College of Education
The Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department (BMED) prepares K-12 teacher candidates and practitioners to work with students to develop a democratic and pluralistic society. The Department faculty explores theoretical and pedagogical issues of bilingualism, multiculturalism, and educational equity and social justice, offering courses and experiences to assist credential candidates and professionals to work successfully in classrooms, schools, and educational agencies within our diverse state. The Department curriculum develops students’ pedagogical, analytical, and planning skills in order to prepare them to operate effectively in the development, implementation, and analysis of educational policies and programs affecting the academic lives of low income, and culturally and linguistically diverse K-12 students.
The Department offers pre-service teacher preparation programs, through the Multicultural/Multilingual Teacher Preparation Center (M/M Center), leading to a Preliminary Multiple Subject and Single Subject teaching credentials with a Bilingual/Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development emphasis (BCLAD) or English Language Authorization (ELA) Enhancement.
For practicing teachers, the Department offers a California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) Certificate with a concentrated focus on working with English language learners in K-12 classrooms or other educational settings.
The Department also offers a Master of Arts in Education: Teacher Leadership in Multicultural Education.
Note: All programs offered through the Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department including Preliminary teaching credentials, certificates (MS, SS, ELA, and BCLAD) and Masters (MA) are under revision in response to system-wide assessment, accreditation standards, and requirements issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Applicants are advised to contact the Department, Eureka Hall 401, (916) 278-5942, for information regarding current requirements.
- Minor: Education
- Credentials:
Multiple Subject, Bilingual/Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development – (BCLAD) Emphasis
Single Subject, Bilingual/Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development – (BCLAD) Emphasis
Multiple Subject, English Language Authorization (ELA) Enhanced
Single Subject, English Language Authorization (ELA) Enhanced - Certificate: California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL)
- MA in Education:
Teacher Leadership in Multicultural Education
Multicultural Educators in Nontraditional Settings
Requirements - Minor
Units required: 12 units
The Education Minor offered by the Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department (BMED) consists of 12 units or more of upper division education courses that focus on diversity and education. Courses in the minor offer students the opportunity to explore the issues of race, culture, language, class, gender, and ability/disability, and their relationship to education. In addition to University-based courses, the minor can include a field-based course in an educational setting with high numbers of children and adolescents from diverse backgrounds. Students develop a coherent course of study in education and diversity with a Bilingual/Multicultural Education (BMED) Advisor and approval from the BMED Chair. This minor is especially recommended for students seeking the bilingual authorization for their teacher credential offered through the BMED Multicultural/Multilingual Teacher Preparation Center.
Programs - Credential
Program Information
The Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department (BMED) offers prospective teaching credential candidates a unique and powerful educational experience. The Multicultural/Multilingual Teacher Preparation Center’s (M/M Center) small size (between 60-90 students annually) facilitates a more personalized support system and ready access to Department faculty. The curriculum is both an “integrated” model and an “enhanced” model with regards to the focus on English language learners and their special academic needs. To that end, credential candidates are placed in the field with cooperating/host teachers who share the department’s philosophical and pedagogical mission, many of whom are former graduates of the program. The field experience, including student teaching, is an integral part of the credential pathways and students are assigned to multiple grade levels. All student teachers work in schools with children or youth representing a broad range of racial, cultural, ethnic, language, and social class backgrounds. The programs’ sequenced and integrated design results in highly focused instruction interwoven with hands-on teaching experiences, sustained mentoring, and personalized advising. The M/M Center has a long historical commitment to a pedagogy that adheres to high intellectual, academic, and socio-cultural perspectives with an emphasis on both content pedagogy and the effective and humane teaching of low-income and culturally and linguistically diverse learners. The M/M Center welcomes candidates, whether bilingual or monolingual, who share the same commitment to excellence in teaching and educational equity. Prospective M/M teacher candidates may want to consider the Education Minor offered by the Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department.
The California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) Certificate is designed for credentialed K-12 teachers. The CTEL coursework also reflects the philosophical and pedagogical perspectives of the department and the underlying tenets of educational equity and social justice. Practitioners receive a CTEL Certificate by completing coursework pre-approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC).
