Support Programs
Career Development

Career Planning Services are available through the College of Engineering and Computer Science including career classes, workshops, job listings, job fairs, and guest speakers from the industry and government. The College of Engineering and Computer Science, with programs accredited by ABET (CAC/EAC), employs a director of career services to assist students in choice of major, career planning, and obtaining career-related experience during their education, and in finding professional level employment at graduation. Students in engineering and computer science are encouraged to take advantage of career services early in their educational process and to obtain experience available in a wide range of business, industry, and government organizations in the greater Sacramento area. Through these opportunities students gain valuable experience and information about how engineering and computer science principles are applied in the real world.
Information is available on a wealth of career related topics including demand for engineers and computer science majors, job descriptions, salary ranges for technical graduates, corporate contacts, industry trends, and current job listings on our Career Services web-site at http://career.ecs.csus.edu.
Cici Mattiuzzi, Director
ECS, Career Programs
(916) 278-7091
Computing, Communications, and Academic Technology Services
The College of Engineering and Computer Science’s Computing, Communications, and Academic Technology Services unit (abbreviated ECS Computing Services) is the integrated Information and Academic Technology (IT/AT) unit for the College. ECS Computing Services is a part of the Dean’s Office and serves all faculty, staff, and students of the College. It is the College unit charged with implementing and supporting the ECS Information Technology Plan, and provides comprehensive IT/AT support to the College.
This support includes hardware, software, networking, and consulting for both academic and research computing and communications. ECS Computing Services manages all the College’s computing facilities, including servers for administration, academic computing, E-mail and Web-hosting, as well as forty-two MS Windows or Linux workstation-equipped laboratories containing 600+ workstations and the College’s local area network. Computer accounts are maintained for approximately 3,000 faculty, staff, projects, and students.
The ECS Computing Services unit was founded in 1986 when the College procured its first two minicomputers, a pair of DEC VAX 11/785s. The organization has evolved significantly over the years and today is focused on supporting a highly distributed and virtualized computing and communications environment.
The forty-two computer equipped laboratories are located in three buildings occupied by the College - Riverside Hall, Santa Clara Hall, and the first floor of the Academic Information Resource Center. Examples of specific labs include: Open Labs, Structures Lab, Mechanical Processes Lab, Service Courses Lab, Operating Systems Lab, Special Projects Labs, Computer Architecture Lab, Network and Communications Lab, Programming Labs, Security and Forensics Lab, Circuit Design Lab, Senior Project Design Labs, Mixed Signal Design Lab, Mechanical Design Lab, Construction Management Lab, Robotics Lab, Environmental Engineering Lab, Digital Signal Processing Lab, Virtual Instrumentation Lab, Biomedical Lab, Graduate Projects Design Labs, Biomechanics Lab, Power Lab, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab, Mechatronix Lab, 3D Modeling Lab, Automotive Engineering, and a Energy Systems Lab. One of these open labs also houses the ECS Computing Services Help Desk, which is staffed with student consultants and provide faculty, staff, and student support six days a week during the academic semester.
Standard software packages such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc., are provided and distributed by ECS Computing Services. In addition, department-specific software packages such as MentorGraphics, AutoCad, ProEngineer, Patran, Synopsys, etc., are maintained and supported. Linux and MS Windows are the dominant desktop Operating Systems in use.
The College has a central machine room for servers and network infrastructure. There are approximately thirty physical servers in the College Datacenter, running Linux, Windows Server 2008, HPUX and Solaris. Approximately ten of those host another fifty-one customized Virtual Servers in a highly redundant Virtual Center. The College also maintains numerous multimedia classroom facilities and a Skype-based teleconference facility.
Additional information, documentation check-out, forms, centralized printer/plotter output, lab support, and user consulting are available at the Help Desk in the main ECS Computing Services Lab, Riverside Hall 2011, (916) 278-6690. Further information may also be obtained from the ECS Web page at www.ecs.csus.edu.
Mike Wimple, Director
Center for Information Assurance and Security
The mission of the center is to advance knowledge of information assurance and security practices through:
- Education, training, and awareness programs in information assurance and security issues and practices.
- Applied research in information assurance and security.
