Student Housing
On Campus
(916) 278-6655
Living on campus can be a very special and rewarding part of the Sacramento State experience. On-campus living is comfortable and convenient and offers many opportunities for students to make new friends and be a part of floor, hall, and campus-wide activities. Additionally, research shows that students who live on campus feel more connected and have a higher persistence rate toward graduation. Sacramento State’s housing facilities are staffed by live-in professionals and trained Resident Advisors committed to providing a living and learning environment contributing to student success. In this role, staff organize social and educational programs, and serve as mentors and sources of campus information for residents.
The on-campus housing community consists of five traditional residence halls—Sierra, Sutter, Draper, Jenkins, and Desmond halls. The American River Courtyard offers apartment-style suites for sophomores and above. Each building provides furnished living accommodations along with Wi-Fi access, computer lab/print stations, satellite TV in the form of ‘Hornet Philo’ offering 120+ Digital and HD online channels with DVR service, free movies each month through 'Hornet Cinema', study rooms, lounges, kitchenettes, and laundry facilities. Additionally, a central Dining Commons and the American River Courtyard Market provide nutritious dining service to on-campus residents.
Submitting an on-line application for on-campus housing is easy and convenient. Housing applications for the following academic year are available in early March. Students attending for spring semester only can apply for housing in early November. Please visit the Housing Web site at www.csus.edu/housing or contact the Housing and Residential Life Office at (916) 278-6655 for specific application time-lines and housing costs or to arrange a tour. Space fills up quickly so interested students should submit on-line applications and any necessary payment as early as possible during the application period.
Off Campus
A popular off-campus option is the Upper Eastside Lofts (off-campus University affiliated housing), located only a short walk from campus. Trained staff is available to assist students with concerns and referrals to campus resources. Information about the Upper Eastside Lofts may be obtained by calling (916) 739-0900 or view the Web site at http://www.uelsacramento.com/index.php/prop/home.
Please note that the University does not inspect or screen property listings. Individuals must contact landlords personally to assess properties and make their own housing arrangements.
Campus Dining
University Enterprises, Inc., Dining Services
(916) 278-6376
University Enterprises, Inc. provides a wide variety of eateries in all parts of the campus, each offering different menus and types of service ranging from table or counter service to vending machines.
The University Union features an array of dining options, from classic American fare to various ethnic cuisine choices; coffee, smoothies and vending.
On the north side of campus, the River Front Center houses everything from Togo's sandwiches to Panda Express, vegetarian and vegan options, Mediterranean cuisine, and sushi.
Other various food locations are located throughout campus near Lassen Hall, the Library, and the Bookstore.
As a center of excellence, Dining Services works hard to provide friendly, dependable and convenient service while making every effort to produce the freshest and highest quality products.
Catering is also available for a full range of events and activities, both on and off campus. To request information and a catering menu, please call (916) 278-6786.
Visit our website (www.dining.csus.edu) for a current list of eateries, dining map, hours of operation and information on our sustainable practices.
Dining Commons
Dining Commons
(916) 278-6971
For the convenience of students living in the residence halls at Sacramento State, the Dining Commons offers an “All You Care to Eat” meal service in a relaxed setting. The Courtyard Market is a popular convenience store located next to the Dining Commons in the American River Courtyard Residence Hall. Students living off campus may also eat at the Dining Commons and off campus meal plans are available for purchase.
Campus Services
State University Drive East
(916) 278-6446
The Hornet Bookstore carries all textbooks required in campus curricula. The textbook department is located on the 2nd floor of the Hornet Bookstore. Textbooks are available for purchase in-store during store business hours or ordered online anytime at hornetbookstore.com. The Bookstore offers a variety of textbook options, including new, used, rental and digital. Please review the website for specific dates and additional information. All special program participants are advised to contact the Customer Service department before making purchases.
The Bookstore also offers a selection of general interest books, reference books, best sellers, study aids, children’s books, and magazines. A special order service provides books not currently in stock. The Bookstore offers merchandise to make life on campus more convenient. These items include school supplies, sportswear, backpacks, art supplies, calendars, an assortment of greeting cards, sundries, snacks, and cold beverages. The Bookstore offers a selection of laptop and personal computers at academic pricing. Printers, software, and technology related supplies are also available.. Special orders are accepted for items not in stock. The Bookstore Cafe offers coffee, tea, specialty drinks and pastries.
The Bookstore is located on State University Drive East, across from the University and adjacent to Parking Structure II. VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and the Sacramento State One-Card are accepted.