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential PathwaysThe Multiple Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to provide instruction in self-contained classrooms in grades K-8. Multiple subject candidates completing their credential through BMED’s Multicultural/Multilingual Teacher Preparation Center receive a multiple subject credential with an ELA focus that authorizes the recipient to teach English learners in English language development settings. All BMED multiple subject credential courses are integrated with methods and approaches addressing the knowledge and skills necessary to teach English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE). In addition to this integrated model, candidates enrolled in this pathway receive enhanced preparation in methods for teaching English language learners by taking an additional semester-long course integrated into the program. The Multiple Subject ELA-Enhanced credential pathway is open to all candidates interested in working with low income and culturally and linguistically diverse student populations and does not require proficiency in a second language. BMED Multiple Subject candidates must demonstrate subject matter knowledge by passing the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET, subtests I, II and III).
The Multiple Subject Bilingual/Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development Emphasis Credential (BCLAD) authorizes the holder to provide instruction in primary language to English learners in K-8 bilingual instructional settings. Students with proficiency in Spanish, Hmong, and other target languages in California may earn a Multiple Subject Bilingual/Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Emphasis credential. Multiple Subject BCLAD candidates receive the same preparation to teach English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) as Multiple Subject candidates receiving the ELA-Enhanced credential. However, the BCLAD emphasis credential requires additional coursework, passage of target language and ethno-history exams, and appropriate bilingual student teaching placements.
Students interested in BMED’s Multicultural/Multilingual Teacher Preparation Center should start the process of admission by obtaining additional information and advisement from the Teacher Preparation and Credentials (TPAC) Office, Eureka Hall 216, on the TPAC Web page www.edweb.csus.edu/tpac, or from the Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department, Eureka Hall 401.
Single Subject Teaching Credential PathwaysThe Single Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to provide instruction in departmentalized, subject matter classrooms in grades 7-12. Single Subject candidates completing their credential through BMED’s Multicultural/Multilingual Teacher Preparation Center receive a Single Subject credential with an ELA focus that authorizes the recipient to teach English learners in English language development settings. All BMED Single Subject credential courses are integrated with methods and approaches addressing the knowledge and skills necessary to teach English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE). In addition to this integrated model, candidates enrolled in this pathway receive enhanced preparation in methods for teaching English language learners by taking an additional semester-long course integrated into the program. The Single Subject ELA Enhanced credential pathway is open to all candidates interested in working with low income and culturally and linguistically diverse student populations and does not require proficiency in a second language.
The Single Subject Bilingual Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development Emphasis Credential (BCLAD) authorizes the holder to provide instruction in primary language to English learners in content-specific bilingual instructional settings most commonly found in secondary schools, grades 7-12. Students with fluency in Spanish, Hmong, and other target languages in California may earn a Single Subject Bilingual/Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Emphasis credential. Single Subject BCLAD candidates receive the same preparation to teach English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) as Single Subject candidates receiving the ELA-Enhanced credential. However, the Single Subject BCLAD emphasis credential requires additional coursework, passage of target language and ethno-history exams, and appropriate bilingual student teaching placements.
BMED Single Subject candidates must verify subject matter competency in one of the following content areas: art, English, foreign language, science, mathematics or social science. Subject matter competency requirements may be satisfied through completion of an approved waiver program in one of the above single subject areas or through CSET examination. Single Subject candidates must check with the designated Sacramento State subject matter department advisor for a review of completed coursework and information regarding the appropriate means for satisfying subject matter competency requirements. Candidates who seek an added credential authorization to teach in another subject area can obtain information on added authorizations from the Credentials Office in Eureka Hall 209.
Students interested in BMED’s Multicultural/Multilingual Teacher Preparation Center should start the admission process by contacting the Teacher Preparation and Credentials (TPAC) Office in Eureka Hall 216, or on the TPAC Web page www.edweb.csus.edu/tpac, or the Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department, Eureka Hall 401.
General Teaching Credential Requirements - Multiple and Single Subject Preliminary
Students who seek to fulfill the requirements of the Multiple Subject Credential or the Single Subject Credential (with either the ELA Enhanced or BCLAD emphasis) within a standard four-year college program must plan their academic schedules very carefully. Completion of the Preliminary Teaching Credential requires that the student:
- hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university;
- complete an approved program of teacher preparation, including student teaching;
- pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST);
- pass a college-level course or examination on the U.S. Constitution; and
- complete all prerequisite coursework for specific pathways in education.
