Undergraduate Advising
Lassen Hall 1013
(916) 278-6351
Effective Intentional academic advising is essential to accomplishing the University’s instructional mission. Through professional advising staff, faculty advisors, and trained student advisors, students receive accurate,and timely effective advising. Students are encouraged, and in some circumstances, required to meet with anprofessional or faculty advisor at least once a semester. Advisors help students:
- Understand the value of the University’s General Education program, and the relationship of this program to individual interests and career objectives;
- Interpret and applying University policies;
- Ensure students are taking the courses for timely progress to degree; and
- Explore educational and career objectives compatible with students’ interests and abilities.
The ultimate responsibility for academic success rests with the student, who is expected to:
- Be aware of and comply with the University’s academic policies, procedures, and deadlines;
- Maintain an advising file, including General Education evaluations, unofficial copies of transcripts of courses taken at other colleges, reports of placement test scores, semester grade reports from My Sacramento State, copies of forms and petitions, and notes on discussions with advisors;
- Meet regularly, at least once each semester, with an advisor in the student’s major and an advisor in the Academic Advising Center; and
- Declare/Change their Major when appropriate. The form is available online at http://www.csus.edu/registrar/forms/.
Because of the relationship between effective advising and academic success, first year and transfer students are required to attend New Student Orientation. In addition, first year students are required to complete advising during their first two semesters at Sacramento State. It is recommended that s tudents also meet with advisors in their major. R egistration holds may be placed for students who do not comply with policies requiring meetings with advisors. All students on academic probation are required to meet with an advisor in their department or, All second year students on probation and undeclared majors with 60 or more units are required to meet with an advisor in the Academic Advising Center.
Below is a listing of the primary advising resources available to students. Students are strongly encouraged, and in some cases, required to use the first two at least once each semester.
General Advising
Lassen Hall 1013
The Academic Advising Center offers current students advising on General Education and Graduation Requirements. The Center engages students in a developmental process that helps clarify and implement individual educational plans consistent with their skills, interests, and values. Through First-Year Advising (FYA), the First-Year Experience (FYE) and the Second Year Advising (SYA) programs, professional staff, faculty advisors, and student interns help students understand the University's academic requirements, policies and procedures.
Faculty Advisor
Advisors in the academic departments help students select appropriate major courses each semester and are also helpful in exploring career options specific to their major or concentration.
New Student Orientation
All new first year and transfer students receive academic advising for their first semester by attending the Sacramento State New Student Orientation program. Student orientation leaders and faculty advisors meet with small groups of new students to explain academic requirements, registration procedures, and to offer helpful hints about life at Sacramento State. New students starting in fall semester attend Orientation during summer, while new students starting in the spring attend Orientation in January. Program details (including the Parent/Guest Program) are located on the Orientation Web site.
Specific Advisors
Student-Athlete Resource Center
Lassen Hall 3002
(916) 278-7796; (916) 278-5440; or (916) 278-5297
The Student-Athlete Resource Center (SARC) is designed to enhance the academic and overall life development experience for NCAA Division I student athletes at Sacramento State. The SARC assists student-athletes in pursuing and successfully completing a college degree while also preparing them for challenges and experiences after college. The Center provides Sacramento State student-athletes with a very comprehensive academic support system.
The SARC provides student-athletes with a variety of academic support and services from the outset of their academic careers at Sacramento State. It provides the student-athletes with opportunities to develop and improve their academic skills, as well as to receive exceptional advising on University policies and procedures, coursework, and career choices. In addition, the Center’s staff monitors the progress of each student-athlete towards completion of their degree in compliance with the academic bylaws mandated by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The SARC provides student-athletes with additional academic support in the forms of computer labs, individual tutoring, and specialized retention advising for student-athletes with additional academic needs. The Center also coordinates all of the activities associated with the NCAA/CHAMPS Life Skills Program. This nationwide program focuses on helping student athletes achieve in all areas of personal, academic, community, career, and athletic development.
The SARC Office is open weekdays from 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The SARC’s academic lab is also open weekdays and offers both daytime and evening hours during the academic year (Monday to Thursday, 7:30am to 8:30pm and Fridays, 7:30am to 4:00pm).
Undergraduate Business Advising
Tahoe Hall 1030
(916) 278-BIZZ (2499)
The Undergraduate Business Advising Center of the College of Business Administration (UBAC) assists undergraduate business administration majors, pre-majors, and minors with program advising, career advising, graduation evaluations, and petitions relating to the major and/or minor.