Children's Center (Child Care)
State University Drive
(916) 278-6216
Built with student-raised funds, the Associated Students’ Children’s Center was carefully designed to address the needs of young children. A qualified staff of certificated, experienced teachers welcomes children six months to six years old. Student employees round out the rest of the adult-child ratio, adding a wealth of experience, knowledge, and cultural diversity. The center earned national accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) in 2006 and was re-accredited in 2011.
Children of students, faculty, and staff may attend this program, although priority admission is given to children of enrolled Sacramento State students.
Fees are based on part and full day rates. Students may apply for childcare financial assistance if they meet income eligibility guidelines.
The Store in the University Union
(916) 278-7906
The Store located in the University Union offers basic school supplies, test materials, snacks, cold beverages, logo apparel, gift merchandise, and sundries.
Student Health and Counseling Services
(916) 278-6461
Student Health & Counseling Services (SHCS) is located in The WELL. The center is staffed by a team of medical and mental health professionals to assist students in addressing their medical and mental health concerns. SHCS utilizes an integrated treatment approach, and its multi-disciplinary team of clinicians works collaboratively to optimize students’ wellness through seamless prevention and treatment. SHCS staff includes board certified physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, health educators, pharmacists, an x-ray technologist, psychologists, social workers, marriage & family counselors, advanced graduate-level trainees, and other health care professionals.
SHCS provides the following health and counseling services:
- Acute illness and injury care
- Birth control methods/supplies
- Health & Wellness promotions
- Immunizations
- Men’s health
- Pharmacy
- Pregnancy testing & counseling
- STD/STI testing & treatment
- Violence & sexual assault support services
- Vision Care Center
- Well Woman exams
- X-ray and lab services
- Crisis intervention
- Individual & couples counseling
- Group therapy
- Outreach programs
- Support groups
- Relaxation training
Cost & Eligibility
All currently enrolled students who pay health fees are eligible to access services. Additional fees may apply to specialty services, procedures, pharmaceuticals, vaccines and supplies. Any services received off campus are the financial responsibility of the student. Associated Students Inc. offers health insurance to students. For more information visit www.csuhealthlink.com or call 1-800-853-5899.
Location & Hours
SHCS is located at The WELL, and open Monday – Thursday from 8am to 6pm, and on Fridays from 9am – 4:30pm.*
* Current student identification is required to utilize SHCS.
Online Medical Appointment Scheduling
Students seeking care for routine medical services can make appointments online at www.csus.edu/shcs by clicking the Patient Portal link, or by calling 916-278-6461. Please see the SHCS website for more information.
Urgent/Immediate Care – (916) 278-6461
Patients who require immediate medical attention can be seen on a walk-in basis at the Urgent Care clinic located on the 1st floor of The WELL. All walk-in patients are first screened and assessed by a nurse, then seen or scheduled for further evaluation and treatment as appropriate. An after hours Nurse Advice Line is available by calling 916-278-6416 and selecting option 4. A list of off-campus urgent care facilities and emergency resources are listed on the SHCS website at www.csus.edu/shcs.
Counseling Appointment Scheduling
Counseling services begin with a 10-15 minute phone screening appointment with a staff clinician to assess the nature and urgency of your problem, so that SHCS can arrange the most appropriate next step for you. Counseling appointments must be made by calling SHCS during regular business hours. Please see the SHCS website for more information at www.csus.edu/shcs.
Students should check out SHCS’s new smartphone application, HornetMD. Hornet MD provides a symptom checker, audio health library, self-care information, and immediate escalation to the nurse advice line as appropriate. To download the free application, students should go to www.csus.edu/hornetmd, download the app, then add it to their phone’s home screen and name it HornetMD.
Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)
SHAC is a student-based organization that advises the Vice President for Planning, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs and the Executive Director of Student Health & Counseling Services on student health issues from a student’s perspective, covering such topics as accessibility, hours of operation, scope of services, student fees, quality of care and satisfaction. For more information, check out SHAC’s Facebook page or email SHAC at shaccsus@hotmail.com.
Privacy and confidentiality are fundamental rights to all who use SHCS services. In both Health Services and Mental Health Services, students’ right to privacy is respected and no information is released without student consent, except where disclosure is required by law.
For more information on Student Health Services visit www.csus.edu/shcs or call (916) 278-6461.
Sacramento State Police Department
(Personal Safety and Protection of Public Property)
Police Department Building
Police Emergency: Dial 911 from any campus phone or (916) 278-6900 from cell phone
Police Non-Emergency: (916) 278-6000
The University and the Sacramento State Police Department (formerly known as the Department of Public Safety) encourage the prompt reporting of any incident that compromises the safety, health or rights of Sacramento State community members. The Sacramento State Police Department is the primary respondent for campus emergencies and reports of criminal activity on campus. The Department is open 24-hours-a-day, seven days a week.
