- COMPLETE COURSE LISTING: Graduate and Professional Studies in Education
Bachelor of Arts Degree
Bachelor of Science in Career and Technical Studies
- American Sign Language/Deaf Studies
- Bilingual/Multicultural Education
- Child Development
- Education
- Teacher Education
Master of Arts in Education
- Child Development
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Curriculum and Instruction Arts Cohort
- Curriculum and Instruction - National Boards
- Curriculum and Instruction - Online Cohort
- Curriculum and Instruction - Uncohorted
- Educational Leadership
- Educational Technology (iMET)
- Gender Equity Studies
- Higher Education Leadership
- Language and Literacy
- Multicultural Education
- School Psychology
- Special Education
- Workforce Development Advocacy
Master of Science in Counseling
- Career Counseling
- Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling
- School Counseling
- Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling
Specialist in Education (Ed.S)
Doctorate of Education
Basic Teaching Credentials
- Education Specialist: Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) - Level I and II
- Education Specialist: Mild/Moderate(M/M) Disabilities Specialist, including Internships (Level I)
- Education Specialist: Mild/Moderate(M/M) Disabilities Specialist with Multiple Subject, including Internships (Level I)
- Education Specialist: Moderate/Severe(M/S) Disabilities Specialist, including Internships (Level I)
- Education Specialist: Moderate/Severe(M/S) Disabilities Specialist with Multiple Subject, including Internships (Level I)
- Education Specialist: Mild/Moderate/Severe(M/M/S) Disabilities Specialist (Level II)
- Language and Academic Development BCLAD Emphasis
- Multiple Subject, Bilingual Authorization in Spanish or Hmong
- Multiple Subject, with English Learner Authorization (ELA Enhanced)
- Multiple Subject, Teacher Education
- Single Subject, with English Learner Authorization (ELA Enhanced)
- Single Subject, Bilingual Authorization in Spanish or Hmong
- Single Subject, Teacher Education (See also Content Specific information below)
Single Subject (Secondary)
- Art
- English
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- French
- German
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Science: Biology
- Science: Chemistry
- Science: Geosciences
- Science: Physics
- Social Science
- Spanish
Note: Waiver programs leading to baccalaureate degrees may have different requirements from non-waiver degree programs.
Specialist Credentials
Note: Must hold a Basic Teaching Credential in some cases.Services Credentials
- Clinical Rehabilitative Services
- Preliminary Administrative Services*
- Preliminary Administrative Services Internship*
- Professional Administrative Services**
- Pupil Personnel Services School Counseling
- Pupil Personnel Services School Counseling Internship
- Pupil Personnel Services (School Psychologist, including Internship)
- Pupil Personnel Services (Social Work)
- School Nurse Services Credential
- Teacher Librarian Services Preliminary Administrative Services*
* Must either hold a Basic Teaching Credential, a Pupil Personnel Services Credential, or School Nurse Services Credential.
** Must hold Preliminary Administrative Services Credential.
Certificates of Competency
- American Sign Language
- Early Childhood Special Education
- Educational Technology
- Mathematics Education
- Reading Certificate/Reading Program
- Resource Specialist
Minor Requirements
The minor in Education consists of 12 or more units in upper division education courses approved by a departmental advisor. The Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department (BMED), Child Development Department (CHDV), Special Education, Rehabilitation, School Psychology and Deaf Studies Department (EDS) and Teacher Education Department (EDTE) offer minors in Education. These minors may be particularly useful to students who intend to pursue a post-baccalaureate credential program (teaching, counseling, etc.) or who intend graduate study in a Human Resources Area, e.g., Communication Studies, Criminal Justice, Counseling, Family and Consumer Sciences, Nursing, Recreation Administration, Social Welfare, Speech Pathology and Audiology, Vocational Education.
Teacher Preparation and Credentials Office
The Teacher Preparation and Credentials Office (TPAC) in the College of Education houses the Teacher Preparation Program office and Credentials office. The staff provide advising and services for gaining entrance to teacher preparation programs and meeting credential requirements. Contact persons and telephone numbers are listed under the "TPAC" heading.
College of Education Equity Coordinator
The Equity Coordinator is responsible for designing and coordinating recruitment and support programs for targeted students in the College of Education. As such, the Coordinator spends significant time advising and guiding students both individually and in group settings on course and program selection, job searching, academic internships, minors in education, scholarships and financial aid. The Coordinator assists students to resolve any problems that may affect their ability to be successful in the educational and career pursuits and to refer students to the needed campus services as appropriate. The Coordinator then follows these students and academic advising and/or student support services until they have successfully completed their teaching credential or degree. In addition, the Equity Coordinator oversees test preparation courses and workshops to help students prepare for the exams required for a teaching credential including the CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills Test) and the CSET (California Subject Examinations for Teachers). For further information contact Adriana Echandia, Eureka Hall 212, (916) 278-4324 or go to www.edweb.csus.edu/equity.
Department and Faculty
University faculty advise students concerning the completion of program requirements. Students are urged to work closely with their advisors, through all phases of their program. Contact persons and telephone numbers are listed in the sections of this catalog which follow for each department in the College of Education.
Students and advisors should note that credential requirements and procedures are being reviewed continually by the Legislature and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, and are subject to change.
Contact Information
Office of the Dean
Vanessa Sheared, Dean
La Tina Gago, Assistant to the Dean
Eureka Hall 206A
(916) 278-6639
Office of the Associate Dean
Vacant, Associate Dean
Susan Colley-Monk, Assistant to the Associate Dean
Eureka Hall 208
(916) 278-5088
Teacher Preparation and Credentials Office
Karen Davis O'Hara, Director
Eureka Hall 208
(916) 278-5088
Kathe Goodwin, Lead Program Advisor
Eureka Hall 216
(916) 278-6403
Carol Lucido, Credential Analyst
Eureka Hall 209
(916) 278-4567
For more information, visit the Web site for the College of Education at www.edweb.csus.edu/.