College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
The Minor and Certificate in African Studies are identical programs. The Minor is recommended for students undertaking completion of a Bachelor’s degree. The Certificate is recommended for students who have already completed a Bachelor’s degree.
The program is intended to improve students’ understanding of modern Africa. As a significant part of the world community, Africa merits focused and sustained study. This program provides a cohesive, directed effort to develop students knowledge and appreciation for Africa’s peoples, geography, institutions, arts, customs, languages, traditions, resources, politics, and social structures. The program is designed and structured in a way that will be useful to the student, both professionally and academically. The Minor is of particular relevance for students interested in acquiring an integrated perception and understanding of Africa. The program provides different options: a specific emphasis in international relations; interests in a particular aspect of African life such as art, history, or society; or general intellectual curiosity.
The CSU International Programs provide opportunities for students at Sacramento State to study and live in Africa, and constitute a valuable adjunct to African Studies on the campus. Students are strongly urged to take at least one year of a language used in Africa other than English. Course selection for each student is worked out with an advisor from the African Studies faculty in conjunction with the Director of Pan African Studies.
Requirements - Minor
Units required for Minor: 21
Courses in parentheses are prerequisites.
(3) |
Africa: Myths and Realities |
(3) |
Government and Politics in Africa |
(3) |
History of African Civilizations |
(3) |
History of Africa Since 1800 |
(3) |
History of Women in Africa |
(6) Select two of the following:
ETHN 1A | Elementary Swahili |
ETHN 1B | Elementary Swahili (ETHN 1A or its equivalent; or instructor permission) |
ETHN 70 | Introduction to Pan African Studies |
African Religions and Philosophies |
Topics in African Studies |
Middle Eastern Societies and Culture |
Requirements - Certificate
Requirements for the certificate are the same as those for the Minor.
Ayad Al-Qazzaz, Sociology; Rita Cameron-Wedding, Ethnic Studies and Women's Studies; Smile Dube, Economics; Ricky Green, Ethnic Studies, Fundi Kiburi, Ethnic Studies; Jessie Gatson, History; Boatamo Mosupyoe, Pan African Studies; Ernest Uwazie, Criminal Justice; Valerie Wheeler, Anthropology
Contact Information
Boatamo Mosupyoe, Director
Pan African Studies
Amador Hall 462D
(916) 278-4376