Teacher Preparation and Education Credentials Advising
Eureka Hall 216
(916) 278-6403
The Teacher Preparation and Credentials (TPAC) Office assists students who are interested in pursuing a career as an elementary, middle/junior high, high school, or special education teacher. The TPAC advisors work with students on issues related to state and university requirements for credential programs, support for taking required exams, and information about scholarships and other sources of financial support available to teacher candidates. Students considering teaching as a career should visit this office during their first semester.
Admission and General Support Programs
First Year Seminar
ARC 4002
(916) 278-2804
First Year Seminars provide students with an introduction to the nature and meaning of higher education and to the functions and resources of the University. Students in the class gain insights and develop tools that allow them to get the most out of their university education at Sacramento State. The seminars also provide students with the opportunity to interact with fellow students and the seminar leader, building a community of academic and personal support. Students who have taken the course do better academically than the general student population.
This introductory course satisfies the Area E General Education requirement. The course is listed under individual department names with the added designation of 21. For example, COMS 21 (Communication Studies) is a First Year Seminar, with specific information relevant to each major covered in more detail. Some of the First Year Seminars are stand-alone courses while others are part of a learning community.
Honors Program
ARC 4002
(916) 278-2804
The General Education Honors Program at California State University, Sacramento offers qualified and highly motivated students an opportunity to have a challenging, innovative, and stimulating learning experience. The program promotes integrative learning and a global perspective.
The Honors Program academic experience is composed of 45 units of Honors courses (36 lower division and 9 upper division). In their freshman and sophomore years, Honors students take three Honors courses per semester, filling out their schedules with other courses required in their major. Three upper division courses taken during the junior and senior year conclude the Honors experience. Honors students take at least 12 units overall per semester.
The core of the lower division curriculum is a three-semester Honors seminar in which students read some of the great books of world civilizations, analyze the writings of world thinkers and writers, and improve their skills in critical thinking and writing. The three upper division Honors courses are organized around the theme of learning and acting for the public good. Completion of all Honors courses will fulfill all Sacramento State General Education requirements for graduation.
Honors students at Sacramento State experience individualized attention from dedicated professors, special seminars in their academic programs, extracurricular activities in the form of cultural events, various Honors Colloquia and interaction with faculty members and their fellow Honors students in and out of class. Students are encouraged to study abroad. Scholarships are available for this endeavor and other academic pursuits.
Learning Communities
ARC 4002
(916) 278-2804
The Learning Communities program establishes connections between courses in different subject areas with General Education curricula. Each Learning Community consists of two to three classes, scheduled in a block, with faculty who work together to link course topics around a common theme, coordinating readings and assignments. Students who join a Learning Community are linked to other students enrolled in the same classes, helping students form connections with professors and other students that strengthen their networks of social and academic support.
Students admitted to Sacramento State do not need to meet any other admission criteria to join a Learning Community. New communities are formed each fall, and information about the semester’s Learning Community offerings is shared at Freshman Orientation and found on the Sacramento State website.
McNair Scholars Program
River Front Center 203
(916) 278-5118
E-mail: Mcnair@succeed
The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program is a federally funded program designed to prepare selected Sacramento State undergraduate students for admission and study at the doctoral level. Each year, 24 McNair Scholars participate in both academic year and summer activities.
Students who have obtained 45 units or more, have a GPA of 2.8 or higher and are low income and first in their family to attend college, or students who are considered underrepresented in their major (as defined by federal regulations) can gain research skills, knowledge, and information needed to complete doctoral degrees in their fields of study.
The academic components include: a three-unit research methodology course, meetings with the McNair Program staff and the faculty mentors to assess personal needs and review academic progress, and preparation for a summer research project. For students who have completed 60 units or more, the summer component includes enrolling in a one unit supervised research course and travel to select McNair Symposiums where students have the opportunity to present their research findings. Scholars receive additional guidance from the McNair Faculty Coordinator and a faculty mentor in completing a published research article. Senior McNair scholars complete a 3-unit senior seminar which provides assistance with selecting, applying, and financing graduate studies.
Stipends for travel to doctoral institutions and research conferences to present research papers are granted to students who complete their research projects. McNair scholars also receive a stipend as part of their participation in the summer research experience. Scholars are encouraged to participate in statewide and national conferences to present their research findings.