- Developing interdisciplinary programs in information assurance and security.
- Outreach programs to assist our community, including community colleges, K-12 schools, industry, and government in information assurance and security issues.
- Forming collaboration with other education, research, industry, and government institutions as partners.
Isaac Ghansah, Director
Cooperative Education Program
The College strongly endorses cooperative education (Co-op) as a means to enrich the student's education. Cooperative education relates theory to practice, provides "learning by doing" and connects students with industry. The Co-op program provides periods of university study with paid work experience in the student's major field of study. Students are encouraged to participate in the Co-op plan by completing at least one four- to six-month work period before obtaining their degree. Credit is granted for successful completion of the Co-op requirements. Students interested in the Cooperative Education Program should apply in Lassen Hall 1013.
Career Center
Lassen Hall 1013
Electrical Power Educational Institute
The Electrical Power Educational Institute (EPEI) of the College of Engineering and Computer Science was established in 1981. The main objective of EPEI is to enhance the electrical power engineering education at California State University, Sacramento. It provides an important link between the University and the electrical power engineering industry, including electric power utility companies and technical organizations of the state. The industrial advisory board members of the EPEI are engineering executives and accomplished senior engineers from the electrical power industry. The EPEI provides scholarship support for, and recognition of, electric power engineering students.
Turan Gonen, Director
MESA Engineering Program (MEP)
Participation in the MESA Engineering Program (MEP) increases the probability that students will be successful in their engineering or computer science studies. The program focuses on the recruitment, retention, and graduation of highly motivated students from educationally and financially disadvantaged backgrounds. MEP emphasizes participation by groups with low eligibility rates for four-year colleges and low rates of enrollment in engineering and computer science majors.
The MEP program provides an on-campus ''home'' for its members with a large 24 hours-a-day study center/computer lab. MEP provides academic and professional development workshops, freshmen orientation courses, counseling, tutoring, and study groups and assists in the coordination of retention services for all students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science.
For more details call (916) 278-6699.
Office of Water Programs
The Office of Water Programs (OWP) is a self-funded program and is the international leader in providing training to operators and managers of water and wastewater treatment facilities. OWP develops and implements programs and publishes training materials for operators of water treatment plants, water distribution systems, wastewater collection systems, and municipal and industrial wastewater treatment and reclamation facilities. OWP also offers programs and publications for pretreatment facility inspectors, environmental compliance inspectors, and utility managers. All training is offered as distance learning, using correspondence, video, or computer-based formats with opportunities to earn continuing education and contact hours for operators, supervisors, managers and administrators. OWP engineers and scientists perform and manage research efforts focused on characterizing water quality issues, including developing and testing methods to improve water quality. Our researchers provide technical advice on water policy issues, assist in watershed planning, and perform modeling, data analysis, and cost assessment to help both the public and private sectors make informed decisions based on accurate information and good science.
Ramzi J. Mahmood, Director
High School
Students entering as freshmen build primarily upon the foundations established in high school mathematics, physical sciences, computer programming, and oral and written communication. High school study for all majors should include:
- Algebra: 2 years
Plane Geometry: 1 year
Trigonometry: 1/2 year
Chemistry: 1 year
Physics: 1 year
Mechanical Drawing: 1 year (only for civil and mechanical engineering majors)
Computer literacy and programming, analytic geometry, and calculus are desirable.
Students transferring from community colleges with at least 65 transferable units including physics, calculus and differential equations, chemistry, computer programming, and lower division engineering courses as listed in this catalog for each program, may complete their engineering or computer science bachelor of science degree programs with four semesters of additional full-time study. Articulation agreements with most of the community colleges in Northern California state exact course equivalencies. Community college counseling staffs are prepared to answer questions regarding articulation. Students planning to transfer from community colleges or four-year institutions with upper division standing are advised to parallel closely the appropriate California State University, Sacramento engineering, engineering technology, construction management, or computer science program in the lower division. Completion of General Education requirements before transfer is NOT recommended or desirable, but rather, emphasis should be placed on taking prescribed basic science and engineering courses. Students should be aware that some of the major requirements also satisfy General Education requirements.