Note: Students who seek to fulfill the requirements of the Multiple Subject Credential or the Single Subject Credential (with either the ELA Enhanced or BCLAD emphasis) within a standard four-year college program must plan their academic schedules very carefully.
For the Multiple Subject Credential the student is also required to:
- pass the Reading Instruction Competency Assessment (RICA) and an approved course in the teaching of reading; and
- pass the approved subject matter examination (CSET: California Subject Examination for Teachers, Multiple Subject, Subtests I, II and III).
For the Single Subject Credential the student is required to:
- complete an approved teaching major (subject matter) program or pass an approved subject-matter examination; and
- complete an approved course in the teaching of reading.
Admission Procedures and Criteria: Multiple Subject, ELA-Enhanced and/or BCLAD Emphasis, Preliminary Credential, and Single Subject, ELA-Enhanced and/or BCLAD Emphasis, Preliminary Credential
Students may apply for program admission as early as the first semester of their junior year but must seek additional, personalized advisement from a BMED faculty member or the College of Education Equity Coordinator. Applications are available approximately three months prior to the application deadline. Because of space limitations, not all qualified applicants may gain admission to a program.
In screening for admission, the Teacher Preparation and Credentials Office uses the following procedures and selection criteria:
Application Deadline: Applicants must complete two (2) applications. The Teacher Preparation Program application is available from the TPAC Office (Eureka 216) and online www.edweb.csus.edu/tpac. The Graduate Studies Application is available online only at: www.csus.edu/gradstudies/appinfo_general.htm. Applicants must complete a university application by the posted application deadline date for the term applying. For more admissions information and application deadlines, please visit www.csus.edu/gradstudies/. The application deadline may be extended under special circumstances. Application deadlines are also subject to change; please consult both the TPAC Office and the Office of Graduate Studies for the most current application deadline dates.
Verification of Subject Matter Competence: Multiple Subject students verify subject matter competence by completing the California Subject Exam for Teachers (CSET) Subtests I, II, and III. Single Subject students verify subject matter competence either by exam (CSET subject assessment tests specific to the appropriate discipline/content area) or by completion of an approved subject matter preparation program. Subject matter competence must be demonstrated by all candidates prior to entering their final semester of the teacher preparation program.
Demonstration of California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST): Multiple Subject applicants have two options for demonstrating Basic Educational Skills. Passing the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) is one method for satisfying this requirement. The second option is to pass CSET Subtest IV (which is taken in conjunction with CSET Subtests I, II, III). Basic Educational Skills must be demonstrated prior to beginning the Preliminary Credential Program. Single Subject applicants have one option for demonstrating Basic Educational Skills: passing CBEST. Applicants who demonstrate Basic Educational Skills prior to admission will have this factor considered favorably in the admission screening process.
Note: For more information about the CBEST and/or CSET exams, please visit the testing agency Web site: www.ctcexams.nesinc.com. For additional information about the exams and assistance in preparing for them, please contact the College of Education Equity Coordinator, Adriana Echandía, in Eureka Hall 212.
Grade Point Average (GPA): Applicants shall have earned a 2.67 GPA at the college level. If the candidate has attempted at least 30 semester units at Sacramento State, the GPA shall be based on the cumulative work attempted at Sacramento State. If the candidate has not taken 30 semester units at Sacramento State, the GPA shall be based on cumulative work attempted at all colleges or universities attended. The University is permitted a small percentage of exceptions to this regulation.
Writing Proficiency: Prior to admission to the Basic Credential Program, applicants must meet the writing proficiency requirement in one of the following ways:
- pass the Sacramento State Writing Placement for Juniors examination (WPJ);
- pass a writing proficiency exam at another collegiate institution and provide the Teacher Preparation and Credentials Office with verification of a passing score;
- earn a grade of "B" or higher in ENGL 120A at Sacramento State or similar course from another institution as verifiable by a college transcript and a course catalog description;
- if scoring 60 on the WPJ, enter semester one and enroll concurrently in ENGL 109W and pass with a C or better; or
- pass the writing portion of the CBEST writing exam.
- For Multiple Subject candidates ONLY, a passing score on CSET subtest IV, when taken in conjunction with CSET subtests I-III, can satisfy the writing proficiency requirement.