Centers for Academic Support
Student Academic Success and Educational Equity Programs (SASEEP)
The Student Academic Success and Educational Equity Programs are committed to fostering diversity and equity while promoting a campus learning environment that encourages and supports all students in persisting toward their educational goal by increasing their retention and graduation rates. This is accomplished through the unified effort of the following programs: College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP), College Based Educational Equity Programs (CBEEP), Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), Faculty Student Mentor Program (FSMP), the Peer and Academic Resource Center (PARC), and the Services to Students with Disabilities Program (SSWD). These programs and services are designed to build upon the dreams and aspirations of our campus community – our students, faculty, and staff, our alumni, and the people of our region.
The Student Academic Success and Educational Equity Programs are guided by the following primary goals:
1. Access and Equity
To provide underrepresented students with access to a higher education and supportive services that are designed to enable them to persist through the college experience.
2. Recruitment and Transition
To aid students in their transition to college life through pre-college equity services and assistance in navigating the higher education experience.
3. Retention and Graduation
To provide a comprehensive range of retention services (e.g., academic advising, tutoring, mentoring, counseling, etc.) to underrepresented students in the division to facilitate their graduation.
Note: The Early Assessment Program (EAP) and Guardian Scholars Program (GSP) are affiliated SASEEP Programs.
The Parents & Families Program
The Parents and Families Program supports the ongoing needs of students and their parents and family members so students can excel in the academy, meeting the goals of parent involvement and student success. The mission of the Parents & Families Program is to create and strengthen the vital partnership between parents and families of prospective and enrolled students and the University. The primary functions of the program include promoting information about campus resources, supporting student success, generating support and goodwill for the campus and creating an interactive role for parents and families within the campus community and beyond.
The program utilizes a comprehensive model to support of access to education and to help parent and student success via community advocacy and large-scale enrichment platforms through service and dissemination of educational information. We offer Parent Resources and communications, as well as Parent & Community Activities, including Family Weekend. The program facilitates Parent-to-Parent Mentorship, which builds support networks for parents to support one another as a part of the Sac State community experience. The program acts from a seat of Community and Parental Affairs to provide engagement opportunities on- and off-campus to support the broad dissemination of higher education information and university resource support. We are also developing exciting new Parent Success Programs, including the First Generation Family Collective (support to first generation students’ parents to ease the college navigation process), the Family Finish Initiative (helps family members finish or complete a degree), The College Success Project (a.k.a. The Harvard Model) (establishes intervention points for students and parents along the path to the degree), and Student-Parent Supports (provides assistance to pregnant and parenting students).
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
River Front Center 1
(916) 278-7241
CAMP is a unique educational program that helps students from migrant and seasonal farm worker backgrounds succeed at Sacramento State. CAMP facilitates transition from high school to college and offers first-year support services to develop the skills necessary to persist and graduate from college. CAMP strives to be "a home away from home" for its students.
The College Assistance Migrant Program helps students from migrant and seasonal farm worker backgrounds make the transition to college life during the first year at Sacramento State and assists them in developing the skills needed to stay in and successfully graduate from Sacramento State. CAMP offers:
- Special admission and pre-admission services;
- Assistance with financial aid, housing, and University services;
- Academic advising;
- Career exploration & referrals to career-related job and internship opportunities;
- Personal counseling;
- Tutors in basic skills and subject area courses;
- A home-like environment;
- Supplemental financial assistance awarded on the basis of financial need.
In order to be eligible for CAMP, students must reflect an agricultural background, meaning they or their parent(s) or guardian(s) must have engaged in migrant or seasonal farm work labor within the last 24 months. A student must enroll full time and be in need of academic support services and financial assistance.
The Dedicated to Educating, Graduating, and Retaining Educational Equity Students (DEGREES) Project seeks to provide enhanced services to undergraduate students to make timely progress to their degrees and to reduce the achievement gap. Services provided by DEGREES Project include: access to DEGREES Project Coaches to ensure students are connected to resources, on campus mentorship made available through “U” Mentor, advising in 4 of the 7 Colleges, 24/7 tutoring available through Smarthinking, and an overall comprehensive and integrated menu of academic and student support services designed to foster student success.
