credit) |
(4) |
Calculus III (MATH 31) |
(3) |
Differential Equations for Science and Engineering (MATH 31) |
(4) |
General Physics: Mechanics (MATH 30, MATH 31; or equivalent certificated high school courses. MATH 31 may be taken concurrently) |
(4) |
(4) |
General Physics: Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics (MATH 31, PHYS 11A) |
B. Upper Division Courses (29 units)
(3) |
Mathematical Methods in Physics (MATH 32; PHYS 11A, PHYS 11B, PHYS 11C or PHYS 5A, PHYS 5B) |
(3) |
Introduction to Modern Physics (MATH 31; PHYS 11A, PHYS 11B, PHYS 11C or PHYS 5A, PHYS 5B) |
(3) |
(4) |
Electronics and Instrumentation (PHYS 11C or PHYS 5B with instructor permission.) |
(3) |
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (MATH 45, PHYS 11A, PHYS 11B, PHYS 11C) |
(3) |
(2) |
Advanced Physics Laboratory (12 units of upper division physics including PHYS 106 and either PHYS 115 or PHYS 145 and a satisfaction of the Advanced Writing requirement) |
(2) |
Senior Project (Department Chair permission) |
(6) |
Electives |
Note: Elective courses must be selected in consultation with the credential advisor.
Career Possibilities
Middle School Science Teacher ยท High School Teacher of General Science and Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, or Physics depending on choice of major
Kelly McDonald, Department Chair
Sequoia Hall 202
(916) 278-6535
Linda Roberts, Department Chair
Sequoia Hall 506
(916) 278-6684
Roy Dixon, Advisor
Sequoia Hall 446C
(916) 278-6893
Jeffrey Paradis, Advisor
Sequoia Hall 444C
(916) 278-6987
Tim Horner, Department Chair
Placer Hall 2003
(916) 278-5635
Judi Kusnick, Advisor
Placer Hall 1019
(916) 278-4692
Vera Margoniner, Advisor
Sequoia Hall 230
(916) 278-6268
Lynn Tashiro, Advisor
Sequoia Hall 230
(916) 278-6518
College of Education
Teacher Preparation and Credentials Office
Eureka Hall 216
(916) 278-6403
Contact Information
Center for Mathematics and Science Education
Sequoia Hall 330
(916) 278-5487