MESA Pre-College Programs
(916) 278-4575 www.csus.edu/mesa
The Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Program provides an opportunity for students to become actively engaged in the exploration of STEM careers. MESA programs offer academic support to students in grades K-12 in preparation for college/university admission. Precollege MESA programs include math competitions, field trips, engineering exploration, preparation for enrollment into rigorous curriculum including honors and AP coursework, college entrance exams preparation, and encourages students to assume leadership roles and engage in civic service and opportunities. MESA programs are regionally located and, in cooperation with school districts, also provides extensive enrichment summer programs, challenging year long academic projects and partnerships with professional STEM representatives from local agencies. MESA also has a strong parent component, offers opportunities for current college enrollment, specialized career and technology opportunities, as well as scholarships, grant opportunities, and academic enhancement for curriculum for grades K-12.
Community Engagement Center (CEC)
Dr. Dana Kivel, Interim Director
Francine Redada, Partnership/Program Coordinator
Valerie Powell, Administrative Coordinator
Library 4028
(916) 278-4610
The Community Engagement Center, a division of Academic Affairs, focuses Sacramento State's greatest resource–the knowledge and skills of faculty and students–on making a difference in the various communities throughout the Sacramento region through service learning, community service and civic engagement. Our mission is to facilitate learning and engagement by linking campus and community for mutual benefit. The Community Engagement Center works closely with local non-profits, schools, government agencies, and campus-based programs that provide service to a variety of populations, including those that are underserved and underrepresented populations throughout the Sacramento region.
Students, faculty, and the CEC collaborate with community partners to create service learning and community service activities to:
- enhance classroom experience;
- connect scholarly work and community services;
- expand knowledge of civic and social issues;
- network with professionals;
- develop leadership and teamwork skills; and
- act locally, think globally.
The Community Engagement Center programs include:
- Service Learning (SL), which links students in courses with community-based partners for mutual benefit. The community partner gets assistance with various programs and the students gain experience understanding how different organizations operate and function to deliver programs and services. One example of Service Learning is: "Writing Partners," a letter-writing program between elementary and college-age students;
- Community Service, including Alternative Break and Sac State Serves, both of which provide volunteer opportunities with organizations throughout the Sacramento region; and
- Civic Engagement, which supports opportunities for students to become "engaged" citizens in their communities and includes Constitution Week sponsored by CEC and other campus programs.
For more information on how to become involved, visit the Community Engagement Center Web site at www.csus.edu/cec.
Partnerships for Employment Opportunities
Career Center
Lassen Hall 1013
(916) 278-6231
The Career Center offers a proactive comprehensive career development program, fostering partnerships with community and campus businesses to provide hands-on work experience for students and alumni.
Experiential Education and Internships offer students academic credit for employment opportunities that compliment their educational endeavors by matching educational goals with work experiences.
The Student Employment program provides job-listing services to students looking for employment while attending college. Career Connection, the online web-based job database, lists nearly 500 jobs (part-time, full-time, and internships) in the Sacramento region, focusing on the I-80 corridor between Lake Tahoe and the Bay area. It is accessible at the Career Center website 24 hours a day.
The On-Campus Recruiting (OCR) program provides students with an opportunity to begin their professional job search while still attending classes during their senior year. Nearly 200 employers participate in the OCR program interviewing just over 1100 students each semester.
Career Events and Job Fairs offer students and Alumni even broader opportunities to meet with prospective employers. Over 800 employers normally attend Job Fairs annually, each searching specifically for Sacramento State students who have a reputation for being able to balance academics with work and family life.
*See also Campus Life/Student Resources/Career Center.
The EXCEL Program
Pamela O’Kane: (916) 278-4345
E-mail: okane@csus.edu
In the EXCEL Program, Sacramento State students learn the basics of tutoring elementary school children in reading or mathematics. After training, they work under supervision at local elementary schools helping children who are achieving below grade level. The classes: EDUC 124A/B, EDUC 125A/B and EDUC 126 each offer 3 units of upper division credit. Some paid positions are available with funding through FWS or America Reads/America Counts. This experience is an excellent way for students to find out if a career working with young people is right for them.
Sacramento State Links Project
Dr. Lynda Stone: (916) 278-4326
E-mail: lstone@csus.edu
Modeled on the Fifth Dimension program developed at UC San Diego, the Sacramento State Links Project connects the GE service learning course (CHDV 148 - Culture, Communication, and the Development of Thinking) to a boisterous and lively after-school program. In the after-school program, college students tutor elementary school children, promoting literacy development through a mixture of play and educational activities.
University Outreach Services
Admissions and Outreach Office
Lassen Hall Lobby - Room 1102
The Admissions and Outreach Office, is charged with the recruitment of prospective students to the University. This involves recruitment visits and yield events at high school and transfer services, as well as services to students from low income educationally disadvantaged groups. The programs are designed to meet enrollment levels that reflect the richness of diversity in the Sacramento Region and to build a healthy enrollment balance by class level and academic programs.