Sacramento State Police Officers are fully certified by the State of California with full arrest powers and cooperate with State and local police agencies including the Sacramento City Police and Sacramento County Sheriff's Departments, resulting in the University’s awareness of criminal activity perpetrated beyond the campus. Reports of criminal activity will be fully investigated, and the appropriate referrals will be made with respect to subsequent action by the courts, the University, or both.
For more information on the Sacramento State Police Department's policies and procedures, refer to Appendix K. For The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, please access our website, www.csus.edu/police/cleryact.htm.
Student Resources
University Library
(916) 278-6926
The University Library holds approximately 1,497,745 books (of those: 137,654 ebooks), 99 databases, close to 50,000 media items, and thousands of maps, slides and pamphlets, and several million pieces of microforms and non-print media as well as subscriptions to some 3,000 print and online magazines, technical and scholarly journals, and newspapers. The Library is a depository for California State publications and for selected United States government materials.
OneSearch (the Library catalog and other databases) is searchable via Library computers or the Internet. Authentication is through your SacLink account.
User Services (circulation, reserves, and laptop checkout) and Library Media Services are located on the first floor. The second floor houses the Reference Collection and service points, as well as the Curriculum Collection that contains materials related to elementary and secondary school instruction. The California Department of Education recently designated the University Library as a Learning Resources Display Center for all State adopted textbooks. Periodicals are located on the third floor, and the main circulating collection is on floors 2, 3, 4, and lower level.
The Department of Special Collections and University Archives collects materials from California State University, Sacramento as well as items documenting the social, cultural, economic, and political history of the Sacramento region. Other special Library facilities and services include a map area, group study rooms, a Graduate Studies Reading Area, and a computer lab for student use. Self-service copiers and PrintSmart stations are available on each floor. The Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection is an extensive collection of books, journals, pamphlets, non-book materials, rare books, and manuscript materials as well as art and artifacts related to all aspects of Greek, Byzantine, and Ottoman history and culture.
Orientation tours are conducted at regular intervals during the initial weeks of the fall semester. The reference librarians also offer subject-oriented sessions and other forms of library instruction. Hands-on sessions are scheduled in the Library Instruction Labs.
Items not owned by the Library can be obtained through an interlibrary loan and document delivery service, usually provided without fee to Sacramento State students, faculty, and staff.
Consult the Library homepage for additional information about Library collections and services, hours, staff, maps, exhibits, instructional opportunities and information competence, subject guides, and other materials.
Career Center
Lassen Hall 1013
(916) 278-6231
The Career Center, located in the Academic Advising & Career Center, utilizes a variety of programs and services to assist students in identifying and obtaining their educational and career objectives.
The Career Center provides walk-in career counseling assistance to students. In addition, individual appointments may be scheduled with career counselors to help students identify values, personality traits, skills, and interests that influence their decisions about choices and changes of majors, minors, and work. Students explore fields and occupations of interest using the Career Resource Library, computer databases, assessments, and the Internet. Individualized action plans enhance informational interviews, internships, volunteerism, and employment.
Exploration through experience is an important aspect of making viable academic, work, and life decisions. The Career Center offers several experiential learning programs including: Cooperative Education, Internships, and Student Employment, which provides students with job listings for full-time, part-time, volunteer, community service, internship, and seasonal work. Students have access to job information through Career Connection, an online database, accessible through the Career Center website.
Through the On-Campus Recruitment Program, more than 800 local and regional employers in business, education, and government conduct on-campus interviews with graduating students throughout the academic year. Students benefit from workshops on job search, resume, and interview techniques; orientation to the On-Campus Recruitment process; company literature, videos, and information meetings; and Career Fairs in fall and spring.
The Career Center welcomes students and alumni* Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
*Note: Recent alumni are eligible to use designated Career Center services for an annual fee. See the Career Center website for details.
University Reading and Writing Center
Calaveras Hall 128
(916) 278-6356
The University Reading and Writing Center (URWC) is a place for all Sacramento State students to get help with writing for any course or project. Trained undergraduate and graduate student tutors offer support at any stage of the writing process, including helping writers to identify a focus for a paper, working on development of ideas, refining organization, citing sources, or clarifying language. The URWC emphasizes nonjudgmental and encouraging feedback to help a student not only with a particular assignment but also with becoming a more confident college writer.