Business Based Educational Equity Program (BEEP)
Tahoe Hall 3067
(916) 278-5875
The Business Educational Equity Program (BEEP) encourages and supports all students who major in business. BEEP provides a peer-assisted tutoring and study center where one-on-one and group assistance is available for business students seeking academic support in numerous lower and upper division business courses. All business students interested in the program should contact the College of Business Administration Office of Student Affairs at (916) 278-5875 or visit the office in Tahoe Hall 1037.
Cooper-Woodson College
Enhancement Program (CWC)
Amador Hall 460
Director: Dr. Boatamo Mosupyoe
(916) 278-5363
Cooper-Woodson College Enhancement Program (CWC) emphasizes scholarship, leadership, and service by creating a supportive and nurturing learning environment that is responsive to the needs of students. Although the program is patterned after traditional relationships between students and faculty at historically Black colleges and universities, it serves students from all backgrounds. Faculty, staff, and community members assume the responsibility for shaping and guiding students through the college experience. Key objectives of CWC are the retention of students and the development of leaders.
CWC scholars, staff, faculty, and members of the community organize and participate in the following activities/events: Faculty/Staff Mentoring Program, African-American History Month rally and lectures, the annual Anna J. Cooper and Carter G. Wood lectures, and the annual African-American graduation celebration ceremony.
MESA Engineering and Computer Science Program (MEP)
Santa Clara Hall 1213
(916) 278-6699
Participation in the MESA Engineering and Computer Science Program (MEP) increases the probability that students will be successful in their engineering or computer science college studies. Focusing on the recruitment, retention, and graduation of highly motivated students from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds, MEP emphasizes participation by students from communities with low rates of enrollment in engineering or computer science majors.
The MEP program provides an on-campus home for its members with a large 24 hours-a-day study center/computer lab that encourages study groups. MEP provides professional development, a freshman orientation course, and personal-academic advising. It assists in the coordination of tutoring services for all students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science.
Science Educational Equity (SEE)
Sequoia Hall 315
(916) 278-6519
The Science Educational Equity (SEE) program is a comprehensive academic support program designed for students who face social, economic, or educational barriers that limit access to careers in the sciences and health professions. Students are encouraged to form study groups for both lower and upper division coursework. Science faculty provide academic and pre-professional advising for each student and are available for career guidance and assistance with course material. Students attend professional conferences, participate in academic workshops and seminars, and are encouraged to attend summer enrichment programs at other universities and laboratories. The program provides assistance with applications to graduate programs, health professional schools, and summer enrichment programs. SEE also provides students the opportunity to meet and interact with faculty, community members, and other students.
All students interested in becoming a part of the SEE program are expected to demonstrate a commitment to the community through service to SEE, the University, and/or the Sacramento community. Upon entry to the program, each student is required to meet with an academic/major advisor to develop a comprehensive academic plan; it is the student’s responsibility to schedule an advising appointment each semester thereafter to update the academic plan.
Educational Opportunity Program/EOP
Lassen Hall 2205
(916) 278-6183
The Educational Opportunity Program, enacted by law in 1969, is a state-mandated program that provides first-generation college students with access to a four-year college education. Its counselors, advisors, and support staff provide the majority of student advising, counseling, and tutorial services.
Specifically, EOP applicants are California residents coming from low-income, educationally disadvantaged communities who may not have had the opportunity to prepare adequately for admissions to a four-year college. An EOP student has the potential to perform satisfactorily at Sacramento State, but may not have been able to realize this potential because of his/her economic or educational background. Services include:
First Year Experience - The first year of university life is critical to student learning and success. The EOP First Year Experience (FYE) is designed to provide all EOP freshmen with the skills and support networks necessary to ensure success. A First Year Experience Project Team comprised of faculty, student development professionals, students, and other campus representatives is involved in all facets of the program. The First Year program is comprised of many different components, among them, academic advising services, personal counseling, course grouping through our Learning Communities, educational workshops, social/cultural programs, tutoring, and, if deemed appropriate, extensive academic preparation through our Summer Bridge component. General and continuing services include:
- admissions assistance;
- outreach presentations to schools and communities;
- a special orientation to the University;
- undeclared advising support and a sophomore success program;
- advising, personal counseling, and tutoring;
- financial aid advising and information;
- career and student success workshops;
- an EOP grant awarded to eligible EOP students;
- course placement and planning;
- learning and study strategies;
- instructional services through an EOP Learning Community;
- student support services by EOP retention ambassadors through the ARISE Program for sophomore through senior level students
- recommendations/referrals to other programs and services.