Note: For credential program acceptance, writing scores should be available to the Teacher Preparation and Credentials Office by no later than mid-April for fall semester applicants or no later than mid-November for spring semester applicants. Sacramento State writing proficiency results are available within 4 weeks of test date. CBEST results are available within six weeks of test date.
Written Application: As part of the Teacher Preparation Program application, applicants submit a written application that includes a list of experiences that relate to teaching, a list of other experiences that indicate the breadth of the applicant's background, and a written statement in which the applicant indicates professional goals. These three components will be evaluated by faculty reviewing the application. (Note: The application to the Office of Graduate Studies requires a much shorter statement of purpose.)
Interview: All applicants are interviewed. This interview provides an initial screening of the candidate's spoken English and target language skills where applicable. It is also designed to assess the candidate's promise as a prospective teacher.
Recommendations: Applicants submit two completed recommendation forms, one from a person who has observed the applicant's performance
in a work setting and one from an instructor who can attest to academic
competence. The recommendation forms are part of the Teacher Preparation Program application packet, available from the TPAC Office in Eureka Hall 216 and online at www.edweb.csus.edu/tpac.
Requirements - Preliminary Credential - Multiple Subject, English Language Authorization (ELA) Enhanced - BCLAD Emphasis
Two-semester and three-semester pathways are available. Contact the Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department at (916) 278-5942 for specifics.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
Prerequisite Courses (11 units)
(3) |
Bilingual Education: Introduction to Educating English Learners |
(3) |
Educating Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings & Lab (EDUC 100A and EDUC 100B must be taken concurrently) |
(2) |
School Health Education (CPR training; CPR training may be taken concurrently) |
(3) |
Movement Education |
A. Required Courses (45 units)
(1) |
Teaching Performance Assessment-Multiple Subject-Literacy (Must be a candidate in good standing in a teacher preparation program; Corequisite: EDBM 402B or EDTE 420B) |
(3) |
Foundational Issues for a Multicultural, Pluralistic Society, A |
(3) |
Foundational Issues for a Multicultural, Pluralistic Society, B (EDBM 117; Corequisite: EDBM 402B) |
(3) |
Introduction to Hmong Literacy OR |
Pedagogy and Academic Language Skills in Spanish for Bilingual Educators (Spanish fluency/literacy required) |
(3) |
Methods for Teaching Second Language Learners, Multiple Subject (ELD and SDAIE) (EDUC 170) OR |
Methods for Teaching Second Language Learners, Multiple Subject (ELD and SDAIE), Asian Languages (EDUC 170) OR |
Methods for Teaching Second Language Learners, Multiple Subject (ELD and SDAIE), Spanish (EDUC 170) |
(1) |
Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary Bilingual/Multicultural Classrooms: Visual and Performing |
(3) |
Fundamentals of Bilingual/Multicultural Teaching (Corequisite: EDBM 402A) |
(2) |
Advanced Fundamentals for the Bilingual/Multicultural Teaching Classroom (EDBM 330; Corequisite: EDBM 402B) |
(3) |
Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary Bilingual/Multicultural Classrooms: Mathematics |
(3) |
Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary Bilingual/Multicultural Classrooms: History-Social Science |
(3) |
Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary Bilingual/Multicultural Classrooms: Science |
(3) |
Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary Bilingual/Multicultural Classrooms: Language and Literacy |
(2) |
Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary Bilingual/Multicultural Classrooms: Language and Literacy (EDBM 339A) |
(5) |
Student Teaching I (Corequisite: EDBM 330) |
(7) |
Student Teaching II (Corequisite: EDBM 402A) |
* Admission to and enrollment in BMED Multiple Subject Credential Program
B. Additional Required BCLAD Emphasis Courses (6 units)
(6) Six units of approved Ethnic Studies coursework or equivalents focused on target population (see courses listed below).
For Spanish:
(3) |
Ethnic America (GWAR Certification before Fall 09, or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
(3) |
La Raza Studies |
For Hmong:
(3) |
Ethnic America (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
(3) |
The Asian American Experience |
Other BCLAD Emphasis Requirements:
- For Spanish and Hmong - Passage of language of emphasis examination AND ethno-history examination administered by BMED.
- 60 hours of approved work in the target language community to be completed through student teaching and field experiences.