If a student is working on a writing assignment in any undergraduate major, in a writing course, or in a graduate course, it is appropriate to come to the URWC. Tutors are experienced in working with the diverse population of Sacramento State students including multilingual and multidialectal writers. Along with guidance on writing assignments, the URWC also provides help for students who are preparing to take the WPJ or other writing tests and for graduate students working on theses or projects. We also offer one unit of academic credit for regular tutoring, ENGL121.
Appointments can be made in person in CLV 128 beginning the second week of classes each semester. Students interested in becoming a University Reading and Writing Center tutor should contact the Director.
Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI)
Sacramento State is strongly committed to providing equal access to information resources and technologies for individuals with disabilities. The Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) web page is located at www.csus.edu/accessibility. The ATI project is a campus-wide initiative, managed by the Information Resources & Technology division, but utilizing support services from across the entire campus. The Faculty Senate, Provost’s Office, Services to Students with Disabilities, Academic Technology & Creative Services, Procurement and Contract Services, the Hornet Bookstore, academic departments, and other units from across the University community work together to improve the accessibility of websites, instructional materials, and electronic and information technology procured by the University. ATI project staff provide consultation to the University community about legal requirements, accessibility, methods, and resources. Comprehensive technical services are available to the campus community for web accessibility, instructional materials accessibility, and procurement accessibility assistance at www.csus.edu/accessibility/Accessible%20Technology%20Web%20pages/Feedback.html.
Information Resources & Technology (IRT)
Academic Information Resources Center 3010
(916) 278-6606
IRT is a division of the campus dedicated to supporting strategic use of all types of information resources and technology. The focus of services is on: a) supporting excellence in teaching and learning; b) improving the quality of the student experience; c) enhancing administrative productivity and quality; and d) using technology to enhance personal productivity for all. Five units of Information Resources and Technology (shown in bold text below) provide customer services to faculty, staff, and students:
Academic Computing
The Academic Computing Resources (ACR) unit provides resources and support for a large variety of academic computing and technology activities across campus. Support of student and faculty integration of technology into the teaching/learning process is integral to all services of the unit. This includes, but is not limited to, the Service Desk, campus-wide Computer Labs, Web Services, comprehensive classroom support, video services, the Faculty/Staff Technology Center, SacCT (Learning Management System) operations, and the Student Technology Center. Most University computing labs are open during fall and spring semesters from early morning through late evening, with one lab in the AIRC Building open 24-hours. Comfortable study areas with wireless access in AIRC are also available to individual students and small groups of students on a 24-hour basis. Academic Computing Resources is developing new services for faculty and students, including a comprehensive web portal, enhanced SacCT (Learning Management System) services, and a laptop loan program. ACR works closely with faculty to ensure all services are matched to campus curricular needs. ACR also provides opportunities for enhanced collaboration with technology support units operating within colleges. The ACR home page is located at www.csus.edu/irt/acr/.
Administrative Computing
Administrative Computing Services (ACS) provides support services for the enterprise-wide computing applications that support core business processes across all divisions and units of the University. Key faculty/student business processes supported by ACS through the Peoplesoft Common Management System include admissions and registration, financial aid, class scheduling, human resources, and finance. Administrative Computing Services also provides a wide range of self-service features for students, faculty, and staff through the University portal, My Sacramento State. These features include access to both view and change personal data as well as to access academic information such as class rosters, class schedules, degree progress, grades, transfer credit, and transcripts. Administrative Computing Services also supports comprehensive data services, including the SacVault Data Warehouse, comprehensive data reporting services, Cognos data analysis tools. ACS also provides services in support of other important administrative functions that users encounter each day, such as parking, development, and alumni relations. The unit is committed to keeping abreast of existing and emerging technologies that can be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative services campuswide. The ACS home page can be found at www.csus.edu/irt/acs/.
Information Security
Protecting the security and confidentiality of information stored on campus for students, faculty, and staff is a critical focus of IRT responsibilities. The Information Security Office (ISO) provides training, awareness, guidance, and oversight to the campus. To ensure the security of campus information, all computer and network users are expected to be aware of and to abide by all applicable information security policies and procedures.
Operations and System Services
The Operations and System Services (OSS) unit keeps Sacramento State’s central computing and network systems up-to-date, secure, and efficient. OSS primarily accomplishes this by providing expert technical assistance to other units within the Information Resources & Technology (IRT) division. Although most OSS services operate outside of the view of the campus public, these services are critical to the daily function of information technology across campus. Essential services provided by OSS include, but are not limited to: campus-wide file storage, campus-wide email services through Microsoft Exchange, control of computer viruses/spam, campus-wide printing services, and management of servers.