The Center also houses the Summer Bridge Program* designed to help incoming Sacramento State freshmen make a smooth transition to college.
*See Admission and General Support Programs/Summer Bridge Academy below.
Guardian Scholars Program (GSP)
Lassen Hall 1013
(916) 278-5621
The Guardian Scholars Program is a student support service for current and former foster youth. Our office was established in 2006 to assist students in their pursuit of academic and career success. Program components consist of one-on-one advising, counseling, financial assistance, workshops, social events, professional mentoring, priority registration, and direct referrals to other programs on-campus.
GSP is open to all Sacramento State students who has been in foster care, kinship care, or homeless situations and are considered “independent” by federal financial aid guidelines. We review applications throughout the year, so there is no deadline to apply. Our staff is committed to helping Guardian Scholars succeed and overcome obstacles to graduating.
All eligible students are encouraged to learn more about and apply to the Guardian Scholars Program by contacting our staff or visiting the Guardian Scholars website at www.csus.edu/gs.
Summer Bridge Academy (pre-college program)
Lassen Hall 2205
(916) 278-6183
The Summer Bridge Academy is an educational equity project administered through the Educational Opportunity Program. Summer Bridge is a mandatory six-week intensive academic preparation and college orientation program designed strictly for incoming EOP freshmen. There is no cost to students. EOP serves economically disadvantaged, first-generation college students.
College level GE classes, in addition, to remediation courses, are offered in the six-week Academy. Students may complete up to three college courses, including an in-depth College Success/Leadership course.
Successful completion of the courses earns students 3-8 units of credit. To be considered for the Summer Bridge Academy, students must be admitted to Sacramento State and to EOP. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to apply to the EOP program, via CSUMentor, during the CSU Application cycle (Oct-1st –Nov. 30th). Students must meet all applicable deadlines, as established by Admissions & Outreach to successfully gain admission to EOP and the Summer Bridge Academy. Summer Bridge meets Early Start requirements.
To learn more about the Summer Bridge Academy, visit or call the EOP office, or visit the Academy website at www.csus.edu/eop
Faculty/Student Mentor Program (FSMP)
Lassen Hall 2205T
(916) 278-7332
The Faculty Student Mentor Program is an educational equity program designed to offer academic and personal support to students from traditionally low-income communities and selected students who have requested services due to challenges experienced in their education. The Faculty Student Mentor Program’s goals are to increase the retention rates of students by helping them develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to complete their academic goals, introduce the students to a discipline, build communities, and promote excellence.
Faculty and Peer Mentors are key elements to goal attainment. Program participants’ integration into the campus life is facilitated by the development of discipline-based faculty and peer mentor teams. The FSMP matches the faculty peer mentor teams with program participants. These teams may organize study sessions and tutorials. In addition, the mentors give personal, career and academic advice, and provide referrals to advisors within the departments and other on-campus resources. The teams also plan activities supportive of the students’ interests and needs.
For more information, please call or visit our office.
Peer and Academic Resource Center (PARC)
Lassen Hall 2200
(916) 278-6010
The Peer and Academic Resource Center (PARC) is a centralized academic support hub where students are united for common goals of excellence and student success through peer-led and student-driven services. The mission of PARC is to promote the scholastic achievements of students through enriched and supportive peer-learning opportunities that aid students along the pathway to degree attainment. We offer four programs - Supplemental Instruction (SI), Supplemental Instruction (SI) Plus, the Peer-Led Advising for College Experience (PLACE) Program, and the Workshops & Individual Tutorials (WIT) Program.
- Supplemental Instruction (SI) Plus provides free academic review and test preparation sessions for all students. These sessions are connected to the SI classes offered by PARC, however, they are open to all students, not just those enrolled in the SI program.
- Led by students who are familiar with campus life and resources, Peer-Led Advising for College Experience (PLACE) provides peer-led supplemental advising services for all students on campus. One of the well-known student-advising programs, the Government Odyssey Advising Program, is also housed in the PARC.
- Workshops & Individual Tutorials (WIT) is a free tutoring service (group and individual tutorials) open to all students on campus. The tutorials are taught by trained tutors who are familiar with materials in historically-difficult courses.
All of these programs assist students in collaboratively learning about how to be a successful student and how to successfully navigate the demands of the academic community. Our motto embodies who we are as a Center: Successful students promoting student success!
Services to Students with Disabilities
Lassen Hall 1008
(916) 278-6955 (voice) or (916) 278-7239 (TDD),br.