Requirements - Preliminary Credential - Single Subject, English Language Authorization (ELA) Enhanced - BCLAD Emphasis
Two-semester and three-semester pathways are available. Contact the Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department at (916) 278-5942 for specifics.
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
Prerequisite Courses (8 units)
(3) |
Bilingual Education: Introduction to Educating English Learners |
(3) |
Educating Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings & Lab (EDUC 100A and EDUC 100B must be taken concurrently) |
(2) |
School Health Education (CPR training; CPR training may be taken concurrently) |
A. Required Courses (46 units)
(1) |
Teaching Performance Assessment-Single Subjects (Must be a candidate in good standing in a teacher preparation program; Corequisite: EDBM 400B, EDTE 470B or EDTE 470C) |
(3) |
Social and Psychological Foundations for Multicultural Secondary Education, A (Admission to Single Subject Credential Program) |
(3) |
Foundations for Multicultural Secondary Education, B (Admission to Single Subject Credential Program; EDBM 127; Corequisite: EDBM 400B) |
(3) |
Introduction to Hmong Literacy OR |
Pedagogy and Academic Language Skills in Spanish for Bilingual Educators (Spanish fluency/literacy required) |
(3) |
Methods for Teaching Second Language Learners, Single Subject (ELD and SDAIE) (EDUC 170) |
(3) |
Practicum for Student Teaching in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms, A (Admission to Single Subject Credential Program; Corequisite: EDBM 400A) |
(2) |
Practicum for Student Teaching in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms, B (EDBM 340; Corequisite: EDBM 400B) |
(2) |
Fundamentals for the Secondary Multilingual/Multicultural Classroom (Admission to Single Subject Credential Program) |
(2) |
Advanced Fundamentals for the Secondary Multilingual/Multicultural Classroom (EDBM 342) |
(5) |
Interdisciplinary Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for Multilingual and Multicultural Secondary Classrooms (Must be admitted into the Teacher Preparation Program) |
(2) |
Teaching and Assessing Literacy Across the Content Areas (Admission to Single Subject Credential Program) |
(1) |
Technology Use in Multilingual/Multicultural Classrooms (Enrollment in Multilingual/Multicultural Single Subject Credential Program) |
(7) |
Student Teaching in Secondary Schools, I (Admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program; Corequisite: EDBM 340, EDBM 342) |
(9) |
Student Teaching in Secondary Schools, II (Admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program; Corequisite: EDBM 400A) |
B. Additional Required BCLAD Emphasis Courses (6 units)
(6) Six units of approved Ethnic Studies coursework or equivalents focused on target population (see courses listed below).
For Spanish:
(3) |
Ethnic America (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
(3) |
La Raza Studies |
For Hmong:
(3) |
Ethnic America (GWAR certification before Fall 09; or WPJ score of 80+; or 3-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W; or 4-unit placement in ENGL 109M/W and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X; or WPJ score 70/71 and co-enrollment in ENGL 109X) |
(3) |
The Asian American Experience |
Other BCLAD Emphasis Requirements:
- For Spanish and Hmong - Passage of language of emphasis examination AND ethno-history examination administered by BMED.
- 60 hours of approved work in the target language community to be completed through student teaching and field experiences.
Additional Information
Requirements for Continuing in the Preliminary Credential Program: Continued enrollment is contingent upon the students maintaining the standards required for program admission. The student will maintain a GPA of 3.0 in professional education courses taken after program admission. Incomplete grades and grades of "D" and "F" in professional education courses must be completed prior to enrollment in courses in the next semester unless a specific exception has been approved by the Credential Appeals Committee.
Candidates who have to delay progress in the Preliminary Credential Program should file a "Program Delay Petition" in the BMED Office. A student returning after a delay will be accommodated on a space available basis. Any student on academic probation is subject to automatic disqualification as a Basic Credential candidate.
Appeal Process: A student has the right to appeal to the Credential Appeals Committee about any policy affecting program continuation. Appeals petitions and assistance are available in the Teacher Preparation and Credentials Office.
Requirements - Credential - Level I and Level II (SB 2042)
The Professional Clear Credential is valid for five years and must be renewed at the end of each five-year interval. The candidate will need to complete "Professional Growth" requirements to renew the credential. A manual describing these requirements will be distributed with the Professional Clear Credential.