Network and Telecommunications Services
All aspects of campus network and telephone systems are the responsibility of Network and Telecommunications Services (NTS). This includes network services to residence halls, remote access to campus, network security, operation of wireless networks, telephone installation/maintenance, voice mail, operator services, directory services, cell phones, and call accounting for departments. NTS also provides instructional and video services to students living in campus residence halls. Support for emergency communications, services for campus video distribution services, design and expansion of the campus network infrastructure and burglary and panic alarm systems are also handled by NTS.
Academic Technology and Creative Services (ATCS)
eLearning, SacCT, Material Development and Creative Services Support
ARC 3005
(916) 278-3370
ATCS utilizes an integrated service approach to provide technology-based consultation, technical assistance and creative expertise in support of the teaching/learning, research, service and outreach missions of the University. Support is provided on both an individualized and global (University) basis. ATCS technology-related services include: consultation, e-Learning support, materials development, event support, Hybrid/Online course development (eAcademy), campus-wide course evaluations, SacCT administration, and faculty & staff training. For a more in-depth description of ATCS's services, visit www.csus.edu/atcs/.
The Sacramento State eLearning Program provides expanded learning opportunities using technology-mediated instructional options. Our services allow students, both regionally and globally, to access classes when they are unable to attend classes on campus. ATCS supports academic departments and programs in the scheduling, marketing, development, and facilitation of matriculated courses through synchronous and asynchronous delivery systems. These systems include: video streaming, virtual classroom technology, audio and video conferencing, and Internet based services. ATCS also assists faculty individually and via our eAcademies in adapting their curriculum, teaching methodologies, and pedagogy for electronic delivery.
Veterans Success Center
Lassen Hall 3003
(916) 278-6733
The Veterans Success Center (VSC) works toward two main goals: to help student veterans and their dependents access their VA benefits and enroll in Sacramento State; and to support and promote retention, graduation, and success of student veterans during their time here.
The VSC assists veterans, active-duty military members, reservists, and dependents of veterans with service connected disabilities file to use their VA educational benefits. The staff provides information on completing VA claim forms for federal and state educational assistance programs, and helps identify and resolve benefit payment problems. They also assist with registration procedures required for students who are sponsored under the California Veterans Fee Waiver.
The Veterans Success Center provides a veteran's lounge, a flexible space where student veterans may socialize, network, and meet other student veterans, study, use provided computers, and reserve space for meetings, activities, or workshops. The VSC additionally offers many opportunities for veterans to get involved in co-curricular leadership activities - stop by the Center or visit the VSC Web site for more information.
The Veterans Success Center is open Monday-Friday from 9:00am - 4:00pm.
Student Organizations & Leadership
University Union, Third Floor
(916) 278-6595
Active participation in recognized student organizations and clubs, leadership development programs, and community service enriches and improves student's learning experience at Sacramento State. Thus, Student Organization & Leadership (SO&L) is committed to encouraging and supporting students to become involved in campus life through a variety of co-curricular and extracurricular programs.
Getting involved on campus is a great way to meet people, learn about campus resources, make lifelong friends and contacts, and enrich the total education experience on the road to graduation. Involvement also helps to make a large university such as Sacramento State seem more personal, as well as provides students with opportunities to develop the skills needed to be successful in the workplace.
Student Organizations & Leadership advises more than 275 student-led clubs and organizations that are social, religious, political, recreational, academic, cultural, fraternal and professional by association. Through participation in these activities, students learn democratic processes, respect for others, develop concern for community issues, gain appreciation for aesthetics and culture, and participate in healthy recreational activities. In addition, Student Organizations & Leadership organizes workshops, conferences and events to help students develop cultural competence, communication skills, and have fun.
Student Organizations & Leadership coordinates the Leadership Initiative (LI), a co-curricular certificate program open to all students that allows students an opportunity to earn a series of certificates that show their commitment and involvement in the program. The LI is also a great way for students to build up their resumes with activities outside the classroom.
SO&L staff members are happy to connect interested students with any of the organizations registered on campus or help them start new clubs and organizations. Get involved today by visiting www.csus.edu/soal or http://www.facebook.com/sacstatesoal.
Associated Students, Inc.