(916) 278-7825 (fax)
sswd@csus.edu (Email)
The Office of Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD) offers students with disabilities equal opportunity to participate in all programs, services, activities, and facilities. SSWD also promotes campus awareness and education on disability issues.
The following disability categories may impede a student’s educational process and necessitate support services: visual, communication, hearing, psychological, and mobility impairments, specific learning disabilities, acquired brain injury, autism spectrum disorder, and other disabilities.
Individually prescribed services linked to functional limitations may include: academic advising, limited priority registration and add/drop, disability management counseling, readers, note taking, interpreting, Real Time Captioning, Braille textbooks, electronic texts, limited on-campus transportation assistance, selective adaptive equipment, classroom test accommodations, advocacy, and referrals.
In order to help facilitate graduation, the federally funded “TRIO” Student Support Services Project offers retention services to students with disabilities who have academic support needs. It The project offers limited supplemental and remedial instruction and tutoring in various subjects including study skills, English writing and modified remedial Math, to eligible students, along with other activities to help with retention.
The High Tech Center ensures equal access to computers through needs assessment instruction in the use of assistive computer hardware and software, and provides alternative media production.
To be eligible for SSWD services, a student must be currently enrolled at Sacramento State with documentation of disability on file at the SSWD Office that demonstrates the need for accommodation and support services. Prospective students should contact SSWD regarding any accommodation requests for placement exams and Orientation.
Learning Skills Center
Lassen Hall 2200
(916) 278-6725
The Learning Skills Center offers preparatory courses for students on the basis of performance on the English Placement Test (EPT) and the Entry Level Math test (ELM). Its courses and tutorials are designed for first year students. The Learning Skills Center also provides supplemental (adjunct) instruction in support of selected General Education courses, as well as a range of course and tutorial offerings in the areas of reading for native speakers and reading, oral skills, grammar, and writing for multilingual students. The Learning Skills Program offers supplemental courses for students in EOP Learning Communities and academic services for students with disabilities. In addition, internship courses provide opportunities for students who want to tutor at the college level.
Testing Center
Lassen Hall 2302
(916) 278-6296
The Testing Center is an important resource for the University and for the Sacramento regional community. The Testing Center administers campus-specific exams (such as the Writing Placement for Juniors (WPJ) exam and the Writing Placement for Graduate Students (WPG) exam), CSU system-wide tests (such as the English Placement Test (EPT) and the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) test), and national standardized tests (such as the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE)) to current and prospective students. Tests are administered in distraction-reduced environments (controlled classrooms as well as private rooms).
Testing accommodations are provided for students registered with the Office of Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD). Some of the testing accommodations available to students registered with SSWD include readers and scribes, assistive computer technology and adaptive software, and wheelchair-accessible and adjustable tables.
The Testing Center offers make-up test services for a fee. Students, with their instructor’s permission, can schedule appointments to take paper-based classroom exams, exams with class conflicts, or exams for distance education courses. The Testing Center also provides proctoring services for a fee for anyone needing to take a paper-based test for another university, college or agency.
Cooperative Education Program
Career Center
Lassen 1013
(916) 278-6231
The Cooperative Education Program, located in the Academic Advising & Career Center at Sacramento State provides upper division and graduate students with paid, degree-enhancing professional work experience. Co-op encourages student growth by providing opportunities that link classroom theory with real work experience. Students who participate in a Co-op earn academic credit in addition to a salary. A faculty coordinator monitors students’ work and issues assignments and credit.
Participation in Cooperative Education empowers students to make informed career decisions and move toward achieving an advantage in a competitive job market. Additionally, participation can enhance self-esteem, bring greater meaning to coursework, and help students build important contacts for future employment. After participation and upon graduation, students have the demonstrated experience and the necessary skills top-level employers seek. The Cooperative Education Program offers career counseling and referrals for possible job placements. Students must meet minimum qualifications to apply and participate. The Cooperative Education Program is administered through the Academic Advising & Career Center with additional satellite offices located across campus.
The Academic Advising & Career Center may furnish, upon request, information about the employment of students who graduate from programs or courses of study preparing students for a particular career field. Any such data provided must be in a form that does not allow for the identification of any individual student. This information includes data concerning the average starting salary and the percentage of previously enrolled students who obtained employment. The information may include data collected from either graduates of the campus or graduates of all campuses in the California State University system.