Professional Development
Engineering and computer science students are encouraged to become acquainted with the functions and the branches of engineering and computer science in order to evaluate their own interests and abilities more carefully. For this purpose student chapters of national organizations have been established in the college. It is to the students' advantage to become affiliated with the technical society in their interest area soon after enrolling in the University. Students with high scholastic achievement may be invited to join Tau Beta Pi, the national engineering honor society or Upsilon Pi Epsilon, or the national computer science honor society.
Whenever possible, students should consider summer and part-time employment in a professional organization or an industry related to their major interest. Students are encouraged to take advantage of Cooperative Education opportunities. (See above). This employment will provide the undergraduate student with practical experience in real world engineering or computer science problems. The College's Career Development Office, working with the faculty and local industry, assists the student in securing employment.
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science degree programs are offered in Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Construction Management, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. The engineering curricula are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET (EAC/ABET), 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012, Telephone (410) 347-7700. The computer science curricula are accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET (CAC/ABET). The Construction Management Program is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE), 1300 Hudson Lane, Suite 3, Monroe, LA 71201-6054, Telephone (318) 323-2413.
Students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science are required to meet the general education requirements of the University.
Engineering students must satisfy the 16-unit humanities and social science requirement of EAC/ABET. Construction Management students must satisfy the 18-unit humanities and social science requirements of ACCE. Students should consult with their advisers to determine which courses meet accreditation requirements for social sciences and humanities. By choosing carefully, the student can satisfy the University's General Education requirements with these classes.
While the objective of a broad liberal education is served through independent humanities and social science courses, it is recommended that some courses in these subject areas be at an advanced level rather than a selection of unrelated beginning courses. Courses treating such subjects as accounting, industrial management, finance, personnel administration, art and music skills, introductory language, and ROTC studies do not fulfill the accreditation humanities-social science requirement.
Enrollment in upper division courses offered by the college is normally restricted to students who have satisfactorily completed all lower division requirements and who have been admitted to one of the majors in the college. Within each program, different patterns of study are possible through a judicious choice of electives.
Minor In Engineering
Non-majors in engineering may elect to minor in this field. Minor requirements may be satisfied by completing 21 approved units, of which 12 must be upper division. Students who have not completed the lower division requirements in calculus, including differential equations, physics, chemistry, and a few engineering courses will find it difficult to complete this minor in the four-year program due to the prerequisite requirements of upper division engineering courses.
Students wishing to minor in engineering must have their minor program approved by the Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science. The program should normally include: ENGR 17, ENGR 30, ENGR 45, ENGR 110, ENGR 112, ENGR 124, ENGR 132.
There are also several Minor Options offered in Computer Science. Please refer to that section of the catalog for more information.
Master of Science
While graduates of baccalaureate programs enjoy successful careers in many aspects of engineering, graduate study is becoming more desirable for qualified students who expect to practice in research and development, teaching, management and many areas of design.
The MS degree programs offered in the College of Engineering and Computer Science include Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Software Engineering.
In addition, special interdisciplinary studies are possible in selected areas chosen by the student in consultation with the faculty of the College.
The Master of Science programs require a minimum of 30 units of approved graduate study. The option availability of Plan A, B, or C is indicated with each specialization. Refer to the appropriate sections for detailed information concerning admission and degree requirements.
General information on admission requirements and general graduate study regulations are listed in the section, ''Graduate Degree Curricula,'' of this catalog.
Note: Each engineering course is administered by one of the engineering departments. Information on these courses may be obtained in any of the engineering department offices.
Programs of instruction leading to the following degrees offered by the college are listed in the catalog in separate sections.
- Civil Engineering, BS, MS
- Computer Science, BS, MS
- Computer Engineering, BS, MS
- Construction Management, BS
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering, BS, MS
- Mathematics and Applied Computing (not ABET accredited), BS
- Mechanical Engineering, BS, MS
Contact Information
Emir Macari, Dean
Vacant, Associate Dean
Fausta Romo, Administrative Analyst Specialist
Denise Anderson, Administrative Support Coordinator
Cynda Dart, Administrative Support Coordinator
Stella Premo, Director of Development
For more information, visit the Web site for the College
of Engineering & Computer Science at www.ecs.csus.edu.
Riverside Hall 2014
(916) 278-6366