University Union, Third Floor
(916) 278-6784
Associated Students, Inc. (ASI), a $7 million nonprofit corporation, serves as student government at Sacramento State. Programs created and operated by ASI benefit the whole campus community. A student Board of Directors, including the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of University Affairs, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Directors representing each college on campus, governs ASI. Elected each spring, this Board meets regularly through the fall and spring semesters. Students are encouraged to attend Board meetings, bringing their questions and concerns; however, peer representatives remain available at all times to address the needs and interests of their constituency. With numerous committees and work teams, ASI offers students an assortment of ways to get involved in campus life and student representation. Participation as an employee or volunteer provides students valuable experience and important future career contacts. ASI services to Sacramento State students range from free legal aid to discount movie tickets. Programs include Business Office and Student Services, the Children’s Center, the Aquatic Center, Peak Adventures, KSSU, and Safe Rides. ASI also maintains the "Hot Spot", which coordinates ASI campus life outreach and community service events. Located on the main floor of the University Union, the Hot Spot is a great place to learn about ASI opportunities and to get information about a wide range of topics such as housing, employment, and University services. Through various grants and scholarships, ASI contributes financial support to student clubs and organizations, other University programs, and individual students. To get involved in ASI activities, call (916) 278-6784. To get more information stop by their office or go to www.asi.csus.edu.
The Centers for Diversity and Inclusion
University Library Room 1010
(916) 278-6101
The Centers for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) are comprised of the Multi-Cultural, Women’s Resource and PRIDE Centers. The Centers support the needs of diverse communities by providing educational programs and welcoming spaces for all students, but especially those who feel marginalized. Center staffs help students learn about themselves and others. By partnering with multiple campus and community entities the Centers contribute to a more inclusive campus environment. Each Center provides programs and services unique to its target populations and allies.
The Multi-Cultural Center (MCC) is committed to responding to student needs by building relationships, fostering cultural understanding, appreciating multiculturalism and diversity as well as advocating for social justice. Contact information: University Library Room 1010 (916) 278-6101 www.csus.edu/mcc
The Women's Resource Center (WRC) works to eliminate gender discrimination and oppression by cultivating women's individual and social development. The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) provides a supportive environment, resources, educational encouragement, advocacy, outreach, and community alliances for women and their allies. Contact information: 1st Floor, University Union, (916) 278-7388 www.csus.edu/wrc
The PRIDE Center offers advocacy and outreach services to the LGBTIQQAA community at Sacramento State. Through classroom panels, Safe Zone Trainings, and other educational and celebratory programs and events, the PRIDE Center advocates for the respect, inclusion, and safety of all members of the campus community. Contact information: 1st Floor, University Union (916) 278-8720 www.csus.edu/pride
Programs and services include, but not limited to:
- Leadership development opportunities: internships, volunteer positions, and other opportunities for personal development
- Collaborative projects with student organizations to encourage students to engage their social, intellectual skills through campus networks
- Supportive and vital environments where students can study, rest, and mingle with other students interested in intersectionality and academic success
- Workshops and community-building events aimed at connecting students, staff, and faculty
Director, Centers for Diversity and Inclusion
Edward Jones ...............................278-6101
Student Literary Journal
Calaveras Hall 117
(916) 278-6492
An annual student run publication, Calaveras Station Literary Journal solicits submissions of student writing in the fall semester, accepting approximately 10 percent for inclusion in its spring issue. Perfect bound and professionally designed, this journal offers its readers poetry, short fiction, essays, and literary criticism from a campus-wide selection of authors. Its website provides a glimpse into the current edition as well as past issues, with lists of student editors and submission details. English Department professors serve as faculty advisors.
The State Hornet Newspaper
University Union, First Floor
(916) 278-6583
Twitter: @TheStateHornet
Instagram: @statehornet
An award-winning campus newspaper that began more than 650 years ago, The State Hornet has evolved from a four-page mimeographed publication into a weekly broadsheet on Wednesdays and daily publication online during the fall and spring semesters.publishes unique content online Monday thru Friday; 24/7 on social media; and in print every Wednesday.
Students working on The State Hornet garner experience in reporting, editing, graphic design, photography, advertising, Web design, marketing, and management. As a working laboratory, The State Hornet the Hornet provides students with both academic credits and academic scholarshipsfinancial
Buoyed by the paper’s strong alumni support, recent graduates have gone on to positions with the Associated Press, The Los Angeles Times, Newsday, the Sacramento Bee, local newspapers, and many Web-related businesses. The State Hornet boasts a state- of-the-art newsroom stocked with Macintosh computers and Canon cameras. Numerous awards over the years include the General Excellence Award from the California Newspaper Publishers Association, and Best in Show and the Online Pacemaker from Associated Collegiate Press.
University Union
(916) 278-6997
The University Union is a welcoming environment where students, faculty, staff, and alumni participate in campus life and events; it features a host of support services and facilities to meet the ever-changing needs of the Sacramento State community.