The Level II Program is not available at Sacramento State for students who hold a Level I Multiple Subject or Single Subject Credential. Level II programs for those who already hold a Level I (2042) Multiple and Single Subject Credential are frequently offered through school districts and/or County Offices of Education.
Upon satisfactory completion of the following requirements, the candidate is eligible for the Level I Credential, which is valid for five years, and is NOT renewable: (1) the baccalaureate degree, (2) subject matter competency, (3) the teacher preparation program (the 2042 credential program), (4) a college course or examination pertaining to the U.S. Constitution, and (5) passing the CBEST.
Note: Information sheets on added and supplementary authorizations can be obtained from the Teacher Preparation and Credentials Office, Eureka Hall 209.
The California Teachers of English (CTEL) certificate through coursework is especially designed for practitioners who have received K-12 teaching credentials without and English Learner authorization. BMED CTEL coursework prepares candidates to work with K-12 students in English language development settings. Candidates satisfying program requirements do not need to take a state examination and will receive a CTEL certificate directly from the CCTC after recommendation by BMED and the College of Education’s Credential Analyst Office. Teachers who hold a valid K-12 teaching credential in the State of California are encouraged to apply to the CTEL certificate program.
The Department does not accept units earned through Open University and they will not be credited towards the CTEL Certificate.
Requirements – Certificate - California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL)
(This Certificate is under review by CCTC. Please consult Department for correct program description effective Fall 2008.)
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Courses (15 units)
(3) |
Bilingual Education: Introduction to Educating English Learners |
(3) |
Bilingualism in the Classroom OR |
Linguistics and the English Language |
(3) |
Critical Race Theory and Critical Pedagogy: Concepts and Practice |
(3) |
Methods for Teaching Second Language Learners, Multiple Subject (ELD and SDAIE) (EDUC 170) OR |
Methods for Teaching Second Language Learners, Single Subject (ELD and SDAIE) (EDUC 170) |
(3) |
Practicum in Multilingual/Multicultural Educational Settings |
The Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department offers a Master of Arts degree in Education - Multicultural Education. The Department invites all prospective students with a commitment to working with culturally and linguistically diverse students to consider the MA after a careful review of admissions requirements and procedures. Students who are admitted to the MA program proceed through the program in a cohort, with pre-programmed course offerings and experiences.
Admission Requirements
Admission as a classified graduate student in Bilingual/Multicultural Education graduate program requires:
- a baccalaureate degree;
- a minimum 2.5 GPA in the last 60 units;
- proficiency in written English composition as demonstrated either by passing the Sacramento State Writing Proficiency for Juniors exam or equivalent, or enrolling in ENGL 109W until the WPJ is passed;
- completion and successful review of Department application is due on April 1 for fall admission;
- successful interview with a faculty team. Interviews are scheduled within one month of the due date for submitting completed department applications.
Applicants who have deficiencies in admission requirements that can be removed by specified additional preparation may be admitted with conditionally classified graduate status. Students will be notified of any deficiencies through written communication.
The Department does not accept units earned through Open University and they will not be credited towards either option of the Master's degree.
Admission Procedures
All BMED MA cohorts begin in fall semester. Applicants must complete a university application by the posted application deadline date for the term applying:
- an online application for graduate admission; and
- one set of official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, other than Sacramento State.
For more admissions information and application deadlines, please visit http://www.csus.edu/gradstudies/.
At the same time, each applicant must complete the following procedures with the Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department by the same due dates noted above:
- complete and submit a Department application (available in the Department office) to the Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department Office; and
- participate in an oral interview (applicants schedule interview upon submitting their Department application). Interviews are scheduled within one month after the Department and Office of Graduate Studies applications are due.
Note: A Guide to Graduate Studies: Policies, Procedures, and Forms and the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association are available for purchase in the Hornet Bookstore and are highly recommended for all graduate students.
Advancement to Candidacy
Each student must file an application for Advancement to Candidacy indicating a proposed program of study for the MA. The student must be advanced to candidacy prior to enrolling in EDBM 565. This procedure should begin as soon as the classified graduate student has:
- removed any deficiencies in admission requirements;
- completed at least 12 units of courses in the graduate program (see Degree Requirements) with a minimum 3.0 GPA; and
- taken the Writing Placement for Graduate Students (WPG) or taken a Graduate Writing Intensive (GWI) course in their discipline within the first two semesters of coursework at California State University, Sacramento or secured approval for a WPG waiver.