Additional services provided include:
- campus tours;
- tele-counseling services;
- distribution of complimentary copies of CSU/Sacramento State materials to schools, colleges, and related agencies;
- consultation to University academic departments in planning articulation conferences;
High School Outreach Programs
High School Outreach programs provide information and guidance on higher education opportunities in general, and Sacramento State opportunities in particular, to prospective students, parents, guidance personnel, and other interested persons. High School Liaisons provide extensive outreach visits and activities at high schools in the Sacramento State service region and throughout the state. The Outreach staff also assists students in completion of the matriculation process and articulates University programs, policies, and procedures to other educational institutions and agencies.
Transfer Outreach Programs
Community College Outreach Programs work closely with community colleges in California to facilitate a smooth transition for students transferring to Sacramento State. In addition to the following list, the programs and services of the Community College Outreach mirror the High School Outreach program.
- Memorandums of Understanding, established with the Los Rios, Sierra, and Yuba Community College Districts, are partnerships emphasizing and promoting a seamless transition to Sacramento State.
- Development and distribution via www.assist.org of official articulation agreements between Sacramento State and other campuses specify the acceptability of transfer courses toward meeting lower-division major preparation.
- Visits to community colleges enable staff to meet with prospective students, providing instant, on-site admission for eligible applicants at major feeder community colleges.
Community Outreach
Project PLAY
Dr. Scott Modell
(916) 278-5041
Project PLAY (Play-Oriented Lifetime Activities for Youth) is a fitness and leisure program for individuals with disabilities ages 3-25, that also trains parents, legal guardians, and other family members to provide follow-up instructions and support for program participants in the home. Project PLAY combines activities in the areas of motor fitness, physical fitness, development of leisure time skills, opportunities in adapted aquatics, training for Special Olympics, wheelchair games, and other organized competition for individuals with disabilities.
Project PLAY is an opportunity for students to participate in community engagement in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Science.
Capital Public Radio KXPR, FM 88.9 and KXJZ, FM 90.9
(916) 278-8900
E-mail: npr@csus.edu
KXPR and KXJZ are Sacramento public radio stations licensed to California State University, Sacramento as a public service for the Sacramento region. Capital Public Radio also manages KXSR 91.7 in Groveland, KKTO 90.5 in Tahoe City, KUOP 91.3 in Stockton, KXJS 88.7 in Sutter, and KQNC 88.1 in Quincy. KXPR and KXSR feature classical music, while KXJZ, KKTO, KUOP, KXJS, and KQNC provide NPR news and information programming. The KXJZ stations also broadcast jazz evenings and weekends.
The radio stations provide internship opportunities for qualified Sacramento State students who wish to gain experience by working in a professional broadcasting environment.
Sacramento State Alumni Association
Alumni Association
(916) 278-6295
E-mail: alumni@csus.edu
The Alumni Association, open to all current students and friends of the University, was founded July 20, 1950 to encourage alumni involvement with their alma mater and to support the campus community. Governed by a 27-member Board of Directors, the Association offers its members various opportunities to volunteer and participate in social and fund-raising activities.
Current students are encouraged to join the Student Alumni Association (SAA). SAA is a student volunteer group that works on behalf of the Alumni Association to enhance the student experience by connecting students to one another, alumni, and the University. SAA volunteers plan and participate in social, career-oriented, and school unifying events. SAA membership for current students is only $20/year and, in addition to the full privileges and benefits of membership in the Alumni Association, members receive a t-shirt and keychain.
The Alumni Association also provides the opportunity to network with alumni who share your professional or social interests through chapters including: Art; ASI; Basketball Alumni and Friends; Black Alumni; Business Administration; Capitol Fellows Affiliate; Construction Management; Criminal Justice; Education; Engineering/Computer Science; Government; Hong Kong; Football/Spirit Alumni and Friends; Latino; MPPA; Nursing; Recreation, Parks and Tourism; Speech Pathology and Audiology; Theatre/Dance; and Urban Collective. All groups welcome student member (SAA) participation as well.
Events are another way the Alumni Association keeps alumni active in the life of the University. Annual events include “Alumni Month” every April, the Causeway Classic, Homecoming, pre-game parties, and the prestigious Distinguished Service Awards. Members of the Alumni Association also support students through donations to the Alumni Scholarship Fund. Each year 12-15 scholarships ranging from $1,000-$2,000 are awarded to deserving Sacramento State students.
When you think of your alumni home on campus, think of the Alumni Center. Maintained and operated by the Alumni Association, it is an outstanding venue that may be rented for meetings, conferences, weddings, receptions, and other social events. It truly provides a “home” on campus for alumni and a place for activities that help alumni strengthen ties to the students, the campus, and the community.
Current Alumni Association membership information can be found online at www.SacStateAlumni.com/SAA. We hope you will get involved and consider showing your Hornet Pride by joining for life!