The Union houses the Hornet’s Nest Food Court, which features Burger King, Gordito Burrito, Panda Express, Good Eats!, Mother India, and an extensive vending area. The Union also houses Round Table Pizza at the Hive, Jamba Juice, EcoGrounds Cafe, and The Buzz. In addition, the University restaurant, Epicure, offers full service dining with indoor and outdoor seating.
The Union houses amenities such as an information desk available at (916) 278-6997, an art gallery, group study spaces, computer lounges, and a full-service day spa (offering massage, haircuts, manicures/pedicures, and more). The Store in the Union carries a tremendous variety of convenience items including school and beauty supplies, snacks, magazines, and greeting cards. Students in the Union may also take advantage of wireless internet throughout the facility, a music-listeing/video-watching area, and a games room which offers billiards, table tennis, and the latest home console games on PS3 and XBOX 360.
The University Union provides support facilities including a ballroom, a 175 fixed-seat auditorium, and meeting rooms to accommodate almost any size meeting or event. The Union also takes advantage of a music listening/video area, group study spaces, and a games room which offers billiards, table tennis, and the latest video arcade and home games. The Union provides many student offices including Student Organizations and Leadership, Event Services, the PRIDE Center, the Women's Resource Center, ASI Business and Government, The State Hornet newspaper, KSSU radio station, ASI Hot Spot, and the Police Service Center.
UNIQUE Programs
University Union, Third Floor
(916) 278-3928
University Union UNIQUE Programs is a student conducted volunteer program that helps plan, develop, and produce a wide variety of cultural, educational, and entertainment programs for the University community. These activities include a Cultural Affairs Series, performing arts, lectures, and a weekly “Nooner” event series, as well as an array of special films, concerts, and comedy showcases.
Students interested in learning about and participating in the planning of campus programs, promotion, production, planning, or other aspects of activity programming, should contact UNIQUE regarding volunteer opportunities.
Aquatic Center
Lake Natoma
(916) 278-2842, (916) 278-1105
The Sacramento State Aquatic Center, Northern California’s most comprehensive aquatic, boating, and safety center, is celebrating 31 years of service to the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Sacramento State and the Sacramento community. Located on beautiful Lake Natoma, the center provides high quality boating instruction and safety programs through education, recreation, and competition.
Established in 1981, the Center is a cooperative operation of Associated Students, Inc. and the University Union of California State University, Sacramento; the California Department of Boating and Waterways; the California Department of Parks and Recreation; and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
The Center’s programs include classes for academic credit; leisure adult classes open to the community; competitive rowing, water skiing, wake boarding, and sailing teams; youth summer programs and camps; facility and room rentals; team building exercises; and special event facilitation. The Sacramento State Aquatic Center is also the home of the Sacramento State Men’s and Women's Rowing teams and Sacramento State Wakeboard and Water Ski Teams.
The Center is open to the general public as well as to Sacramento State students, faculty, staff, and alumni, who can receive a discount on boat rentals and leisure classes by showing their OneCard or Alumni Affiliation card.
Located next to Nimbus Dam at Highway 50 and Hazel Avenue, the Aquatic Center offers picnic tables, barbecues, boat docks, and beach front lake access. Additionally, there is an abundance of aquatic equipment available: life jackets, kayaks, canoes, rowing shells, sailboats, hydrobikes, stand up paddle boards, windsurfers, jet skis, competition wakeboard and water ski boats, and a weight room.
Hosting annual regional and national rowing regattas, water ski tournaments, and special events attracting local, national, and international athletes, the Aquatic Center has developed into a benchmark aquatic and boating safety facility.
Intercollegiate Athletics
Department of Intercollegiate Athletics
Athletics Center 134
(916) 278-6481
Sacramento State is committed to providing equal opportunities to men and women students in intercollegiate athletics. Approximately 500 students participate in the athletics program with athletic scholarships awarded to student-athletes in every sport.
The A.G. Spanos Sports Complex provides excellent facilities for football and a superior track and field facility that was selected to host the U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials in 2000 and 2004, the NCAA Division I Outdoor Championships in 2003, 2005, 2006, and 2007, and the USATF National Championships in 2014. The Nest serves as the home for women’s volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, and women’s gymnastics. Both the baseball and softball teams had their on-campus stadiums renovated in 2003, and the men’s and women’s soccer teams also compete in a recently renovated facility. The women’s rowing team trains and competes at the Sacramento State Aquatic Center on Lake Natoma, rated as one of the nation’s top aquatics facilities. The University has hosted the NCAA Women’s Rowing Championships at the site in 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2015.