Advancement to Candidacy forms are available in the Office of Graduate Studies or the Department office. The student will complete the form after planning a degree program in consultation with the Department Graduate Coordinator. The form must be submitted to the Bilingual/Multicultural Graduate Coordinator and the Office of Graduate Studies for approval.
Thesis/Project Registration
Check with the Bilingual/Multicultural Graduate Coordinator for the policies regarding Report in Progress ("RP") grades and continuous enrollment. The culminating experience for the MA may be a thesis, project, or exam.
A 3-unit course is required when doing the thesis/project. Enrollment in the culminating experience may occur only after Advancement to Candidacy.
The Thesis/Project course requires the student to file and have an approved Thesis/Project Petition form and Advisor Reservation form on record with the BMED Graduate Coordinator at least one full semester in advance of registration. Both forms are due by April 1st for fall enrollment and by November 1st for spring enrollment. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in the inability to enroll in the Thesis/Project course for the desired semester.
The Thesis/Project Petition and reservation forms must be submitted to the Graduate Coordinator at least one month prior to the submission due date (i.e., March or October); the forms will then be forwarded to the Graduate Committee for review and recommendations.
Students may enroll in the Thesis/Project course a maximum of two semesters for credit. Students must submit the Reservation Form only to continue in the Thesis/Project course for the second semester. Failure to do so will result in inability to work with the Thesis/Project advisor for the desired semester.
Approved Master's Thesis/Project Format: American Psychological Association (APA) - Latest Edition.
Requirements – Master of Arts in Education - Multicultural Education
The Master of Arts in Education - Multicultural Education requires completion of 30 units of approved coursework with a minimum 3.0 GPA. A minimum of 18 units of approved 200 series offerings must be earned, not including EDBM 299. A minimum of 24 units in 100, 200, and 500 series offerings must be earned in residence at Sacramento State. The Department does not accept units earned through Open University, and they will not be credited towards the MA. All work must be completed within a 7-year period. An outline of degree requirements for the MA follows:
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
A. Required Core Courses (12 units)
(3) |
Education for a Democratic, Pluralistic Society |
(3) |
Multicultural Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment |
(3) |
Writing and Research Across the Disciplines (Admission to graduate program in the College of Education or instructor permission) |
(3) |
Bilingual Education: Introduction to Educating English Learners |
B. Additional Course Requirements (9 units)
(3) |
Research Seminar on Bilingualism and Language Varieties in Education (Instructor permission) |
(3) |
Advocacy, Change, and Community |
(3) |
Education Research (Graduate status) |
C. Electives (3-6 units)
(3) |
Foundational Issues for a Multicultural, Pluralistic society, B (EDBM 117; Corequisite: EDBM 402B) |
(3) |
Foundations for Multicultural Secondary Education, B (Admission to Single Subject Credential Program; EDBM 127; Corequisite: EDBM 400B) |
(3) |
Methods for Teaching Second Language Learners, Multiple Subject (EDUC 170) OR |
Methods for Teaching Second Language Learners, Single Subject (ELD and SDAIE) (EDUC 170) |
(3) |
Special Problems Educational Leadership |
Note: Additional electives are selected by the candidate and his/her MA advisor.
D. Culminating Experience or Comprehensive MA Exam (3-6 units)
(3) |
Thesis/Project Writing (EDBM 250 or equivalent; advanced to candidacy) |
(3) |
MA Thesis/Project (EDBM 250, advanced to candidacy, and completion of the Thesis/Project Petition and Advisor Reservation Form and the approval by the Department's Graduate Coordinator one semester prior to registration of this course) |
Comprehensive exam students = 24 total units
(will need 6 units of electives)
Thesis/project students = 27 total units
(will need 3 units of electiives)
Adele Arellano, Peter Baird, Susan Baker, Maggie Beddow, Margarita Berta-Ávila, José Cintrón, Forrest Davis, Susan Heredia, Albert Lozano, María Mejorado, Ka Va, Lisa William-White, Pia Lindquist Wong
Contact Information
Susan Heredia, Department Chair
Linda Lugea, Administrative Support Coordinator II
Eureka Hall 401
(916) 278-5942; FAX (916) 278-5993