The most recent facility to come online (Spring 2008) is the Eli and Edythe Broad Fieldhouse, a 25,000 square-foot structure at the south end of the Spanos Sports Complex. The state-of-the-art facility houses football and track and field locker rooms, offices, and meeting rooms as well as an athletic performance center, athletic training center, and equipment room.
Student-athletes benefit from quality training and conditioning facilities with three full-time athletic trainers consulting and treating athletes daily. Sacramento State is home of one of the few accredited undergraduate athletic training programs in Northern California. Each sport also has a designated strength and conditioning program for its athletes.
Sacramento State competes at the Division I level of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and is a member of the Big Sky Conference in football (I-AA), men's and women's basketball, men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s indoor and outdoor track, men’s and women’s tennis, men’s and women’s golf, women's soccer and volleyball. The University's baseball team competes in the Western Athletic Conference (WAC) and the gymnastics program is a member of the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation. The men's soccer team competes in the Big West Conference and the rowing team joined the American Athletic Conference in the fall of 2014. Sand volleyball was added as Sacramento State’s 21st intercollegiate sport in 2013, and the team competes in the Northern California Sand Volleyball Consortium.
All registered Sacramento State students are admitted free of charge to regular season on-campus home athletic events.
Peak Adventures
The Well, First Floor
(916) 278-6321
ASI Peak Adventures is an outdoor adventure provider for Northern California. We are dedicated to providing adventure education and leadership development opportunities for all ages. We have been guiding people on outdoor adventures since 1989, and have become the most unique, diverse, and affordable outdoor recreation provider within the Sacramento Valley.
Our Adventure Specialists are passionate about helping participants feel at ease while daring to adventure away from home. Our offerings include backpacking, day hiking, camping, mountain biking, rock climbing, white water rafting and more! We also teach snowshoeing, snowboarding, cross country skiing and downhill skiing. We guarantee to boost participants’ adventure confidence!
The Peak Adventures Challenge Center empowers individuals and teams to achieve greater results through a personalized learning experience they won’t forget! Our skilled facilitators engage participants in interactive games that build relationships, challenging problem-solving activities to strengthen teamwork, and exciting climbing opportunities to inspire personal growth. Over 8,000 participants from Sacramento State campus groups as well as community and professional organizations benefit each year.
During the summer months Peak Adventures offers week-long outdoor youth camps for campers ages 9-17. For the younger kids, activities include scavenger hunts, arts and crafts, games, water activities and lots more! Older kids have the choice to backpack for a week or experience a new activity each day ranging from our on-campus ropes course, outdoor rock climbing and white water rafting.
Our full service bike shop is known for its prices and remembered for its top notch service. Highly skilled service mechanics perform repairs, sell parts and accessories, teach bike maintenance classes and offer free clinics. We get cyclists and their bikes rolling, whether commuting or recreating. All of our programming is available to the general public, with Sacramento State students receiving special discounted pricing.
“Adventure Begins Here”
(916) 278-9355
The WELL is a 151,000 square foot facility with over 120,000 feet of recreational space, including six volleyball courts, five basketball courts, four racquetball courts, three fitness studios, an indoor track, approximately 15,000 square feet of cardio machine and free weights, as well as the largest climbing wall in the CSU system. The WELL is also the home of Student Health & Counseling services and Peak Adventures.
Located in The Well, the Sacramento State Campus Recreation program provides opportunities for all students, faculty and staff to participate in intramural sports, informal recreation, fitness classes, personal training, and special events. In addition to structured activities, the WELL features open recreation hours for members who would like to shoot some hoops or run on our indoor track, as well as rock climbing for all skill levels, racquetball courts, cafe, and much more.
Students at The WELL may work toward reaching their fitness goals by utilizing the wide variety of cardio and strength equipment, participating in group fitness classes, or working with one of the WELL's nationally-certified personal trainers. Whether students are a beginning, intermediate or advanced exerciser, the WELL has options for everyone. The diverse schedule of group fitness classes includes yoga, dance, pilates, cycling, and body sculpting among many others. cardio machines, free weights, and strength equipment are available for open use during the building operation hours. The WELL also offers various wellness workshops and fitness assessments opportunities to help you reach your wellness goals.
Students may sign up as a team or as individuals for intramural sports such as flag football, tennis, basketball, volleyball and indoor and outdoor soccer. The WELL special events include dodgeball, golf, bowling, racquetball and badminton just to name a few, and the WELL offers men's, women's and co-recreational divisions in most sports and encourages everyone to join the fun - regardless of previous experience or skill level.